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- El trescientos cuarenta y ocho (348) es el número natural que sigue al 347 y precede al 349. Categoría:Números
- 348 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Huty na Dworzec Centralny.
- Die Konfrontation mit Friederike bestärkt Maximilian noch einmal in seinem Plan, sich an den Steinkamps zu rächen. Doch ausgerechnet jetzt stellt sich Jenny ihm aus enttäuschter Liebe in den Weg - verletzt, von Maximilian versetzt worden zu sein, kündigt sie ihm in einer Kurzschlussreaktion seinen Posten in der Firma. Maximilian setzt alles auf eine Karte, um seinen Job zurück zu gewinnen. Mit Erfolg? Vanessa und Deniz' Umgang miteinander bleibt schwierig. Deniz hält zwar an seiner Beziehung zu Roman fest, doch innerlich ist er in ein tiefes Gefühlsdilemma gestoßen. Instinktiv fühlt er sich zu Vanessa hingezogen, sehr zum Ärgernis von Roman, der sich von Deniz hintergangen fühlt. Lena ist nach der Trennung von Ingo dankbar für Oliver hilfreiche Unterstützung. Lena ist dankbar für sein Vert
- David Collins watches Carolyn Stoddard sleeping. He reaches out to touch her and, startled awake, Carolyn screams. David tells her he only wanted to make sure she wasn't dead. Although he cannot explain it, David is frightened that Carolyn is in danger. He insists on giving his cousin the Toy soldier given to him by Sarah Collins in order to keep Carolyn safe. Having heard Carolyn's scream, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard comes in to check on her. She is immediately disturbed by David's troubling behavior. But Carolyn kisses David goodnight and thanks him for the gift. Alone with her mother, Carolyn despairs that David is getting worse. Elizabeth agrees and worries that she will have to send her nephew away from Collinwood.
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- El trescientos cuarenta y ocho (348) es el número natural que sigue al 347 y precede al 349. Categoría:Números
- Die Konfrontation mit Friederike bestärkt Maximilian noch einmal in seinem Plan, sich an den Steinkamps zu rächen. Doch ausgerechnet jetzt stellt sich Jenny ihm aus enttäuschter Liebe in den Weg - verletzt, von Maximilian versetzt worden zu sein, kündigt sie ihm in einer Kurzschlussreaktion seinen Posten in der Firma. Maximilian setzt alles auf eine Karte, um seinen Job zurück zu gewinnen. Mit Erfolg? Vanessa und Deniz' Umgang miteinander bleibt schwierig. Deniz hält zwar an seiner Beziehung zu Roman fest, doch innerlich ist er in ein tiefes Gefühlsdilemma gestoßen. Instinktiv fühlt er sich zu Vanessa hingezogen, sehr zum Ärgernis von Roman, der sich von Deniz hintergangen fühlt. Lena ist nach der Trennung von Ingo dankbar für Oliver hilfreiche Unterstützung. Lena ist dankbar für sein Vertrauen, denn sie hat das Gefühl, dass die ganze Welt gegen sie ist. Als die eifersüchtige Constanze falsche Mutmaßungen über Lenas Verhältnis zu Oliver in Umlauf bringt, scheinen sich die Fronten noch mehr zu verhärten...
- 348 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Huty na Dworzec Centralny.
- David Collins watches Carolyn Stoddard sleeping. He reaches out to touch her and, startled awake, Carolyn screams. David tells her he only wanted to make sure she wasn't dead. Although he cannot explain it, David is frightened that Carolyn is in danger. He insists on giving his cousin the Toy soldier given to him by Sarah Collins in order to keep Carolyn safe. Having heard Carolyn's scream, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard comes in to check on her. She is immediately disturbed by David's troubling behavior. But Carolyn kisses David goodnight and thanks him for the gift. Alone with her mother, Carolyn despairs that David is getting worse. Elizabeth agrees and worries that she will have to send her nephew away from Collinwood. Meanwhile, at the Old House, Barnabas Collins examines his hands-both of which have now aged. Dr. Julia Hoffman is relieved the vampire has given up the idea of watching the sunrise and urges him to return to his coffin. She has no way of knowing if the side effect of the advanced treatment is temporary or not. Barnabas reaches out to take her hands, and Julia flinches. He grips her throat, showing her he still has the strength to take her life. Barnabas releases her and gives Julia only one night to find a way to reverse what has happened to him. Although she protests for more time, Julia has an idea on how to counteract the process. Barnabas insists on another treatment the following night. Next day, Carolyn examines the toy solider and is startled when Sarah appears in her room. Sarah begs her not to send David away. She tells Carolyn that David's behavior stems from the fact no one believes his stories. David is telling the truth, she insists, and when Carolyn begins to question the little girl about Barnabas, Elizabeth knocks on the door. Sarah disappears before Elizabeth comes into the room. Rattled by her ghostly encounter, Carolyn tells her mother they shouldn't send David away after all. Elizabeth deduces something has happened to change Carolyn's mind. Carolyn asks her to trust her and to wait a few days before making a decision about David. Elizabeth reluctantly agrees. Carolyn hears Sarah playing London Bridge on her flute, confirming for her that she is doing the right thing. Toy soldier in hand, Carolyn goes to David's room to return it. He insists that she needs the toy solider for protection, but Carolyn tells him about her visit with Sarah. This news upsets David greatly. Sarah appeared to Dr. Dave Woodard...and he died. David fears the same thing will happen to Carolyn. He breaks down in tears, and tries to convince his cousin that everything he told about Sarah and Barnabas was a lie. But Carolyn has seen Sarah and believes his stories are true. She promises to help David. Meanwhile, at the Old House, Barnabas urges Julia to hurry with the treatment. Julia hopes Barnabas understands that, no matter what happens, all she ever wished for him was good. But Barnabas believes her sole interest is in the success of the experiment. With a hint of hesitance, Julia begins the treatment. Time passes, and, once the treatment is over, Julia cries out in horror... Barnabas has completely aged into a 172 year-old man.