| - Storm's End is a fortress on the east coast of Westeros. The ancestral seat of House Baratheon, it lies just inland of Shipbreaker Bay and is one of the most impenetrable castles in the series. According to legend, it has never been successfully seized or destroyed by a storm. At the start of the series, it belonged to Renly Baratheon, to whom it was granted by his brother King Robert. Stannis Baratheon felt that it should have been given to him, and seized it during the War of the Five Kings.
- Storm's End is the ancestral seat of the Baratheon family.
- Storm's End is the seat of House Baratheon, the Lords Paramount of the Stormlands. The castle is located at Durran's Point on the northern coast of Shipbreaker Bay, south of Bronzegate and northeast of Griffin's Roost. The kingsroad runs north from Storm's End to King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms
- Storm's End's construction was attributed to Durran, a legendary figure of the Age of Heroes, who earned the hatred of the sea god and the wind goddess when he took Elenei, daughter of the two gods, as his wife. In rage, the two gods sent massive storms to destroy Durran's keep. Durran defied the gods and built a larger and more formidable keep, but it was also destroyed. Durran's seventh keep, built allegedly with the aid of Bran the Builder, withstood the rage of Elenei's parents and gained the name of Storm's End.
| - Storm's End's construction was attributed to Durran, a legendary figure of the Age of Heroes, who earned the hatred of the sea god and the wind goddess when he took Elenei, daughter of the two gods, as his wife. In rage, the two gods sent massive storms to destroy Durran's keep. Durran defied the gods and built a larger and more formidable keep, but it was also destroyed. Durran's seventh keep, built allegedly with the aid of Bran the Builder, withstood the rage of Elenei's parents and gained the name of Storm's End. Storm's End became the seat of the rulers of the Stormlands, the Storm Kings, for millennia. When Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros, he sent his commander and rumored half-brother, Orys Baratheon, to take Storm's End. The last of the Storm Kings, Argilac the Arrogant, left the safety of his stronghold and met Baratheon in open battle. Argilac was defeated, and Orys Baratheon took Argilac's domains, sigil, motto and daughter, becoming the founder of House Baratheon One of the mightiest fortresses on the entire continent, Storm's End has endured many sieges but has never fallen to any attacker in its millennia-long history. Its seaward wall is 80 feet thick with a 150 feet drop into the sea below. The castle is said to be protected by spells woven into its walls that prevent magic from penetrating its defenses. During Robert Baratheon's rebellion, Storm's End was besieged for over a year by the forces of House Tyrell, who had remained loyal to the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen. The castle garrison, commanded by Robert's brother Stannis, was reduced to eating dogs and rats and were on the verge of resorting to cannibalism when they were saved by a shipload of onions, smuggled into the castle by the noted smuggler Davos. After Aerys' death, Eddard Stark bloodlessly raised the siege, as Lord Mace Tyrell realized that the war was lost, and he swore fealty to King Robert. Davos was raised to knighthood for his actions. To Stannis's displeasure, he was made Lord of Dragonstone by his brother, leaving their infant brother Renly as the titular Lord of Storm's End. Stannis considered this a slight, as Dragonstone is even colder and harsher than Storm's End, despite Dragonstone being a fortress of great tactical importance and a history as a seat for Princes. Following Renly's assassination, control of the castle reverted to Stannis. It is unknown who now holds it in the wake of Stannis's own death.
- Storm's End is the seat of House Baratheon, the Lords Paramount of the Stormlands. The castle is located at Durran's Point on the northern coast of Shipbreaker Bay, south of Bronzegate and northeast of Griffin's Roost. The kingsroad runs north from Storm's End to King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms One of the strongest castles in the Seven Kingdoms, Storm's End was once the ancestral seat of the Storm Kings of House Durrandon extending back many thousands of years. The castle is said to be protected by spells woven into its very walls that prevent magic from affecting it or passing through it.
- Storm's End is a fortress on the east coast of Westeros. The ancestral seat of House Baratheon, it lies just inland of Shipbreaker Bay and is one of the most impenetrable castles in the series. According to legend, it has never been successfully seized or destroyed by a storm. At the start of the series, it belonged to Renly Baratheon, to whom it was granted by his brother King Robert. Stannis Baratheon felt that it should have been given to him, and seized it during the War of the Five Kings.
- Storm's End is the ancestral seat of the Baratheon family.