The Nankatsu SC is a fictional team of the series Captain Tsubasa. It consists of grade school players among the schools in the Nankatsu city: Nankatsu, Shutetsu, Nishigaoka, Yamabuki ana Mizukoshi, who were selected for the entrance exams. At first the captain is Genzo Wakabayashi, but he is injured in a preliminary group match of the national cup and from that moment, Tsubasa Ozora, the star of the team, became the captain, and he demonstrated a great leadership in leading the team to win the National cup. In the Latin-American version, Nankatsu was named Niupi
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| - Nankatsu SC (selection team)
| - The Nankatsu SC is a fictional team of the series Captain Tsubasa. It consists of grade school players among the schools in the Nankatsu city: Nankatsu, Shutetsu, Nishigaoka, Yamabuki ana Mizukoshi, who were selected for the entrance exams. At first the captain is Genzo Wakabayashi, but he is injured in a preliminary group match of the national cup and from that moment, Tsubasa Ozora, the star of the team, became the captain, and he demonstrated a great leadership in leading the team to win the National cup. In the Latin-American version, Nankatsu was named Niupi
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First Appearance
| - Captain Tsubasa chapter 9
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| - Nankatsu SC after winning the National Cup
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| - The Nankatsu SC is a fictional team of the series Captain Tsubasa. It consists of grade school players among the schools in the Nankatsu city: Nankatsu, Shutetsu, Nishigaoka, Yamabuki ana Mizukoshi, who were selected for the entrance exams. At first the captain is Genzo Wakabayashi, but he is injured in a preliminary group match of the national cup and from that moment, Tsubasa Ozora, the star of the team, became the captain, and he demonstrated a great leadership in leading the team to win the National cup. In the Latin-American version, Nankatsu was named Niupi
is Team
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