| - Lake Maylie is a lake northeast of the town of Daventry, just a short distance from the northern walls of Castle Daventry just beyond the garden. It was given its name by the people of the kingdom in honor of King Edward's wife and to commemorate their marriage. It was Edward and Maylie's favorite spot, and they could be seen on or by its waters almost every balmy night. They would often sit in a small boat in the lake in the late summer afternoons, alone in their love of each other. After Maylie's death and the misfortunes that fell the kingdom, people began to shun the lake. King Graham and Queen Valanice, however, took to spending much of their time there, and it soon returned to favor among the general population.
| - Lake Maylie is a lake northeast of the town of Daventry, just a short distance from the northern walls of Castle Daventry just beyond the garden. It was given its name by the people of the kingdom in honor of King Edward's wife and to commemorate their marriage. It was Edward and Maylie's favorite spot, and they could be seen on or by its waters almost every balmy night. They would often sit in a small boat in the lake in the late summer afternoons, alone in their love of each other. After Maylie's death and the misfortunes that fell the kingdom, people began to shun the lake. King Graham and Queen Valanice, however, took to spending much of their time there, and it soon returned to favor among the general population. Ironically, it was on the shore of Lake Maylie that Prince Alexander was stolen from his cradle by the wizard Manannan. After the incident, many people refused to go anywhere near it, saying it was a haunted and unlucky place. King Graham would often play in the lake in his youth. Graham once met a cute little elf near the western shore, who helped him by giving him the Magic Ring. It was near shores of the lake where Alexander was kidnapped by Manannan during a family picnic not long after his birth. King Graham started taking daily walks by it, since the year his children were born. He was having one of these walks, where he picked some wild flowers, at the time Mordack kidnapped his family. He returned to his castle to find it was missing.