The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion is the third novel in the Force Heretic Trilogy written by Sean Williams and Shane Dix. It was published by Del Rey in July 2003.
Attributes | Values |
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion
- The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion is the third novel in the Force Heretic Trilogy written by Sean Williams and Shane Dix. It was published by Del Rey in July 2003.
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dramatis personae
| - *Arien Yage; captain, Widowmaker
*B'shith Vorrik; commander
*C-3PO; protocol droid / "Goldenrod"
*Danni Quee; scientist
*Droma; former acquaintance of Han Solo
*Gilad Pellaeon; Imperial Grand Admiral
*Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon
*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight
*Jagged Fel; Chiss squadron
*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight, Twin Suns Squadron
*Jabitha; Magister of Zonama Sekot
*Kunra; former warrior
*Leia Organa Solo; former New Republic diplomat / Lady Vader
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master / Farmboy
*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Ngaaluh; priestess of the deception sect
*Nom Anor; former executor / Yu'shaa / Amorrn
*R2-D2; astromech droid
*Saba Sebatyne; Jedi Knight
*Shimrra; Supreme Overlord
*Shoon-mi Esh; Shamed One
*Soron Hegerty; Imperial biologist
*Tahiri Veila; Jedi Knight / Riina Kwaad
*Todra Mayn; captain, Pride of Selonia
*Tekli; Jedi healer
| - *Amphistaff
*Blorash jelly
*Bolenian hillspinner
*Cloaker "Ooglith masquer"
*Dovin basal
*Dust mite
*Fire Breather
*Hau polyp
*Lav peq "Netting beetle"
*Nang hul "Thud bug"
*Nanja Fly
*Plaeryin bol
*Razor bug
*Scherkil Hla
*Shenbit bonecrusher
*Transport enveloper
**Villip choir
*World Brain
*Yorik coral
Book name
| - Force Heretic III: Reunion
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| - *4HX4 land mine
*Air scrubber
*Audio scrubber
*Ax-108 "Ground Buzzer" surface-defense blaster cannon "Retractable repeating blaster"
*Blaster cannon
*Blaster pistol
*Comm unit
*Concussion missile
*Deflector shield
*Deflector shield generator
*Glow-lichen "Lichen torch"
*Gravitic amplitude modulator "Yammosk jammer"
*Gravity detector
*Hau polyp
*Heavy blaster pistol
*Heavy laser cannon
*Hypospray "Spray hypo"
*Inertial dampener
*Laser cannon
*Lightning rod
**Jaina Solo's lightsaber
*Magma missile
*Microwave laser network
*Planetary shield
*Polyp throne
*Power coupling
*Proton torpedo
*Stun cuffs
*Thermal detonator
*Thermal mine
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric "Armor"
*Yaret-Kor "Plasma cannon"
| - *First Battle of Zonama Sekot
*Galactic Civil War
**Destruction of Alderaan
**Duel on Death Star II
*Great Jedi Purge
*Mission to Onadax
*Second Battle of Zonama Sekot
*Yuuzhan Vong War
**Battle of Bastion
**Battle of Borosk
**Battle of Esfandia
**Battle of Generis
**Battle of Zonama Sekot
**Capture of Barab I
**Destruction of Sernpidal
**Battle of Gyndine
**Battle of Bakura
**Mission to Myrkr
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Release Date
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| - Excerpt - Force Heretic III: Reunion
- First Look: Force Heretic II & III
Cover Artist
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media type
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| - Sean Williams and Shane Dix
| - *0882341030
*Alpha Red virus
*Anti-Jedi sentiment
*Black hole
*Blue milk
**Credit chip
*Dark matter
*Farmboy One
*The Force
**Animal friendship
**Dark side of the Force
**Disturbance in the Force
**Force healing "Healing trance"
**Force Jump
**Force meld / Mind meld
**Force sense
**Hibernation trance "Recuperative trance"
**Mind trick
***Force persuasion
***Force pull
***Force push
*Gamorrese "Gamorrean"
*Gas giant
*Great Doctrine
*Krel os'a hmi va ta
*Lightsaber duel
*May the Force be with you
*Needle thorn
*Orbital bombardment "Aerial bombardment"
**Cubic sabacc
**Sabacc pot
**The Idiot (card)
*Yargh'un pit / Charnel pit
*Yun-Harla "Cloaked goddess"
*Yun-Yammka "The Slayer"
*Yuuzhan Vong
| - Heretyk Mocy III: Spotkanie po latach
Preceded By
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| - *All Terrain Armored Transport "AT-AT"
*Blastboat analog
*BTL Y-wing starfighter "Y-wing"
*Corellian Way
*Drone freighter
*Death Star
*Destroyer analog
*Elegance Enshrined
*Fortune Seeker
*Ice harvester
*I'Friil Ma-Nat "Corvette analog"
*Jade Shadow
*Koros-Strohna "Worldship"
**Baanu Rass
*Lancer-class frigate
**Pride of Selonia
*Matalok "Cruiser analog"
*Noble Sacrifice
*Nssis-class Clawcraft "Clawcraft"
*Speeder bike
*Star Destroyer
**Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
***Right to Rule
*TIE/LN starfighter "TIE fighter"
*T-65XJ3 X-wing starfighter
*Uumufalh "Gunship"
*Vua'spar interdictor "Interdictor"
*Yorik-et "Coralskipper"
**Collaborator / Hrosha-Gul
*Yorik-Vec / "Assault cruiser"
*YT-1300 light freighter
**Millennium Falcon
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| - *Barabel
*Blood Carver
*Brrbrlpp / "Cold One"
*Chazrach "Reptoid"
*Tusken Raider / Sand People
*Yuuzhan Vong / Far Outsiders / "Scarheads"
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| - Еретик Силы III: Объединение
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion
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| - Hereje en la Fuerza III: Reunión
| - eu/lit/novel/f20030724/index.html
- eu/lit/novel/news20030130.html
| - *Assassin
*Bounty hunter
*Chiss Expansionary Defense Force "Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet"
*Domain Kwaad
*Domain Shoolb
*Ferroan council
*Galactic Empire
**Galactic Emperor
*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
**Chief of State
**Mon Calamari Communications Control / MCCC
**Twin Suns Squadron "Twin Suns"
***Twin Suns Leader "Twin One"
***Twin Suns Two "Twin Two"
***Twin Suns Three "Three"
***Twin Suns Four "Twin Four"
***Twin Suns Five "Five"
***Twin Suns Six "Six"
***Twin Suns Seven "Seven"
***Twin Suns Eight "Eight"
***Twin Suns Nine "Twin Nine"
*Galactic Republic "Old Republic"
*Imperial Remnant
**Grand Admiral
*Jedi Order
**Jedi apprentice
**Jedi Master
*Magister of Zonama Sekot
*New Jedi Order
**Great River
**Jedi healer
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
*New Republic
**New Republic Senate
*Peace Brigade
*Ryn Network
*Sith Master
*Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo training academy "Chiss academy"
*Yuuzhan Vong Empire
**Intendant caste
***High Prefect
**Jeedai heresy
***The Select
**Priest caste
***Most High Priest "High Priest"
**Shamed Ones
**Shaper caste
***Master Shaper
**Supreme Overlord
**Warrior caste
**Worker caste
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| - *Astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
| - *Alderaan
*Antar 4
*Barab I
*Coruscant / Yuuzhan'tar
**Bluudon Sector
**Gileng Sector
**Numesh Sector
**Shimrra's Citadel "Shimrra's Palace"
***Hall of Confluence
**Vishtu Sector
***Vishtu command enclave
*Elrood sector
**Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base / Vrgrlmrl
**Fondor Shipyards
**Outer Rim Communications Center
*Helska IV
*Juvex sector
*Mid Rim
*Minos Cluster
***The Thorny Toe
*Mon Calamari
*Nal Hutta
*Nar Shaddaa
*Ord Mantell
*Outer Rim
***Outer Rim Communications Center
*Senex sector
*The Maw
*Unknown Regions
***Expeditionary Library "Chiss library"
**Klasse Ephemora system
***Klasse Ephemora A
***Mobus / Sanctuary
***Zonama Sekot
****Middle Distance
*Vorrik's Folly
*Yavin 4
**Jedi academy
Followed By
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| - Nový řád Jedi: Heretik III: Návrat
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Other Characters
| - *Enton Adelmaa'j
*Bodo Baas
*Nas Choka
*Goure Conor
*Ke Daiv
*Wynssa Fel
*Fan Gantree
*Arth Gxin
*Leor Hal
*Kenth Hamner
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Drosh Khalii
*Mezhan Kwaad
*Selwin Markota
*Gron Marrab
*Cal Omas
*Yal Phaath
*Ganner Rhysode
*Eckla Shoolb
*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
*Ben Skywalker
*Anakin Solo
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Unidentified Magister
*Unidentified Ryn (Galantos)
*Ekh'm Val
*Dantos Vigos
*B'shith Vorrik
*World Brain
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion is the third novel in the Force Heretic Trilogy written by Sean Williams and Shane Dix. It was published by Del Rey in July 2003.
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