| - The Mughal Empire was an imperial power of the Indian subcontinent of Earth which began in 1526, ruled most of the subcontinent by the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and ended in the mid-19th century. After Earth Starfleet Captain Erika Hernandez and other Columbia officers stuck on the Caeliar city-ship of Axion were thrown back in time to 1519, Hernandez thought of the conquering Babur and his Empire during the exile. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)
- The Mughal Empire at the time of the Ring of Fire, was an immenely powerful empire, rivaling Ottoman Turkey and Ming China. News of Grantville was carried to the Mughal by European travelers and merchants. The Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, already wary of European maritime superiority, realized that Europe would take advantage of the valuable information coming from Grantville. He decided to do the same for his own empire's benefit. He ordered a special envoy to Grantville (under the guise of a hajj) made of ambassador Subadar Baram Khan and English-speaker Salim.
- The Mughal Empire ( سلطنت مغولی هند}, was an imperial power which ruled most of the Indian subcontinent from the early 16th century to the mid-19th century.
- The Mughal Empire (also Mog(h)ul, Persian: گُورکانِیان Gūrkāniyān; Urdu: مُغلِیَہ سَلطَنَت, Muġliyah Salṭanat,) was an empire extending over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and ruled by a dynasty of Chaghtai-Turkic origin. The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the founder Babur's victory over Ibrahim Lodi in the first Battle of Panipat (1526). It reached its peak extent under Aurangzeb, and declined rapidly after his death (in 1707) under a series of ineffective rulers. The empire's collapse followed heavy losses inflicted by the smaller army of the Maratha Empire in the Deccan Wars, which encouraged the Nawabs of Bengal, Bhopal, Oudh, Carnatic, Rampur, the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Shah of Afghanistan to declare their independence from the Mughals. Following the
- Mughal power is mighty indeed, as befits the children of Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes. Their Indian empire has stood the test of time, and is possibly the wealthiest state in the whole world. While the Mughal emperors are the descendants of Genghis Khan, their history has changed them. Now Muslim rather than pagan, they have also absorbed much of the language and high culture of Persia. Once India was conquered, they adopted much that is good from the local culture: the result is a rich and heady mixture of Indian, Persian and Mongol that produces an empire that is distinctive and Indian, both in the way it is run and the way it fights wars.