| - Archie Sonic Universe Issue 7 is the seventh issue of the spin-off Sonic Universe comic series published by Archie Comics.
- In a hidden passageway in Castle Mobius, Queen Sally is traveling down the hallway with her children and an unconscious Silver the Hedgehog. Sonia starts to ask questions on why they are down the hallway. Sally tells them that they are heading to the Panic Room because they were attacked by the Dark Presence. Sonia wants to go out and ask the enemy to leave, but Sally tells them they have to wait for Sonic. Sonia gets scared and asks where her father is, but she assures the child that he is safe and looking for assistance. Meanwhile, at Argyle's house, King Sonic, Lara-Su, Skye and Melody arrive at the front door. Argyle greets them into the house and bows to the king before greeting the Prowers and Sonic explains the situation at the castle. Melody and Skye tell them that they are gathering up new Freedom Fighters to save the castle and their parents, but Sonic is unsure on where to find more Freedom Fighters, especially when most of the planet is partying or away. However, Argyle has already thought ahead, and motions for two shadowy figures to come in, to Sonic's surprise. Meanwhile, Lien-Da welcomes King Shadow back while a Dark Presence Agent tests him. He questions what has happened while he has been gone. She tells him about his defeat because of Lara-Su's Chaos Control and that he was sealed for 5 years. This angers Shadow and he walks off to another room. Lien-Da then explains Queen Sally remarried and had twins and that the world has mostly accepted their stability, but Shadow thinks that regaining control is not enough. He walks into a room and Lien-Da says "NOT THAT!" Back in the house, Sonic meets Jacques D'Coolette and Belle D'Coolette, who greet him and bow. Sonic tells them that they need Freedom Fighters to help out with their work to save the castle. They agree to help and Melody and Skye come along, with Argyle as helping in as tech support. The Future Freedom Fighters are then assembled, and Sonic instructs them to "do it to it", earning a geek reaction from Argyle. Shadow walks up and talks to Tikhaos, who is entrapped within a glass bubble. She explains that she is very weak and needs Chaos energy. Shadow understands her situation, but Lien-Da tries to stop him. She tries to dissuade him from releasing Tikhaos and that she just wanted to bring him back to return to the stern rule he had, but before she can continue, Shadow grabs her arm and destroys her armband, making her fade away. Shadow then readies a Chaos Spear to destroy the bubble. Outside, the Dark Eyes are looking over the castle, but Jacques, Sonic, and Belle destroy the gate, getting the Dark Eyes' attention while Lara-Su, Melody, and Skye fly up to the front room (with Skye flying all over the place). Lara tells Skye to stop showing off, but Melody explains that he can't fly perfectly yet. They head down to the control room and find some Dark Eyes. Melody prepares to attack the Dark Eyes, but Lara instructs Skye to go in first, and Skye takes out all the members with his erratic flying, accidentally destroying a monitor for the Panic Room in the process. Melody heads to the front door to open it up for the others and they take off into the castle. Sonic calls Argyle and asks if he has Sally on the line yet, which he says no and that something is going on in the catacombs. Sonic then contacts Lara, asking if she can see what's going on, which she denies. Lara then asks Skye if he can shut down the system, but he explains he isn't as skilled at mechanics as his father yet. Lara-Su decides to punch the system and destroy it. They head back and Argyle finally gets word from Sally, who explains to him that Silver is waking up and the kids are fine. Sonic then asks Sally what she knows about the catacombs and she tells them that there are many threats quarantined in there. Back down at the catacombs, Shadow begins feeding Tikhaos some Chaos energy. The Dark Presence informs Shadow about King Sonic, and he allows them to ignore the order. He then purposely gives Tikhaos too much energy and makes her go out of control. The Dark Presence begins to evacuate the castle. The Freedom Fighters prepare for battle. Sonic and the others are expecting heavy resistance from the Dark Presence, but all they see is them running down the hallway, escaping the castle. Lara-Su questions Sonic if that is a good sign, with Sonic stating, "That's never a good sign." The floors start to crack beneath the Freedom Fighters. Jacques then saves Melody while Lara-Su helps Skye and Belle helps Sonic. They find Perfect Tikhaos outside and prepare to assault the beast.