| - The Steeljack is a modified version of a Terran super crane. Many fringe world militas cannot afford to construct, purchase, nor maintain higher level mech support than SCVs and used Goliaths. Even with blackmarket contacts, they could never rival the economic strength of the core worlds, especially with the threat of alien invasions. So most militas make due with what resources they could scrounge up on and off the radar. Some worlds are fortunate to have some veterans from siege tank and engineering corps to lend some expertise and advice on how to get the best of what they have. The Steeljack mech is a culmination of their collective knowledge and resources. Though not as heavily equipped for combat as a Thor, the mech is still capable of holding its own against even some of the larger strains of Zerg. Its main armament consists of 15-20 gatling guns and autocannons for anti-personnel and anti-armor roles. Against enemy air forces, the Steeljack uses multiple missile pods scavanged from missile turrets and Goliaths. To keep government officials from confiscating the few Steeljack mechs already constructed, fringe world leaders wrote them off as experimental mining equipment along with the occasional bribe. As a mining vehicle, it uses a plasma saw to tear through large mineral nodes and a powerful claw to hoist them up (Starcraft II - April Fools: Terra-tron; Warcraft III: Goblin Shredder). For more resilient materials, the Steeljack transforms into a more powerful saw capable of cutting apart the neosteel hulls of large obsolete starship for scrap. Incidentally, this mode is very effective in demolishing buildings (Warcraft III: Siege Engine). As a last resort, the Steeljack's claw is strong enough to hoist an Ultralisk and in some cases makes an effective catapult. This is rare a most of the time, pilots prefer to take down enemy forces at range before they have to engage in close quarters. Another benefit to the Steeljack's design is that it is smaller and easier to transport than most of the heavier mechs used by major military forces. Which makes it popular among fringe world militas, mercenaries, and certain corporations. Special abilities:
* Steeljack Mode/Cutter Mode - the Steeljack transforms, becoming a powerful saw dealing continuous damage to structures
* Grab/Toss - grabs target unit or structure and throws it at target area. Damage is equal to target unit/structure health
* Harvest Node (auto-cast) - gathers entire target mineral node