| - Ahuizotl (アーウィーソウトル Āuyīsoutoru), nicknamed by some as Ahui, is an Elasmosaurus (Elasmosaurus platyurus) that resides in Texcoco Great Lake. It is the fourth boss in The Ocean Hunter.
- Ahuizotl is a mammalian alien in the Zetatrix.
- An Ahuizotl can speak Common.
- The Ahuizotl is a dangerous man-eating aquatic creature
- 250px|thumb|Ahuizotl Ahuizotle to wynaturzenia zamieszkujące płytkie zbiorniki wodne. Mają wygląd podobny do dużego kota, lecz ich ogon zakończony jest chwytną łapą. Ulubionym pokarmem tych istot są paznokcie, oczy i zęby.
- The Ahuizotl is a 7 foot tall primate-like cryptid with a 15 foot long tail, that has a large hand at the end, and is said to have a thousand eyes. It made its first and only appearance in The Thousand Eyes of Ahuizotl.
- An ahuizotl is a rightly-feared swamp-dwelling predator that looks like an overgrown otter or other aquatic mammal, except for a long, prehensile tail which ends in a fifth hand.
- Ahuizotl has an elongated dog-like head, except for his eyes, which are positioned over his nose at the end of his snout. He walks on all fours, with dog-like hind limbs and ape-like forelimbs, and a long monkey-like tail with a hand on its end. Ahuizotl has a tuxedo style coat, having dark blue fur over most of his body, while his stomach, jaws and hands are of a lighter blue. Ahuizotl wears golden colored jewelry, such as a necklace, a single ear ring, and three bracelets, one for each foreleg, and one around his tail's wrist.
- En la cultura de los aztecas, el nombre Ahuizotl significaba "espina de río", y hacía referencia no solo a uno de los más grandes gobernantes del imperio mexica, si no también a un temido ser legendario que merodeaba el lago de Texcoco en busca de presas fáciles. El Ahuizotl aparece en la mitología de los aztecas a partir del siglo XIII, donde es descrito como un animal similar a un simio, pero de hábitos anfibios y una cola que terminaba en una 'mano' similar a la de una persona. En el libro 11 del Códice Florentino se le describe de la siguiente forma: