| - Leveling Squire up to level 2 unlocks the Knight and Archer jobs; leveling it to level 6 along with Chemist unlocks the Onion Knight; and mastering the job along with Chemist, Summoner, Orator, Geomancer, and Dragoon unlocks the Mime. Ramza must be hit by Ultima, his ultimate Mettle ability, while he is a Squire to learn it. The only characters who can cast Ultima are Luso (similar conditions), Celia, and Lettie. To quickly learn Ultima, it is recommended that one equips items that prevent Stop and Charm, and to keep distance from Celia and Lettie.
| - Leveling Squire up to level 2 unlocks the Knight and Archer jobs; leveling it to level 6 along with Chemist unlocks the Onion Knight; and mastering the job along with Chemist, Summoner, Orator, Geomancer, and Dragoon unlocks the Mime. Ramza, Delita, and Argath are Squires. Ramza and Delita learn some techniques other Squires cannot, and have better base stats, while Argath can use two Knight Rend techniques. The Squire's abilities, barring the action ability, is also the model for unique characters' special jobs, and these jobs replace the Squire in the job menu, preventing such characters using it. Ramza must be hit by Ultima, his ultimate Mettle ability, while he is a Squire to learn it. The only characters who can cast Ultima are Luso (similar conditions), Celia, and Lettie. To quickly learn Ultima, it is recommended that one equips items that prevent Stop and Charm, and to keep distance from Celia and Lettie.