Drefia is an ancient city now inhabited by necromants of the Brotherhood of Bones and their fellow undeads, which lies west of Darashia (here). Drefia was once a lush city that just like Kha'labal was fertile and full of trees and other jungle-wise temperatures. It has become a scorching desert and a buried town after they have allied with the fearsome Blue Djinns, to whom they fought viciously against their counterparts, and as a revenge, the green djinns conjured a whirlpool spell that has dragged the once town inhabited by fearsome Necromancers and thus, sentenced their inhabitants to flee in refuge downstairs, where they have established and strengthened the dreaded order of the Brotherhood of Bones formerly led by Falnus, who was later renamed to Goshnar the Necromant King.
Drefia is an ancient city now inhabited by necromants of the Brotherhood of Bones and their fellow undeads, which lies west of Darashia (here). Drefia was once a lush city that just like Kha'labal was fertile and full of trees and other jungle-wise temperatures. It has become a scorching desert and a buried town after they have allied with the fearsome Blue Djinns, to whom they fought viciously against their counterparts, and as a revenge, the green djinns conjured a whirlpool spell that has dragged the once town inhabited by fearsome Necromancers and thus, sentenced their inhabitants to flee in refuge downstairs, where they have established and strengthened the dreaded order of the Brotherhood of Bones formerly led by Falnus, who was later renamed to Goshnar the Necromant King.