| - (Anankos dissolves and is defeated)
* Avatar: Did we do it? Did we beat the Silent Dragon?
* Azura: Yes... Anankos has been destroyed.
* Elise: We did it! I feel so incredibly happy right now!
* Sakura: M-me too! I'm so happy!
* Leo: I was honestly worried how things were going for a moment...
* Takumi: It all worked out. We were able to win because we all worked together.
* Camilla: Now the world is safe again... Thanks to our darling Avatar.
* Hinoka: This feeling of relief... It's very much like flying.
* Ryoma: The battle is over, Prince Xander. We have won.
* Xander: We have, Prince Ryoma. We've restored peace to the world together.
* Azura: Mother... Father... We did it.
* Avatar: Azura. It's finally over.
* Azura: Thank you, Avatar. I'm so glad I met you—that we fought together to accomplish this.
* Avatar: I feel the same way. Thank you, Azura! (Scene transitions to the Vallite throne room. The Avatar is kneeling before Azura and the throne)
* Xander: We will now commence the coronation of Avatar, the new king/queen of Valla...
* Ryoma: Starting today, Avatar shall be known as the ruler of Valla.
* Azura: Here, Avatar. It's time to accept your crown. (Azura hands Avatar their crown. Scene transition)
* Azura: Congratulations.
* Jakob: Congratulations, milord/milady.
* Avatar: Thank you.
* Felicia: Please, milord/milady. Got sit on your throne!
* Avatar: All right... I want to thank King Ryoma and King Xander for their generous gifts of land. Thanks to them, we've been able to rebuild the kingdom of Valla. I pledge to be a king/queen that believes in his/her people and works for their betterment. (Applause)
* Ryoma: I doubt you need to make that pledge, Avatar. We all know what kind of person you are.
* Xander: I agree. You will certainly become the king/queen you speak of.
* Takumi: Avatar, if you ever need any help, always think of us first.
* Leo: Just make sure you can tell us what the problem is next time, OK? I'd rather not go through the same thing again.
* Camilla: I don't think that will ever happen again. In any case, Avatar has united all of us siblings together.
* Hinoka: Congratulations, Avatar, from the bottom of my heart.
* Sakura: I'm so happy for you, Avatar! I don't even know what to say...
* Elise: The word you're looking for is "congratulations," Sakura! Congratulations, Avatar. From both of us!
* Avatar: Thank you—all of you. (Scene transitions. Zooms away from the Avatar with their siblings to show Gunter. Gunter watches and walks into the shadows)
* Azura: So, Avatar... Did you enjoy your coronation?
* Avatar: Hahaha, I was so nervous. It was hard to hide that I was shaking so much.
* Azura: Nervous? You jest.
* Avatar: No, I mean it. It's a bit late to be saying this now, but...are you sure you're OK with this? By all rights, you should be the leader of Valla.
* Azura: No, this is the way it should be. I've never been much of a leader. And you are the reason we were able to end the fighting and stop Anankos. You were chosen by the Yato. Obviously it believes in you.
* Avatar: Azura...
* Azura: Hmm? Is there something else? Do you think you'd fail as the new king/queen of Valla?
* Avatar: Huh? N-no! Of course not! I'm going to make Valla a wonderful place! In honor of the true last king and for Queen Arete. And everyone who fought... I promise to make them all proud.
* Azura: I'm glad to hear that. Avatar, could I give you a gift to celebrate your adventure?
* Avatar: A gift?
* Azura: Yes. (Azura begins to sing)
* Avatar: That song is wonderful... It's almost like that song is about us. Do you know who wrote the lyrics?
* Azura: I don't know for certain. My mother taught me the song. She said it'd been passed down from generation to generation in Valla.
* Avatar: It's a very old song, then...
* Azura: Yes. I think that it may not have even been written by humans. If I had to guess, I'd say that Anankos was its author. It contains such strong emotions. Maybe he knew that he'd lose his mind one day and wrote the song to help us. A song meant for those to come... Those who would save him with death. At least, that's how I look at the song now.
* Avatar: I think you're probably right.
* Azura: But that is where the song ends. It says nothing of the future. Maybe the next part of the song is for someone else to write. Someone like you, Avatar. (Pans to an image of Azura looking at the Avatar)
* Avatar: All right. But I won't do it alone. I'll need your help, Azura.
* Azura: Gladly.
* Avatar: Thank you. Let's go back and join the others. The party should be starting soon. (If the Avatar is male)
* Azura: Very well. (If the Avatar is female)
* Azura: All right.