| - This FAQ is to answer questions about the DarkOrbit Wikia. 1.
* What is DarkOrbit? DarkOrbit is a cross between a 2-D and 3-D MMORPG. For more information on the game, read the regular FAQ. 2.
* What is a Wikia? Wikia are online databases set up in a way that anyone can edit any page! For more information, see the main Wikia page at w:Main Page. 3.
* I want to help! How do I get started? If you are familiar with the MediaWiki:MediaWiki formatting, jump right in! If you aren't, read w:How to edit a page. 4.
* The information on a page is wrong? Who do I contact to fix it?? Anyone can edit any page, so you can fix it yourself! To learn more about editing pages, read w:How to edit a page. However, if you are unsure of how to do this, place a note on DarkOrbit:R
| - This FAQ is to answer questions about the DarkOrbit Wikia. 1.
* What is DarkOrbit? DarkOrbit is a cross between a 2-D and 3-D MMORPG. For more information on the game, read the regular FAQ. 2.
* What is a Wikia? Wikia are online databases set up in a way that anyone can edit any page! For more information, see the main Wikia page at w:Main Page. 3.
* I want to help! How do I get started? If you are familiar with the MediaWiki:MediaWiki formatting, jump right in! If you aren't, read w:How to edit a page. 4.
* The information on a page is wrong? Who do I contact to fix it?? Anyone can edit any page, so you can fix it yourself! To learn more about editing pages, read w:How to edit a page. However, if you are unsure of how to do this, place a note on DarkOrbit:Requested fixes. Someone will look at it in due time. 5.
* All of these articles are in English! Why can't I put French writing into the articles? It's a French game, after all. Those are all very good points, but this is the English Wikia. If you are interested in setting up a French Wikia for DarkOrbit, contact the administrators of Wikia. 6.
* Where are the Kristallin? How do I find map 3-7? Ah, those are game questions. If your question relates to a popular item or quest, check out the articles on items and quests. If you still can't find your answer, try the Forum:Help desk, where you can ask questions, and other helpful editors will answer them in time. (Kristallin are aliens that in maps x-7 and 4-5, they will also be in glaxy gates, if specified, if uncertain, askin global chat or your company chat IN GAME) 7.
* My ship is awesome! Can I make an article about it, or put its details in the article on Builds? No, again, if everyone were to post their character information, we'd have a hard time finding info. However, you can put personal info on your own User Page.