| - During her lifetime she attended school and graduated with honors, but decided against pursuing a higher education, instead traveling the galaxy with Akak, whom she later married. Three years into the marriage, Lymie was born, and Nal decided to stay on Coruscant to care for their baby girl while Akak traveled the galaxy, trading as a living. During that third year, Nal was diagnosed with an untreatable disease and died from it two years later, leaving her husband to take care of their five-year-old child.
| - During her lifetime she attended school and graduated with honors, but decided against pursuing a higher education, instead traveling the galaxy with Akak, whom she later married. Three years into the marriage, Lymie was born, and Nal decided to stay on Coruscant to care for their baby girl while Akak traveled the galaxy, trading as a living. The first two years were hard on Nal, as Akak was away for most of the time, but during the third year, he had been able to make enough extra money to cut down his travelling time, and was at home for most of that year. The next year, however, he was gone again, leaving Nal to her housekeeping and child-raising. During that third year, Nal was diagnosed with an untreatable disease and died from it two years later, leaving her husband to take care of their five-year-old child.