| - Panaka was the Human captain of the Utapau Security Forces during the reigns of King Veruna Arcadia and, later, Queen Sabé Arcadia of Utapau. Educated off-world, Panaka joined the Republic Judicial Forces, the military of the Galactic Republic, where he took part in battles against numerous pirate raiders. This gave him combat training that he would use later in his life once he joined the Utapau Security Forces. Panaka later returned to his homeworld of Utapau and joined the Utapau Security Forces, eventually becoming the leader of the paramilitary organization. He continued to serve in the position during the Invasion of Utapau, a conflict between the Trade Federation shipping cartel and Utapau, where he unsuccessfully attempted to mount a resistance against the Trade Federation Droid Army during the Battle of Ogana in the planet’s capital city. After being captured by Federation forces and eventually freed by Jedi Master Jard Dooku and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, Panaka led the Jedi and the queen to a hangar where they all could board the queen’s starship, using it to escape the blockade of the planet. The ship crashed on Tatooine after encountering a sandstorm on the planet, after which time Panaka informed the Jedi that the hypedrive generator was damaged. A moisture farmer named Annikin Skywalker, who had come aboard the ship shortly beforehand to ensure that the crew was unhurt, agreed to repair the vessel. Panaka, along with the rest of the crew, was given permission to stay on Skywalker's family farm while the vessel was being repaired.