| - Aiton ( API : // ) 1.
* Commune française, située dans le département de la Savoie.
* Aitonin, Aitonine
* aitonin, aitonine
- Complete Union of the Golden Chalice Task 48. Available after entering Undelwalt.
- Aiton jest przeciwnikiem i postacią pojawiającą się w grze "Patapon" i wspominaną we wszystkich pozostałych grach tej serii.thumb|Wskazówka o Makoton i Aiton
- Aiton was the great-grandfather of Okos; he took the throne from a more deserving heir.
- Aiton is the friendly companion of the Zigoton soldier Makoton, and is encountered only in the mission "Desert Crossing", in the first Patapon game. Aiton is referenced throughout Patapon and Patapon 2 by both Makoton (as himself, Scorpiton, and the Dark One) and by Meden (once in the second Patapon game). This character and Makoton were two soldiers stationed in a desert outpost, when the Patapon army was spotted on the horizon. Aiton told Makoton to report this to General Gong, but he refused, defending his companion until the tower was destroyed, and Aiton was killed. Makoton fled and escaped the Patapons, appearing in later levels with a seething hatred towards them for killing his companion.