The Battle of Helsreach was an Imperial effort to defend the vital industrial port hive city of Helsreach on the Hive World of Armageddon from a massive Ork assault that was a part of the great Ork WAAAGH! of the Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka during the Third War for Armageddon in 999.M41. Hive Helsreach was one of the largest and most populous hive cities on the continent of Armageddon Secundus and an important strategic and industrial asset to the forces of the Imperium of Man. Hive Helsreach was the only notable port facility and refinery complex on the shores of the Tempest Ocean. Helsreach specialised in processing raw materials and crude petroleum brought in by ship and pipeline from the drilling platforms located off the coast of Armageddon Secundus and the frigid Deadlands in
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| - The Battle of Helsreach was an Imperial effort to defend the vital industrial port hive city of Helsreach on the Hive World of Armageddon from a massive Ork assault that was a part of the great Ork WAAAGH! of the Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka during the Third War for Armageddon in 999.M41. Hive Helsreach was one of the largest and most populous hive cities on the continent of Armageddon Secundus and an important strategic and industrial asset to the forces of the Imperium of Man. Hive Helsreach was the only notable port facility and refinery complex on the shores of the Tempest Ocean. Helsreach specialised in processing raw materials and crude petroleum brought in by ship and pipeline from the drilling platforms located off the coast of Armageddon Secundus and the frigid Deadlands in
| - At least thirty Crooked Moon warbands; millions of Ork Boyz; Estimated 120 Gargants; unknown number of vehicles, aircraft and Submersibles
- Multiple Armageddon Steel Legion and city militia regiments, 100 Space Marines of the Black Templars Chapter, 19 Titans of the Legio Invigilata, Imperial Navy air support squadrons; 97 Sisters of Battle of the Order of the Argent Shroud
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| - Colonel Sarren of the 101st Armageddon Steel Legion, Reclusiarch Grimaldus of the Black Templars, Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion of the Legio Invigilata
- Warlord of the Crooked Moon tribe; multiple other Warlords and Warbosses of the Ork clans and tribes under Ghazghkull's supreme command
| - Siege of single hive city and its outskirts
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| - Orks of WAAAGH! Ghazghkull
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| - Hive Helsreach on Hive World of Armageddon during Third War for Armageddon
| - Fighting interrupted by the dawning of Armageddon's Season of Fire; Orks remain in portions of the hive city, the rest withdraw to their initial footholds, Imperial forces use respite to reinforce their position; Hive Helsreach left in ruins
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| - Unknown, in the millions; extensive losses amongst all Ork assets; nearly all Ork Gargants destroyed, including the Godbreaker; one third of the Crooked Moon tribe destroyed
- In the tens of millions; extensive losses amongst Imperial Guard and city militia regiments; Black Templars detachment all but wiped out; Sisters of Battle force wiped out; Legio Invigilata battlegroup devastated, the Stormherald destroyed; Imperial Navy wings destroyed; at least half of the city's civilian population butchered
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| - The Battle of Helsreach was an Imperial effort to defend the vital industrial port hive city of Helsreach on the Hive World of Armageddon from a massive Ork assault that was a part of the great Ork WAAAGH! of the Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka during the Third War for Armageddon in 999.M41. Hive Helsreach was one of the largest and most populous hive cities on the continent of Armageddon Secundus and an important strategic and industrial asset to the forces of the Imperium of Man. Hive Helsreach was the only notable port facility and refinery complex on the shores of the Tempest Ocean. Helsreach specialised in processing raw materials and crude petroleum brought in by ship and pipeline from the drilling platforms located off the coast of Armageddon Secundus and the frigid Deadlands in the south. Helsreach also produced Promethium fuel for half of the hive cities on Armageddon Secundus -- without it, the planet's capacity to provide fuel for its own defence would be severely hindered. The Orks unleashed a great assault on Helsreach at the very beginning of the war. Although the Greenskins' attack left the hive city virtually demolished, they did not succeed in dislodging the Imperial defenders before the dawn of the planet's Season of Fire, which forced both sides to abandon combat operations.