| - Demographic information, such as that found in the above template and other statistics not covered in there.
- Sigmar Młotodzierżca, Młotogromca - główny ludzki bóg Imperium. Symbolem jest młot. Sigmar był człowiekiem, który walczył przeciwko armii chaosu aby ratować Stary Świat. Drużyna miała bardzo bliski kontakt z Sigmarem w jego świątyni w miasteczku Wittengsdorf, gdzie objawił części drużyny swój głos i nakazał walkę ze złem pustoszącym te tereny.
- Young woman courted by Towser.
- Sigmar Heldenhammer (meaning Hammer of the Goblins in Old Reikspiel), born as Sigmar Unberogen, is the eternal patron god of the Cult of Sigmar and the Empire of Man, as well as its founder and principle war-god. Born over 2500 years ago to the Unberogen tribe, his coming having been heralded by the twin-tailed comet; Sigmar, alone of the chieftains of the 12 tribes, was possessed of a singular drive to put an end to the bloody tribal conflict that had riven his people apart. This was not a thing to be taken lightly, for the Thuringians and Teutogens raided the northern borders of the Unberogens, the Merogens their southern settlements. The Jutones and the Endals warred with each other over land, and the Norsii made prey of all men. All the while, the Greenskins ravaged humanity from the
- Titolo: Dio dell'Unità - L'Imperatore Allineamento: Legale Neutrale Classi: Chierici - Classi Guerriere Razza: Umani Simbolo: Normalmente il culto di Sigmar viene associato a due simboli: un martello da guerra nanico stilizzato e un ottagono composto da due quadrati sovrapposti, le cui punte sono unite in un cerchio. Naturalmente il primo simbolo rappresenta il martello magico di Sigmar, Ghalmaraz, mentre il secondo si riferisce all'unificazione delle otto tribù, i cui membri furono i primi abitanti umani di questa parte del Vecchio mondo. Domini da Chierico: Guerra, Protezione, Forza
- Sigmar is the deified legendary founder of The Empire. As befits the character of this mighty warrior, Sigmar is worshipped both for his military might and as the great unifier - the synthesis of all the conflicting interests of the various power groups within The Empire. Statues and paintings usually depict him as a muscular, bearded giant of a man, with long, blond hair. He invariably bears a massive, two-handed Dwarven warhammer and is often shown seated on a simple throne with piles of Goblin heads at his feet.
| - Demographic information, such as that found in the above template and other statistics not covered in there.
- Sigmar is the deified legendary founder of The Empire. As befits the character of this mighty warrior, Sigmar is worshipped both for his military might and as the great unifier - the synthesis of all the conflicting interests of the various power groups within The Empire. Statues and paintings usually depict him as a muscular, bearded giant of a man, with long, blond hair. He invariably bears a massive, two-handed Dwarven warhammer and is often shown seated on a simple throne with piles of Goblin heads at his feet. As might be surmised from the size of The Empire, religious practices vary enormously from place to place, with one notable exception: the Cult of Sigmar is widespread and predominates over all others. The Cult is organised along strictly hierarchical lines, under the spiritual leadership of the Grand Theogonist at Altdorf. One rung down the ladder of power are the two Arch Lectors based in Nuln and Talabheim and directly beneath them are 18 ordinary Lectors - one for each Province, excluding the Mootland. The Grand Theogonist appoints all Lectors and, on the death of their leader, these meet in secret conclave beneath the Cathedral in Altdorf to choose his successor. Because of the vital role played by the Dwarfs in the legend of Sigmar, it is customary for the Grand Theogonist and the Arch Lectors to assume Dwarven names on accession to their offices. Clerics of Sigmar will belong to one of three orders, which determines their function within the Cult. PC Clerics will all belong to the Order of the Silver Hammer, whose members travel The Empire, promoting the Cult, rooting out heretics, and generally bringing glory to the Cult. As adventuring Clerics, they are required to pay 25% of their income to the Cult and may be required to spend 1 week per year as a temple guard or as a bodyguard to a Cult dignitary. They are able to conduct services and hear confessions only in the absence of a member of the ecclesiastical order. The other orders are the Order of the Torch, from whose ranks are drawn the administrators of the Cult's temples and the priests who actually officiate at religious ceremonies, and the Order of the Anvil, which is a monastic order whose members live out their lives in isolation from the rest of society, dedicating themselves to meditation and prayer. The former Order makes up the main element of the Cult and the other orders are subject to it. Its members are assigned to provincial temples, with Initiates or semi-trained lay personnel acting as village priests, while town temples usually have a Cleric of level 1 or higher. The main function of the latter order is to study and interpret the word of Sigmar, which forms the basis of Imperial law. Members may be found in law schools and the upper ranks provide legal advisors for the Grand Theogonist and the Emperor. You should note the distinction between this order and the Cult of Verena. The Order of the Anvil is concerned with the letter of the law, leaving the Cult of Verena to worry about justice. The Cult also has an attached order of Templars - The Knights of the Fiery Heart - whose members are not necessarily Clerics and who form a fanatical military wing, which fights alongside the Imperial army in times of war.
- Sigmar Młotodzierżca, Młotogromca - główny ludzki bóg Imperium. Symbolem jest młot. Sigmar był człowiekiem, który walczył przeciwko armii chaosu aby ratować Stary Świat. Drużyna miała bardzo bliski kontakt z Sigmarem w jego świątyni w miasteczku Wittengsdorf, gdzie objawił części drużyny swój głos i nakazał walkę ze złem pustoszącym te tereny.
- Young woman courted by Towser.
- Sigmar Heldenhammer (meaning Hammer of the Goblins in Old Reikspiel), born as Sigmar Unberogen, is the eternal patron god of the Cult of Sigmar and the Empire of Man, as well as its founder and principle war-god. Born over 2500 years ago to the Unberogen tribe, his coming having been heralded by the twin-tailed comet; Sigmar, alone of the chieftains of the 12 tribes, was possessed of a singular drive to put an end to the bloody tribal conflict that had riven his people apart. This was not a thing to be taken lightly, for the Thuringians and Teutogens raided the northern borders of the Unberogens, the Merogens their southern settlements. The Jutones and the Endals warred with each other over land, and the Norsii made prey of all men. All the while, the Greenskins ravaged humanity from the East and the Beastmen raided from the forests. Nevertheless, through words and deeds, Sigmar brought the tribes together while casting aside those who defied him and then, with hammer and fury, drove the enemies of mankind from his homeland. After Sigmar had completed the unification, he was coronated as Emperor by the Ar-Ulric himself, having been a deeply devout Ulrican in mortal life. For fifty years did Sigmar reign over the Empire: a golden age that was just, fair and prosperous. Yet despite that, many challenges to the Empire's stability were faced and overcome by Sigmar's daring and leadership: the invasions of Norsii barbarians, and even the march of the Lord of the Undead, Nagash himself, whom Sigmar defeated in single-combat at the gates of Reikdorf. Upon the last year of his rule, and the anniversary of his coronation by the Ar-Ulric, Sigmar rose up from his throne and left the Empire, heading eastwards towards the World's Edge Mountains. He was accompanied by a great wolf on one flank and a massive boar on the other, his visage was a mask of grim determination. Whatever the truth of these legends, the simple fact remained, the Father of the Empire had gone. Within a generation after his passing, the people of his Empire clamoured around a wild-eyed friar named Johann Helstrum who proclaimed that he had borne witness to a vision of Ulric himself placing the crown of godhood upon Sigmar's brow and elevating him to join the company of the divine. Thus was born the Cult of Sigmar- men claiming that their Lord had not fallen in the East, but had ascended boldly to rule the heavens. A new god, one born of mortal origins, but destined to protect his people so long as his Empire stood. Two millennium hence, the Cult of Sigmar has become the most widespread and most powerful faith in all the Empire- rivaled only by the ancient Cult of Ulric, and even then only in the north. He is said to constantly battle the Dark Gods, working to stem their malignant influence from infecting the realm of men. The souls of his worshipers martyred in battle against the Northmen make their way to his side, to aid him in his holy struggle. In Sigmar's divine, all-seeing wisdom, he sees the need for strength from his followers- not only of sinew, but of will and of faith. Unholy threats assail his nation, both from within and from without, and thus he channels his might into his mortal champions- the mighty Sigmarite Warrior-Priests. Above all, however, it is faith that serves as the chief weapon of the Empire. Unwavering in their devotion, the warriors of the Empire stand strong against such horrors that would make lesser men go mad with fear. They need only hear the recitation of the verses of the Holy Deus Sigmar to drive them in committing unparalleled acts of heroism. Yet now the darkness is gathering, for far to the north, a dark lord has risen amongst the Northmen, driving the fur-clad savages of the north to take to their longships with fire and steel. The final battle draws near, and now, more than ever, the Empire will need its faith, and the blessings of Sigmar, lest Chaos consume the greatest nation of Men on earth and the foul Daemon-Gods attain their final victory. Throughout the lands of the Empire, the Heirs of Sigmar gird themselves for war and recount the glorious deeds of their forebear, and they shall meet their foes as they always have- with faith, fire, courage and steel.
- Titolo: Dio dell'Unità - L'Imperatore Allineamento: Legale Neutrale Classi: Chierici - Classi Guerriere Razza: Umani Simbolo: Normalmente il culto di Sigmar viene associato a due simboli: un martello da guerra nanico stilizzato e un ottagono composto da due quadrati sovrapposti, le cui punte sono unite in un cerchio. Naturalmente il primo simbolo rappresenta il martello magico di Sigmar, Ghalmaraz, mentre il secondo si riferisce all'unificazione delle otto tribù, i cui membri furono i primi abitanti umani di questa parte del Vecchio mondo. Sacerdozio: Preti (di qualsiasi classe non magica), o Preti Guerrieri (Chierici) Domini da Chierico: Guerra, Protezione, Forza Templi: Diffusi nell'impero, le chiese sono rare nella Bretonnia ma ci sono in ogni grande citta'. Descrizione: Il Calendario Imperiale, che pone al principio l'incoronazione del primo Imperatore, afferma che Sigmar Heldenhammer nacque nell'anno -30 CI. Era il figlio del capo degli Umberogeni, una delle più potenti tribù preimperiali. La notte della sua nascita fu segnata da un prodigio: una cometa con due code apparve nel cielo. Nell'anno -15 CI, Sigmar respinse l'attacco di una tribù di Orchi all'età di soli 15 anni. Successivamente, comandò una spedizione punitiva contro altri pelleverde, che tenevano prigioniero il re dei Nani Kurgan Barbadiferro. In segno di ringraziamento, Kurgan gli consegnò un martello da guerra, ornato di potenti rune; Ghal Maraz (nella lingua Khazalid, la lingua dei Nani, Spacca Crani). Fu allora che Sigmar iniziò una campagna, volta a riunire tutte le tribù degli umani in quello che diventerà l'Impero. Uno ad uno i suoi oppositori caddero, per battaglie o per diplomazia. Il momento più difficile fu la sottomissione dei Teutogeni, seguaci dell'antichissimo culto di Ulric. Essi erano la più grande e potente delle tribù, e comandavano un territorio molto vicino all'attuale città di Middenheim. Il loro capo, Artur, fu sconfitto da Sigmar in duello. Quello fu il momento in cui tutte le genti accettarono il suo controllo. I dodici leader delle tribù riunite furono nominati generali del nascente esercito. L'unione delle tribù precedette una crociata contro uomini-bestia e pelleverde. Il potere che questi avevano esercitato sulle terre degli Uomini cominciò a decadere, fino alla Prima Battaglia del Passo della Fiamma Nera. L'esercito delle tribù sconfisse i Pelleverde, scacciandoli dal territorio e spingendoli nei loro attuali rifugi. Era l'anno -1 CI. Sigmar, vittorioso, ritornò nella sua nativa Reikland. A Reikdorf (attuale Altdorf) fu incoronato, il diciottesimo giorno del mese di Sigmarzeit, come Imperatore Sigmar Heldenhammer I, il Martello degli Orchi. Il neo Imperatore ricompensò i suoi generali, nominandoli Conti Elettori. Per consolidarne la potenza, chiese al fabbro runico Alaric il Pazzo la creazione delle Zanne Runiche, dodici spade dai grandi poteri per i suoi dodici compagni di vittoria. Il perfezionismo nanico fece si che le armi fossero pronte solo molti anni dopo; furono consegnate ai eredi di coloro che avrebbero dovuto riceverle. Sigmar regnò per 50 anni. Il cinquantesimo anno, l'Imperatore abdicò e partì per le Montagne dei confini del mondo. I motivi di questo viaggio non sono mai stati chiariti. Una delle ipotesi vede come causa il desiderio dell'Imperatore di riconsegnare Ghal Maraz ai Nani. La questione è estremamente problematica; l'arma tradizionale degli Imperatori, nonché icona prima del culto di Sigmar, è sempre stata identificata con il martello che brandì Heldenhammer. Una quantità di eresie sono sorte riguardo la vera provenienza del martello; ufficialmente, il martello di Karl Franz I, e di tutti coloro che lo hanno preceduto, è proprio Ghal Maraz. Nessun umano ha più visto il primo Imperatore da quel giorno in poi. Sigmar non tentò mai di arrogarsi poteri divini; quale fosse la sua fede quando era in vita rimarrà per sempre una congettura. Le tradizioni affermano che fu incoronato dal Sacerdote del culto di Ulric, il dio nordico dell'inverno, dei lupi e della guerra. Ma la sua scomparsa, e il fatto che nessuno ne abbia mai accertato la morte, alimentarono voci e leggende. Così, nell'anno 73 CI, Johann Helstrum fondò il Culto di Sigmar. Il culto di Sigmar si espanse rapidamente, fino a divenire la prima religione dell'Impero. L'attuale Chiesa Ortodossa Imperiale, l'appendice temporale del Culto, ha conficcato profondamente le sue radici nella politica dell'Impero.