| - for Triplea 1.2.x.x The empires of europe are at war. The upstart French republic has followed in the footsteps of their American compatriots across the sea and cast off the trappings of monarchy.Can this new light in europe survive against a host of squabbling adversaries?Or will it fall victim to its own aspirations for empire...Will the russians be forced to sing La Marseillaise?Will the English see the Guillotine raised in Piccadilly?Or will the rule of the monarchs be insured by the restoration of Louis XVIII to the Parisian throne? CANALS:Oresund (Holstein,Sjaelland)Kerch Straight (Crimea,Astrakahn)Strait of Messina (Sicily:Calabria)Bosphorus (Constantinople,Kiutayeh) also connects Turkey and Balkans by land.Optional Canal: Andalusia (Gibralter) must be controlled to move between SZ53-54Optional Andalusia (Gibraltar) rules: Gibraltar does not touch any land, therefor no units can enter it by land, and no units may exit it onto land. Must be invaded by ship. UNITS and Rules:Battleships DO NOT REPAIR at end of turn.The number of Bombardments allowed is restricted to the number of units making an amphibious assault, however bombardments still kill units without the unit getting to return fire.Encampments are permanent, and can be captured.Generals can move and raise troops in the territory they occupy, if you owned that territory at the beginning of your turn. When purchased you may place the General in any territory you owned at the beginning of your turn.Generals can be capturedBarques are not allowed to capture convoy zones. Do not use them to do so. The game engine allows them to, but this is a bug in the engine. They are not supposed to be able to capture convoy zones.Optional Rule 1: Captured Generals are executed (deleted through edit mode)Optional Rule 2: Captured Encampments are burned to the ground (deleted)Optional Rule 3: Barques can capture convoy zones. Historical Alliances:Nation................................ Allies1.United Kingdom............... AUS PRU RUS OTT2.France............................ SPN SWD3.Kingdom of Prussia.......... RUS SWD AUS UK4.Ottoman Empire............... UK AUS SPN5.Russia............................. PRU AUS UK6.Sweden........................... FRA SPN PRU7.Spain.............................. OTT FRA SWD8.Austrian Empire............... UK OTT PRU RUS Actual Alliances in this game:UnitedKingdom ............. CoalitionKingdomOfPrussia ........ CoalitionRussia ......................... CoalitionAustrianEmpire ............. CoalitionFrance ......................... CarolingiansSpain ........................... CarolingiansOttomanEmpire ............ CarolingiansSweden ....................... Carolingians Unit List:attack/defense/movement/cost .... special0/1/0/2 Mortella Tower0/4/0/6 Fortress1/2/1/3 Fusiliers . Supportable1/3/1/4 Chasseurs . Supportable3/3/1/6 Grenadiers . Supportable2/1/1/5 Marines . Amphibious Assault +1 Attack1/1/1/3 Howitzer . Gives Support (+1 attack)2/2/1/5 Artillery . Gives Support (+1 attack)5/1/1/7 Mortars . Gives Support (+1 attack)1/1/2/4 Horse Artillery . Blitz, Gives Support (+1 attack)2/1/2/5 Hussars . Blitz2/2/2/6 Dragoons . Blitz, Supportable3/2/2/7 Cuirassiers . Blitz, Supportable4/3/2/9 Marshal . Blitz, Supportable4/3/3/9 Marshal of France . Blitz, Supportable, French only0/1/2/8 Barque . Transport Capacity: 31/1/2/6 Cutter . Gives Support (+1 attack)1/2/2/8 Brigantine . Supportable, TCapacity: 12/1/2/9 Corvette . First Strike, Supportable, TCapacity: 13/2/2/14 Frigate . Nullifies All Enemy First Strike, Supportable, Bombard, TC: 14/4/2/19 Battleship . 2 Hit Points (doesn't repair), Supportable, Bombard, TC: 10/0/0/15 Encampment . Can Produce Units, Can be Captured0/0/1/20 General . Can Produce Units on Territory you owned at beginning of turn, Can be Captured, Can be Transported STRATEGY HELP and OPENING MOVES As France:You have many options and no required opening moves.Obviously you should take Flanders, Cologne, and Provence.Option 1) Go Heavy into Germany and NorthWestern EuropeOption 2) Go Heavy into ItalyOption 3) Atlantic Fleet buildsOption 4) Take Egypt and build an encampment or general down there.Option 5) Send the Egypt fleet back towards Italy (or up to black sea)Generally speaking you can probably do 2 out of those 5, as trying to do more would spread you too thin. As England:You have the most options and no required opening moves.Try to kill the remains of the english channel french fleet.You can use the frigate near ireland for shore bombardments into ireland (with the marine), and even help with the northumberland marine too.Your Majorica fleet can kill the spanish fleet if the french did not support it, and otherwise you can take corsica, sardinia, valencia, or tunisia with the marines there, or you can head for the french convoy zone and steal it.Your other med fleet can go towards the french med fleet, or try to link up with the majorica fleet, or head to Candia (crete). You can also build an encampment in either Candia or Majorica, though Candia can usually last longer, and can be used to pressure the ottomons.England should try to have more fleet than the spanish at all times.It is generally a good idea to help the Prussians push Sweden out of Jutland. After that, you can turn your attention to northern france, northwestern europe, or invade norway and sweden.Get the Swedish and French convoy zones near England as soon as you can. As Spain:Take Oporto.Position Units and choose your build in order to take Andalusia (Gibraltar) and Lisbon on the second turn.Your general can head for Valencia and build fleet, or La Mancha and build units this turn.Usually not a good idea to threaten England in the Atlantic the first turn.You also need to send some guys into North Africa, and can do so on the first turn depending, but at least by the third turn. Your goal should be to eventually be getting +10 pu's a turn out of africa.Option 1) Attempt to rid the Med of the UKOption 2) Begin a Naval building war against the UK in the atlanticOption 3) Build all land, sending to either northern france or italy. As Prussia:Take Mecklenburg.You can choose to attack Moldovia if you want.Generally speaking your goal should be to push Sweden out of Holstein, while keeping the French OR Swedish in check.Option 1) Go 100% navy. Assuming Jutland and Finland fall by turn 3, you can win against Sweden's Navy on turn 6, even if Sweden goes 100% navy also.Option 2) Go a little navy to start, to hold on to your convoy zone for 3 turns, then switch to 100% land.Option 3) Go 100% land. You will have to garrison Prussia and your north. Can pay off quickly if France can be stopped from advancing. As Sweden:Consolidate your fleet in SZ9 and move General to Ostra Gotaland.You must attack St. Petersburg with everything that can make it in Finland and Karelia. You MUST retreat to Karelia after 1 round. You must NOT win in St. Petersburg.You can build 1 Battleship and 1 Cutter first turn.If Prussia builds 100% navy, your choices are 1) to keep up and build 100% navy also, hoping french can pressure prussia, or 2) send your fleet to sz11 or build extremely defensive fleet, or just save your money for multiple turnsIf Prussia does not go navy, you should still build navy first turn, but after that you can build a barque or two and begin reinforcing jutland, finland, and invading all the coastal areas around you. Perhaps even drop off a general somewhere to build on the mainland. As Austria:Do not forget to move your troops in Hollande (and each turn after that until they get where you want them to go).Take Bavaria.You can also take 1 Ottomon territory this turn most likely.Build cheap units as fodder.Sit back and build, perpare for french assault eventually. Play check with French forces.You can also swing into Italy when the time is right and the French are not prepared to prevent you taking Rome.Pressuring Ottomons can be done but is risky, as if you get too far away from Vienna the French might decided to take it from you. As The Ottomons:Retreat northern forces closer to Constantinople.Move Brigantine in SZ93 closer to Russian Convoy, take russian convoy on turn 2 with brig.You use your marines against an enemy in moldovia, or you can move them to use turn 2 or 3 in the med against the neutrals.If you pick up your general with the barque and drop him off in Sinop, you can build a cavalry there and use it against Armenia.You can attack Edessa first turn, but if you lose any guys taking Armenia turn 2 gets more painful. Might be worth waiting and moving all troops closer to Armenia turn 1 without attacking.Overall, your goal is take significant money out of the middle east, while holding off Russian hordes, Austrian adventuring, and the occasional UK amphibious assault.Survive long enough while taking neutrals and you become a threat who can push back, but at the beginning you mostly just try to survive.If Austria does not send much against you, or Sweden forces Russia to head north, you can go on an early offensive, but don't get in over your head.You can also send all your navy to the med and challenge the UK for supremecy there. As Russia:Your job is to push Sweden out of Finland, and Push the Ottomons out of Armenia, while threatening and holding down any Ottomons near Constantinople that way they do not pressure Austria. You can also send a few spare troops to defend Prussia and Austrian capitols.Pretty simple, you want to send at least 20 units north.... then send everything else south.If Prussia is not going navy, you will need to send a unit north every turn just to build up a defense up there in case sweden attacks.Otherwise, send everything you build south every turn.You can also send a general south and build Navy. After you take the two neutrals there, your navy can exit the harbor and take back your convoy zone. The navy builds often force the Ottomons to keep up in navy, which is not something they can easily do. Possible Future Changes:Artillery made 2/1/1/4 cost and defense lowered by 1Mortars made 4/2/1/6 cost and attack lowered by 1, defense increased by 1 or 4/1/1/6 cost and attack lowered by 1Marines made 2(3)/2/1/5 defense boosted by 1, OR stay at 2(3)/1/1/5 and be supportable.Grenadier made 3/2/1/5 cost and defense lowered by 1Hussar, Dragoons, Cuirassiers, General, cost lowered by 1Corvette made 2/2/2/10 cost and defense increased by 1Frigate cost made 13Battleship cost made 19 or 20 or 21Horse Artillery made 2/0/2/4 attack increased by 1, defense decreased by 1, OR made 1/2/2/4 defense increased by 1, OR made 1/0/2/3 defense and cost decreased by 1, OR made 0/1/2/3 attack and cost decreased by 1Fortress made 0/5/0/7 cost and defense raised by 1, or made 0/4/0/8 with 2 hits points (non-repairable) cost raised by 2.Some name changes for units. Version 2.0 - 3.x changes made by Veqryn. Version 3.0 - 3.1 changes:New Unit: Marshal, a 4/3/2/9 unit that is supportable and has blitz, similar to Marshal of France, but available to all non-france powers.New Graphics: Marshal of France based on Michel Ney, United Kingdom Marshal based on Arthur Wellesley the Duke of Wellington, Prussian Marshal based on Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher, Austrian Marshal based on Archduke Charles, Russian Marshal based on Mikhail Kutuzov (thx Pulicat for these, i did a number of after effects on them tho).Fixed baseTiles to reflect new units.Battleships increased in cost by 1, to 20.Sweden and Prussia starting pu increased by 1 each, so that they may still do an opening purchase of 1 bb and 1 cutter.Returned the Fortresses to Majorica and Candia.Returned 1 Fusilier to Sussex.Removed 3 Fusilier and 1 Marine from Navarre, that I had placed their earlier.The 2 Chasseurs removed from Lisbon earlier have been re-added to Algarve.Paris has 1 less production, Auvergne has 1 more.Cheshire has 1 more production, Northumberland has 1 less. Version 2.9.1 - 3.0 changes:Changed names: Crete - Candia, Tras os Montes - Oporto, Urals - Tsaritsyn, Budapest - Zala, Flankers - Chasseurs, Lancers - Cuirassiers, Entrenchment - Mortella_Tower, Mortars - HowitzerDragoons and Cuirassiers graphics switched aroundNew Graphic: Mortella_Tower (replacing the old Entrenchment)(thx pulicat)New Graphic: Howitzer (replacing the old Mortars)(thx pulicat)Game name and folder changed from 'Empires' to 'Napoleonic Empires'Unit Changed: Mortars is now a 5/1/1/7 unit that supportsNew Unit: Howitzer, 1/1/1/3 unit that supports (taking over the old Mortars stats)New Unit: Marshal_of_France, a 4/3/3/9 unit that can be supportable, and has blitzSZ86 Grenadiers changed to Marshal_of_France Version 2.9 - 2.9.1 changes:Added a connection between SZ67 and SZ70Added a connection and canal between SZ70 and SZ71Added an Mortella_Tower to Candia, changed Candia Flanker to Fusilier.Removed 1 Fusilier from Essex and removed 1 Fusilier from Sussex.Added an Mortella_Tower to Constantinople.Moved 1 Fusilier back from Kiev to Severia, changed 2 Moscow Flanker into Fusilier.Changed 1 Zala Flanker into a Fusilier.Changed 4 French Howitzer into Horse_Artillery.SZ29 1 Brigantine changed to CutterSZ30 Corvette moved to SZ24Provence upped to 2 production and Paris lowered to 11 to compensate, and French starting PUs lowered by 1 to 46. Version 2.8 - 2.9 changes:Changed name of AngloSaxons to Coalitionmoved sz82 french fleet to sz81, sz64 flanker upgraded to grenadierremoved 1 fortress from Candia and majorica, removed 1 Mortella_Tower from gibraltaradded 1 Howitzer to jutland, upgraded 1 fusilier to grenadier in jutland, removed 1 fusilier from svealandmoved Mortella_Tower from kiev to estonia, removed 1 barque from sz101added 1 Mortella_Tower to prussia, turned 2 prussian Chasseurs into fusiliers, and moved 1 one space backturned 3 austrian Chasseurs into fusiliers, and moved 1 one space back from frontadded 1 neutral to astrakahn, removed 2 neutrals from lisbon, removed 1 neutral from barca and sinai, added few more neutrals to mid-east Version 2.7 - 2.8 changes:Battleships no longer repair at end of turn. BB price dropped to 19 (18? 20?).Corvette and Frigate dropped by 1 each in price (might have to drop Frigate 1 more). General costs 2 less also.Removed the Austrian and Prussian Hussar that I added in 2.7. Moved 2 Prussian Fusilier backwards towards capital. Removed 1 Russian Fusilier from Lith, added 1 Dragoon to Finland. Changed 2 French Hussars into Dragoons. Removed 1 marine from Majorica and Candia. Removed the Austrian Fusilier I added to Hollande.Added 1 French Hussar to Poitou, 1 Cuirassiers to Burgundy, 1 Marine to Brittany. Removed Austrian Brigantine. Added 1 Artillery to Jutland.Moved French Brig in SZ63 to SZ64Switched Swedish Frigate and Battleship around.Prussian Cutter turned into a Brigantine, Prussian Barque turned into Russian Brigantine.Egypt now worth 3 instead of 4. Version 2.6 - 2.7 changes:Removed 1 Russian Barque. Added 4 units to Jutland, 3 units to Finland. Added 2 ottomon and 1 austrian fusilier. Added a Swedish Barque to SZ20, to keep UK from capturing Swedish convoy round 1 (I recommend not attacking this barque with less than a BB, because you will lose a ship 1/4th of the time. You can go around the barque instead.)Added Options for: Partial Amphibious Retreat (defaults false), Naval Bombardment Casualties Fire Back (defaults false), and Naval Bombard Restricted To Number of Units offloading (defaults true, to avoid bombard abuse).Candia and convoy SZ73 are now UK, along with a starting UK fleet in 73.France has a fleet off Egypt, ready to take it or return home. France now owns SZ38 convoy zone. Removed 2 French Fusilier from Poitou.Moved Ottomon Marines to Istanbul, so that Ottos can not take Egypt til turn 3 or 4 if France declines to take it. Added Ottomon Artillery back to Tarsus.Removed 2 Russian Fusiliers from Severia, added 1 Hussar to Zala and Warszowa.Removed 1 Mortella_Tower from Gibraltar, 1 Flanker from Majorica.Addition of various Pirate vessels around and about the map, particularly concentrated where the Barbary corsairs were.Fixed polygons.txt file, Corsica was hidden beneath the sea zone. Also added Pirate flag to neutral vessels. Version 2.4 - 2.6 changes:Purchasing now comes AFTER Combat Move.SZ73 is now a UK convoy that is occupied by the Ottomons.Prussian Brigantine changed to Cutter, to cut down on luck slightly.Hussars given blitz.New unit and graphic created: Horse ArtilleryNew unit and graphic created: Mortella_TowerDragoons, Cuirassiers given attack supportable.Fortress price lowered by 2 to 6, General lowered by 3 to 22.Slight Changes to setup, more units for neutrals, 1 less artillery for ottomons, french force made more mobile, Gibraltar troops turned into fortresses, so that Spain can ignore taking Gibraltar without suffering if it chooses to, and created an austrian fleet of a single ship. Version 2 - 2.4 changes:Fixed various properties (triplea engine upgraded from to required many updates)Chasseurs, Grenadiers, Hussars, reduced in price by 1.Dragoons, Corvettes, reduced in price by 2.Cuirassiers, Frigates, reduced in price by 3.Battleships price increaded by 1.Grenadiers switched from 2/3 to 3/3 att/def.Fixed bug: All ships except for Barques can capture Convoy Zones. This is user-enforced. The game engine lets Barques capture convoy zones, but this is a bug in the engine. Barques are not allowed to capture convoy zones.Fixed bug: Dragoons now have Blitz, to match the chart.All Neutral Grenadiers changed to Chasseurs.Minor changes to unit startup with neutrals: less luck for defenses.Minor changes to unit startup for Carolingians: all Dragoons turned into Hussars, plus extra Hussars for France. Original Map and Game, complete to Version 2 by LSSAH.Changes 2.0-3.x by Veqryn (with additional help from Pulicat, Lalapaloza, Cal2), Last Edited March 22, 2010.