Sometimes a hall is considered a room in the house; sometimes it's just a passage. Other uses of the term hall are a multi-purpose room for gatherings, such as a dance hall or dining hall, or as the name of a building such as Blodgett Hall, for an academic building.
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| - Sometimes a hall is considered a room in the house; sometimes it's just a passage. Other uses of the term hall are a multi-purpose room for gatherings, such as a dance hall or dining hall, or as the name of a building such as Blodgett Hall, for an academic building.
- From [[w:|]][[Category:da: derivations|Hall]] hall.
- Hall is a Captain.
- She was the second-in-command to Major McCain. She was later taken by Xenomorphs and impregnated by a Facehugger. Frosty attempted to rescue Hall, but when he found her, the Chestburster emerged from her, killing Hall.
- Hall is a player-controlled protagonist in the Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer.
- Sergeant Hall was a member of the 101st Airborne Division. He fought in the Ardennes.
- The Hall was a large chamber at Jordan College in which the scholars ate their meals.
- Le hall est une pièce du Manoir de Luigi ainsi que son entrée principale. Il s'agît de la première pièce que Luigi visite ainsi que la seule pièce disposant de deux étages. Ce n'est ni plus ni moins la salle d'entrée du manoir. Luigi arrive enfin au manoir qu'il aurait soit-disant "remporté". Il entre alors dans le hall mais la pièce est plongée dans le noir et les portes sont toutes verrouillées. Lorsqu'il essaie d'ouvrir les portes menant au salon, un fantôme transportant une clé apparaitra. Il fera tomber la clé qu'il porte, nécessaire à l'ouverture des portes du salon.
- Hall was a clinic patient in the Season 6 episode 5 to 9. He was portrayed by actor Kim Estes. Hall came to the clinic and was seen by Lisa Cuddy, who was covering for Gregory House. Hall told her he was suffering from colon cancer and had heard that breast milk could help his condition. Dr. Cuddy tried to explain to him that this was very unlikely, but Hall said he had even found someone willing to sell it to him. He just needed a prescription so his insurance company would have to pay for it. However, Dr. Cuddy knew that his insurance wouldn't cover it even if he did have a prescription and declined to write one. Hall called her a bitch and left.
- A principal entrada da Universidade, e um local majestoso. Duas colunas de mármore rosa resplandece ao lado do corrimão de ouro e bronze da escada. Ao lado lareira que é sempre é usada pelos alunos para conversar com pais, namoradas ou amigos distantes através do Pó de Flú. Em cima dela um pequeno relógio, que sempre toca o hino da Noskort às nove horas da manhã. Atrás um espelho na qual não reflete bruxos das trevas. Através do Hall os alunos tem a entrada principal do Anfiteatro e do Grande Salão, e o acesso aos corredores para as salas de aula no primeiro e segundo andar.
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