| - Agcostar was a line of 4WD Articulated tractors that was built by AGCO from 1994-2001. Image:AgcoStar logo.jpg In 1994, AGCO purchased McConnell Tractors based in Kingston, NC, which was the builder of the Massey-Ferguson and McConnell 4WD tractors. McConnell had purchased the 4WD articulated tractor business from Massey Ferguson back in 1989, and had moved production from Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
| - Agcostar was a line of 4WD Articulated tractors that was built by AGCO from 1994-2001. Image:AgcoStar logo.jpg In 1994, AGCO purchased McConnell Tractors based in Kingston, NC, which was the builder of the Massey-Ferguson and McConnell 4WD tractors. McConnell had purchased the 4WD articulated tractor business from Massey Ferguson back in 1989, and had moved production from Brantford, Ontario, Canada. When AGCO purchased McConnell, they moved production to the former White plant in Coldwater, Ohio. The Agcostar was intended to be a stripped-down 4WD that would be more affordable to farmers. Sales were never very high, and production of the Agcostar ceased in 2001. AGCO didn't manufacture a 4WD articulated tractor until the Challenger MT900 series was introduced in 2007.