| - While mining for ore, Will and Smith witness the arrival of a strange beacon from outer space. A voice comes over the beacon, that of a space enforcer, who is sending out a warning to a criminal space swift by the name of Zeno. Smith and Will are wary and baffled, wondering if this Zeno has indeed escaped to their little planet. Meanwhile, Don and John go looking for Will and Smith and end up finding Zeno, who is pretending he actually is Dr. Smith. The Robot suspects something odd is going on right away, but Zeno threatens to destroy him, so the Robot keeps quiet.
| - While mining for ore, Will and Smith witness the arrival of a strange beacon from outer space. A voice comes over the beacon, that of a space enforcer, who is sending out a warning to a criminal space swift by the name of Zeno. Smith and Will are wary and baffled, wondering if this Zeno has indeed escaped to their little planet. As it turns out, Zeno has landed, and by a frightening coincidence, he looks exactly like Dr. Smith. The space enforcer lands, but as Will and Smith go to greet him, Zeno grabs Smith and forces him to trade clothes. Zeno plans to make Smith pretend to be him so Smith will be arrested and hanged in his place. Smith does not like that plan, but Zeno forces his cooperation by keeping Smith in his gunsights. Smith, disguised as Zeno, goes to the space enforcer and surrenders, claiming he is an outlaw and confessing to all the crimes. The space enforcer, thinking Smith really is Zeno, arrests him and takes him away in his spaceship along with Will as a witness to Smith's confession. Aboard the enforcer’s ship, Smith tries to explain he is not Zeno at all and only pretended to be because Zeno threatened to shoot him, but the space enforcer does not believe him. Smith tries to get Will to vouch for his identity, but Will is confused and does not know what to think. Meanwhile, Don and John go looking for Will and Smith and end up finding Zeno, who is pretending he actually is Dr. Smith. The Robot suspects something odd is going on right away, but Zeno threatens to destroy him, so the Robot keeps quiet. Back on the enforcer’s ship, Smith panics when he learns he is going to be boiled in oil, thrown in a pit of space vipers and then hanged, so he tries to grab the controls and accidently causes the ship to crash. Will and Smith escape the wreckage and look around Zeno’s home planet. Everyone who sees them thinks Smith is Zeno. They are very frightened and treat him very nicely. Will still does not know what’s what, not knowing who Smith really is from one minute to the next. Smith has quite a lot of fun pretending to be Zeno until a real space swift shows up and wants to duel with him. Then Smith gets cowardly again and he and Will steal a giraffe and a tiger and ride away with a mob chasing after them. Back on the Jupiter 2, Zeno, still posing as Smith, smokes, flirts with Judy and starts a fight with Major West. Despite this uncharacteristic behavior, none of the Robinsons suspect he is not the real Smith, attributing the change to a bump on the head. Will and Smith steal the space enforcer’s ship and fly back home. Now confronted with two Smiths, the Robinsons are not sure which one is the doctor and which one is the space swift. The enforcer arrives and decides to sort things out by arresting and torturing them both, but Zeno escapes and hops into a ship and flies away. The space enforcer chases after him, and all is well once more, with Dr. Smith very happy to be himself again.