| - You will begin the level as Sam Fisher. Irving Lambert will begin talking to you via your earpiece. At this point, all you can do is look around. Lambert will instruct you to look at the four red lights set up around the immediate area (one is on the wall to your left, the other is to the right, the third is located on the ground while the final one is located up in the rafters). After completing the 'calibrations test', you will be free to move around Fisher. Move forward and jump on the ledge of the pull, and push up on the directional controls to move up over the pool. After this, Lambert will explain that he'll let you run the course.
- First, move forward and then change to the suit on the left. The door lead to the hallway will automatically open after you change to the suit. Move into the movement training room. Get across the obstacles. Take the elevator at the end of the hallway. After leaving the elevator. You'll get across several weapons training room. Pick what you want then enter the mockup. Remember to switch to another weapon when the current one is out of ammo. Take the elevator after exiting the mockup. Another weapon training room will appear, but with heavier weapons. Pick a weapon then take the elevator. Upon the elevator stop, a guard is patrolling. Kill him, drop your non-concealable weapons and take his clothes. Go through the door, wait for the guard open another door (Don't kill him before he opens i
| - You will begin the level as Sam Fisher. Irving Lambert will begin talking to you via your earpiece. At this point, all you can do is look around. Lambert will instruct you to look at the four red lights set up around the immediate area (one is on the wall to your left, the other is to the right, the third is located on the ground while the final one is located up in the rafters). After completing the 'calibrations test', you will be free to move around Fisher. Move forward and jump on the ledge of the pull, and push up on the directional controls to move up over the pool. After this, Lambert will explain that he'll let you run the course. Follow the small footprints to the ladder on your right and move towards it to grab it, then follow it up to an upper platform. Once you reach the top, jump onto the zip line to the surface below. Once you reach the bottom, climb down until you meet a wire obstacle. Press the crouch button and move under the barbed wire and stick left, stick yourself to the wall until you come out to the pipe obstacle. Jump up on the pipe and follow it to the circular hole, then press the 'crouch' button to bring your legs up. Move through the hole until it opens up, then press the 'jump' button to drop to the ground. Move up and over the the fence, then continue on until you get to a ladder. Climb up the ladder until you reach the top, then climb down the ladder on the opposite side. Perform a wall jump by pressing the jump button twice while a wall surface is on your 'side', then climb up and drop down on the opposite side. Walk up to the metal door in order for it to open.
- First, move forward and then change to the suit on the left. The door lead to the hallway will automatically open after you change to the suit. Move into the movement training room. Get across the obstacles. Take the elevator at the end of the hallway. After leaving the elevator. You'll get across several weapons training room. Pick what you want then enter the mockup. Remember to switch to another weapon when the current one is out of ammo. Take the elevator after exiting the mockup. Another weapon training room will appear, but with heavier weapons. Pick a weapon then take the elevator. Upon the elevator stop, a guard is patrolling. Kill him, drop your non-concealable weapons and take his clothes. Go through the door, wait for the guard open another door (Don't kill him before he opens it). Then you can ignore or kill him. Whatever you choose to do, you'll end up at a door leading to a hallway. 47 escapes as a man watching him on CCTV laughs.