| - Grendelstiltzkin (enter): 17:31 (3939) Nathan: Fabs is AFK, and WarD's missing altogether. Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3943) Grendelstiltzkin... (3939) Nathan: Though they'll probably show up soon. (3943) Grendelstiltzkin: Hopefully. (3939) Nathan: Yeah. Anyway.. (3939) Nathan: I hope you finished your character's sheet. (3946) Grendelstiltzkin (enter): 17:35 (3939) Nathan: wb (3950) Dana (enter): 17:39 (3950) Daveed: Every time we use Blackstar, that Knights of the Old Republic game throws me off. (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: Same here (3939) Nathan: Heh. :) (3956) fabricati (enter): 17:48 (3939) Nathan: Ahh, good. Everybody's here. (3939) Nathan: Now to stand the clone against a wall, and Player you all. (3939) Nathan: Booting '(3943) Grendelstiltzkin' from room... (3943) Grendelstiltzkin (exit): 17:49 (3939) Nathan: Pew pew. Pew pew pew. Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3946) Grendelstiltzkin... Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3956) fabricati... Attempting to assign the role of Player to (3950) Daveed... (3939) Nathan: Everybody here? (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: sorry to brb now, but (3950) Daveed: heh. Me too, actually. Need to grab something to eat, but feel free to start the intro while waiting on me. (3939) Nathan: Nah, I'll just wait. (3950) Daveed: waiting on food to microwave. (3950) Daveed: back, sorry to keep ya waiting. (3939) Nathan: WB. (3939) Nathan: Gren? (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: back (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: ugh (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: sorry (3939) Nathan: Something wrong? (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: No (3950) Daveed: sooooo.... (3939) Nathan: Typing! (3939) Nathan: SD's Postpad: Home One and the convoy have been in hyperspace for two days of the journey, which is due to be over in another sixteen hours. The massive ship's hyperdrive is currently working at only half its maximum possible speed, so as to stay with the convoy's slow transport ships, which are only equipped with x2 hyperdrives. Since Cray's introduction to the group and the revelation that he is trained in the Jedi Arts, he's been accepted as one of them, belonging with the group of Jedi. Master Skywalker was happy to learn of Cray's whereabouts, and that he had been well since he had last seen the Jedi Order. You've been through briefings. Oh, the briefings! The general plan remains the same: the convoy will drop out of hyperspace, travel to the planet Polneye, and join the advance ships already waiting there. The location where Malor Tal has set up his "planetary seat of government," if indeed there is even a structure at the listed coordinates, will be scouted first by the Jedi, while the "troops" prepare to land. Once the location has been secured, the "troops" landed, then the figureheads - Panaka and Allanza G primarily, among a few other minor notables - will land, declare that the colonist group have settled Polneye as their first act, and officially overthrow the previous government as their second act, installing themselves as the new and rightful government of Polneye. Aside from the Polisci minuatae debates, there hasn't been much in the way of problems so far. The only real point of contention is what to do with Malor Tal: Allanza G wants to stand him up against a wall when he's brought to justice, whereas Panaka thinks it would reflect better on the new government of Polneye if he is instead imprisoned. But everybody agrees he can't just be allowed to go free. Other than that, the flight simulators in the pilots lounge have been brought back online. They've been a good source of boredom relief. However, at present, something has ceased to go right. (3939) Nathan: The ship's intercomm sounds. "This is Panaka. Would everyone please come to the bridge? We have a situation developing." (3950) Daveed: "Oh, a situation. Situations are always fun, aren't they?" (3956) Dawn: Thaaat doesn't sound good; Dawn turns off the infinite eyeball simulation. Ironically, it's not that it got rid of a lot of stress, she just missed being in a cockpit. "Hmmm." She gets up, stretches- how long has she been in there, anyway-? and starts heading for the bridge. (3950) Daveed: Daveed openly watches her stretch as he shuts off his lightsaber and the practice drone, and follows her. (3939) Nathan: Asyr pulls herself out of the next simulator booth over, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head. "Twenty says we've lost contact with the advance ship," she mutters. (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: Interrupted from his meditation by the announcement, Cray stands and heads for the bridge, calmly, but at a brisk pace. (3956) Dawn: "No bet," Dawn says, though she does look around while she does so to try and get an idea of what might be going on before it comes to that. (3939) Nathan: Well, the alert klaxxons aren't going off, and the ship is still humming along through hyperspace, so whatever it is, you haven't been yanked out of hyperdrive by an Interdictor and attacked. (3950) Daveed: "Let's hope it's not that serious, but... no bet." (3950) Daveed: (and the first person dumb enough to tempt fate by saying that IC and out loud gets a whoopin'.) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "I'm not a betting man, I'm afraid." (3939) Nathan: You filter in to the bridge along with Ackbar, who seems to have been awakened. Panaka is sitting in Ackbar's usual chair, telling an M-3P0 droid, "Try it again." "I have tried, sir. I am not receving any transmissions." Panaka sighs, and stands up. "We've lost contact with our advance ship," he says, plainly and matter-of-factly. "They missed their last check-in, and they're not responding when we try to raise them." (3950) Daveed: "Are you sure you're not Force Sensitive, Asyr?" (3939) Nathan: She smirks, but doesn't answer as Ackbar walks towards Panaka, stroking his barbels. "This is bad. We're scheduled to drop out of hyperspace to launch our fighters in fifteen hours, yes?" Panaka nods. "Well, we have fifteen hours to prepare for the worst, then." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Who was on the advance ship?) (3950) Daveed: (some of Allanza's minions.) (3939) Nathan: ((Allanza G's girls. They had a Gozanti Cruiser that's been conducting an orbital survey of Polneye for the last fortnight)) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Ahh, right. I was going to see if I could use Farseeing.) (3950) Daveed: "We're Jedi, Admiral. Master Skywalker would take away our robes if we weren't prepared for the worst at all times." (3939) Nathan: Speaking of, the woman herself rushes onto the bridge, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry," she says. "I was asleep in the hold of my ship. What's going on?" (3950) Daveed: "Bad news, I'm afraid..." (3939) Nathan: Ackbar nods at Daveed. "It's good to hear, but..." He trails off as Allanza G asks for an update, and looks to Daveed. (3950) Daveed: "It seems... we've lost contact with your people on the advance ship, Allanza," he tells her gently. (3939) Nathan: Allanza closes her eyes, and sighs. "Damn. Okay, did they get off a message?" (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (If she told me a name, a description of someone who was aboard the cruiser, could I try a Farseeing check to see if they're alive?) (3939) Nathan: ((Lemme check the description of Farseeing.)) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Core rulebook, page 96) (3950) Daveed: "No. Master Panaka says that the first indication was that they missed their scheduled check-in, and haven't responded to our hails since." (3939) Nathan: ((Doesn't look like it. But that's kinda crap.)) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (It just says "a particular being". Dunno if it has be someone you personally know, or what.) (3939) Nathan: "They were jammed, then," she says. "I left them orders to send us a message if anything even hyperspaced into the system, so... They had to be taken off-guard, completely off-guard." (3939) Nathan: ((My copy says "one person you know or have met before")) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Ahhhh. I must have an old copy, then.) (3950) Daveed: "Mmm. The fleet is fifteen hours away..." (3939) Nathan: Sixteen. (3939) Nathan: They were going to drop out of hyperspace an hour from Polneye to launch the Naboo starfighter squadron so everyone could fly into Polneye well-rested. (3950) Daveed: "Although... Dawn and I could cut that time in half in our fighters, if Home One drops to realspace long enough for us to launch. It would be an uncomfortable trip, but it's the only way I can think of to get word faster." (3939) Nathan: "My ship's faster," Asyr says. "I have a .75 hyperdrive in it. If we dropped out of hyperspace now and launched, it could be there in six hours, and back to the rendevous point in twenty minutes." (3950) Daveed: (we all fit in her X-wing? Or was that supposed to be Allanza?) (3939) Nathan: ((No, that was Asyr. And no, you won't all fit in her X-Wing.)) (3939) Nathan: ((She was suggesting that someone could fly a recon sortie)) (3950) Daveed: "Hmm. i'm... not entirely comfortable with someone going alone, even in a single ship.." (3950) Daveed: "I can't forbid you, of course, Asyr, but if you do, it might be wiser to hold back enough for us to accompany you." (3939) Nathan: Ackbar strokes his barbels. "It might work..." He frowns at Daveed. "There is risk to it, of course. But if this is something simple like their hypertransciever having broken, sending a lone ship could spare us all a lot of headache." (3939) Nathan: he turns on Asyr. "How long have you been awake?" The Bothan pilot blinks in response. "Sixteen hours," she answers without hestiation, and he shakes his head. "Too long." Her eyes narrow, and the old Mon Calamari pins her with a look. "You're no longer twenty-four. How long has it been since you flew a recon sortie?" "Ah... Probably four years," she admits, and he nods. "Too long, and not enough time for you to get enough sleep in the cockpit." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "I could go," Cray volunteers. (3939) Nathan: "Sending someone to recon the area wouldn't be a bad idea," Panaka murmurs. "But if there's interceptors out there, one X-Wing is in trouble." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Actually probably not a good idea, come to think of it. I haven't done space combat in a long time and I don't remember all the rules.) (3950) Daveed: "Which is why I suggest we send at least three of us. We Jedi, and possibly Asyr. Traveling at Class One seeds should give her time to rest before we arrive." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Someone else here is probably a better pilot, anyway.) (3939) Nathan: "Sending those Eta-2s would be even more troublesome," Ackbar says, shaking his head. "If your hyperspace rings get damaged, you're stuck in realspace until we arrive." (3950) Daveed: "Worst case-scenario, we can hide out on the planet." (3956) Dawn: "Wouldn't be the first time..." (3950) Daveed: "Even in realspace, our ships are fast enough to outrun anything we can't fight." (3939) Nathan: "A-Wings?" (3939) Nathan: "Remember, a lot of New Republic starfighters have been flooding the market these past few months. You can't count on bandits only having TIEs," Asyr says. "Can you outrun A-Wings?" (3939) Nathan: (Hint: No you cannot) (3950) Daveed: "Hmm. No, but the Actis with a Jedi pilot should be a match for them... especially with the modifications Jankee and the Praxeum mechanic staff made before we left." (3939) Nathan: "Perhaps..." Ackbar nods. "Are you three certain you want to go on ahead?" (3950) Daveed: "Either that, or keep everyone in suspense for an extra eight hours. Dawn, what do you say?" (3956) Dawn: "I'm fine with it." She'd never say it for fear of jinxing the mission, but she'd missed flying a snub in combat conditions. "We don't want an ambush waiting for us in any case..." (3939) Nathan: Ackbar looks at everyone else, and nods. "Very well. Asyr, brief them on the system lay-out and get them ready. Remember, you are not going to engage. We need information, not dead pilots and shattered starfighters." (3939) Nathan: "We'll send one of the Corvettes ahead to the rendevous point. Get in, get some scans and get back to them." (3950) Daveed: "Wouldn't dream of starting the party without you, Admiral." (3939) Nathan: The old Mon Calamari laughs. "I hope not. Go." (3939) Nathan: The Bothan pilot turns and heads back for the rear of the bridge, as Allanza asks the M-3P0 to continue trying to raise the advance ship. Presumably you go with her. (3956) Dawn: Indeed. (3950) Daveed: "Very well. Come on, Asyr; hopefully, we slowpokes with our standard hyperdrives won't frustrate you too badly." He puts a hand on Allanza's arm, and gives her a smile, and a silent promise before they leave. (3939) Nathan: ((She's not going. Cray is.)) (3950) Daveed: (oh, I thought they were sending all four of us. Kay.) (3939) Nathan: ((There's only three starfighters)) (3939) Nathan: Allanza squeezes Daveed's hand in return. (3950) Daveed: "You don't have your own ship, do you, Cray?" (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (sorry, lots of distractions) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "I'm afraid not," he admits. "I've mostly tagged along on transports and freighters for the past few years." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "But I do know a thing or two about piloting." (3956) Dawn: "Well, this should prove interesting, then," Dawn says, rubbing her eyes. (3950) Daveed: "Hmm... too bad we don't have any extras. Four would be better than three..." (3950) Daveed: (Has Asyr outright agreed to let him borrow it?) (3939) Nathan: The bothan pilot winces. "That's a word for it. You have used the X-Wing simulator, right?" (3939) Nathan: "You can... I mean, you can use controls like that, right?" (3939) Nathan: (Not yet, but she's not likely to tell Ackbar 'no'.) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "Yes, I can," Cray assures her with a smile. "Don't worry, Asyr. She will come back in one piece." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "You have my word as a Jedi." (sorry, just now filling out my space sheet. We pick different feats and talents for our space sheet?) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (except largely for ones dealing with skills?) (3950) Daveed: (yes.) (3939) Nathan: (Yep.) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (no problem, then) (3939) Nathan: "Okay." Asyr squeezes Cray's shoulders, as you four pile into the tram towards the hangar bay, with another M-3P0 droid. "You," she says. "Get me an R2 unit in the executive hangar with a projection of the Polneye system." The droid acknowledges, and you're away. (3939) Nathan: "And get all three starfighters readied for launch, including the hyperdrive rings!" (3950) Daveed: "Shouldn't be a problem. We've kept them together, in case we had to leave suddenly." (3939) Nathan: The tram takes you back to the hangar, where there is indeed an astromech droid - one of T3-TT's pearlescent purple re-paints - projecting the required hologram. Other droids are busying themselves around, readying the fighters for launch, and you pile around the droid. (3956) Dawn: Dawn is about to call Tiger over for the briefing, but he's probably got all the information already and she can see that he's being loaded into the Actis already. They work fast. ** (3950) Daveed hunkers down beside the droid. He looks over at his fighter and its ring; he thinks those are the same droids he came with, but with all the repainting, he can't really tell. ** (3939) Nathan: Your droids have not been repainted. (3939) Nathan: Unlike the mostly-docile droids on the ship, your starfighter astromechs were too... Vigorous for T3-TT to cow and repaint. (3956) Dawn: So mine still has that distinctive orange-black alternation on the dome compartments? Sweet. (3939) Nathan: Specifically, they ganged up on him with elctroprobes. (3939) Nathan: There were some epic Droid Wars that went down in this hangar bay and in the droid-sized maintenance shafts that no organic got to see. (3950) Daveed: (hahaha. I remember that now.) (3950) Daveed: (was it Tiger who made the improvised flamethrower?) (3939) Nathan: ((Yes, it was.)) (3939) Nathan: "This is the target," Asyr says, pointing to the first world from the star. "There's nothing but a few oversized asteroids between the planet Polneye and the star Polneye, but you've got four other planets in-system: a gas giant, a red rock you can't breathe on without a suit, and an ice-ball. They're all fairly generic, to be honest." (3950) Daveed: (hmmm. Should probably name mine.) (3950) Daveed: "Mmhmmm. Might be good places for automated watch stations, though..." (3939) Nathan: "You're exactly right. From a distance, any of these planets would easily hide a snoop sat." (3950) Daveed: Do their orbits lend themselves to avoid them on the way in? (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (If I switch out Force Training feats for Starship Tactics feats, do I also lose access to that many Force powers in starship scale?) (3939) Nathan: ((Force Training is one of those you can't switch out)) (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: (Dagnabbit.) (3939) Nathan: "Especially Polneye II. It's a lot like Yavin in that it has a load of small moons. None of them have a breathable atmosphere, though one - Polneye II-IV has life on it. It's never been explored, but if you have to land, land somewhere else!" (3950) Daveed: (...whoops.) (3939) Nathan: "Fortunately, you should be able to avoid Polneye II and IV. However, Polneye II is too close to Polneye at this point in its orbit. So what I want you to do is to hyperspace in on top of Polneye II." (3950) Daveed: (no, wait. I didn't remove any. (3939) Nathan: "It's a good place to get sensor readings of Polneye, while letting the planet obscure you. If there is a snoop-sat, blow it and see what shows up to investigate - but only long enough to get an idea of what's coming. Don't engage." (3950) Daveed: "Right. Where was Allanza's ship orbiting?" (3939) Nathan: "Polneye. You should be able to see it if it's still in orbit." (3939) Nathan: "Remember, we're coming behind you with five CR90 corvettes and a full squadron of those pretty yellow things the Naboo pilots fly. And Home One. You don't have to do it all by yourselves." (3950) Daveed: "Don't worry, Asyr. We're only going for answers at this point; we won't start anything without the rest of you if we can help it." (3939) Nathan: "Good." She smiles, squeezing Daveed' shoulder. (3956) Dawn: Dawn nods as she looks at the system, from as many different angles as she can, making sure she knows what she's about. "Wilco. Get in, blow the sigint, get intel, get out. Witnesses?" (3939) Nathan: "Like the admiral said: do not engage. Only shoot if you need to punch clear, and hyperspace out the moment you can." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "Understood." (3956) Dawn: "Well, bit of a departure, but I can handle that." (3939) Nathan: "Welcome back to normal starfighter operations," Asyr says with a smirk. "You three get suited up." (3950) Daveed: "Right. We'll even drag the rings with us in case we can't get back to our departure point." ** (3950) Daveed jogs to his room and returns wearing his rarely-used flight suit, lightsaber belted in place of the standard sidearm. Unlike his normal, tastefully tailored clothing, the suit is New Republic Starfighter Command standard. "Whoever designed these things should be smacked with a roll of shimmersilk. Just because you're spending hours alone in a cockpit is no reason to ignore all bounds of taste." ** (3956) Dawn: Dawn gets suited up without much other word at this point; when she hears Daveed complaining, she raises an eyebrow. "You can be as fashionable as you like when safety and visibility of ejected pilots aren't a concern, peacock." (3939) Nathan: "It's not designed for fashion. It's designed for comfort and to protect your pretty face if you have to punch out." Asyr grins. "I don't think Allanza would be happy if you came back all uglified from sucking vacc." (3946) Grendelstiltzkin: "It is comfortable, at least. Not as itchy as the last one I tried, though that was some years ago." (3939) Nathan: "Besides. Some ladies like a man in unfirom." She gives a broad grin. "Now get ready. I'm heading up to the flight control deck." (3950) Daveed: "No reason the two have to be mutually exclusive." He gives an exaggeratedly snobbish sniff. (3939) Nathan: ((Uniform... >_<)) (3946) Cray: (Holy crap I forgot to change my name) (3956) Dawn: "Aw, man, itchy flight suit? I hope you got that thing disinfected after, a clean suit's not supposed to be that way. At least, not the NRSC ones..." Dawn starts climbing into the cockpit. "Just come on, Peacock." (3939) Nathan: Asyr hears Dawn's derisive name for Daveed and starts to laugh. "Peacock he is, and so shall he be!" (3946) Cray: "Be careful. Some peacocks can be quite aggressive when provoked." (3950) Daveed: "Mm, indeed. Here's hoping I won't have to bear my talons on this trip, though." (3946) Cray: "Especially during mating season..." (3950) Daveed: "Ha! What, didn't you hear? Where I'm from, it's always mating season." (3946) Cray: "And from what I am told, it is always mating season on Zeltros." (3946) Cray: (FFFFFFFFFF) (3950) Daveed: (Oh, too slow!) (3946) Cray: (forget what I said, then) (3946) Cray: "So I have heard," Cray replies with an amused smile. (3956) Dawn: Dawn feels the canopy close around her, the calm before the storm as the entire thing seals and pressurizes. "Gremlin, signing in, starting time of sortie..." She starts to run down the checklist after noting the time for her booked hours. (3939) Nathan: After you're in your cockpits and sealed, you hear Asyr's voice - or it must be Asyr's voice, since she's the only woman other than Dawn aboard Home One with a starfighter background. It's really impossible to tell through the electronic distortion. "We're going to drop out of hyperspace in one minute. The rings launch first, then Peacock and Dawn, and then Cray. Home One will be entering hyperspace as soon as you're all a klick from the ship, so burn lines." (3939) Nathan: "Gremnlin? Your callsign is Gremlin? Roger, Gremlin." (3950) Daveed: "Peacock here. Roger that." (3939) Nathan: The illuminated board above the hangar bay exit lights up, ticking down the seconds until the ship drops out of hyperspace. The two docking rings, under the command of their built-in astromechs, are the first to lift up onto their repulsorlift drives, their aftermarket landing gear retracting. (3939) Nathan: Home one and one of the CR90 corvettes painted in the yellow and chromium of the Royal House of Naboo drop out of hyperspace, away from the convoy, at the same time, and the launch proceeds accordingly. "May the Force be with you," is the last you hear from Home One, as the massive ship does indeed tear back into hyperspace to catch up with the convoy. No doubt by now the news has spread to all the ships via their hypercomm transceivers that the forward eyes have gone down. (3950) Daveed: "Everybody ready? Arthree, you have the coordinates locked in?," Daveed asks his astromech. (3956) Dawn: Dawn docks up as soon as possible with the ring. "Docking complete... All snubs, form on wing for hyperspace operation... Roger, Peacock," Dawn says, and this time, the voice has none of the slightly chiding tone. After all, it's his name now, right. (3939) Nathan: The much-less-huge corvette burns past, almost languidly, though for a capital vessel the big CR90 is fast. When they contact you, their transmitter has none of the usual distortion typical of Rebel and New Republic comm-sets. "This is the RSF Chommell," the chromium-headed blocade runner announces. "We've been detailed to Jump ahead of the convoy and wait at the rendevous point for you. We're not carrying starfighters, but hopefully you won't be followed." (3950) Daveed: "Understood, Chommell. Thanks for the company. We'll try not to keep you waiting too long." (3939) Nathan: "Understood. One other thing." (3939) Nathan: "If, by some turn of ill-fate, you encounter an Interdictor or lose your hyperdrive rings, send us a burst transmission. We'll try to jump in right on top of you to pick you up." (3956) Dawn: "Copy, Chommell, good flying." (3939) Nathan: "We're going to be a half hour away, though, so try not to need a rescue." (3939) Nathan: "May the Force be with you," the Chommell responds before jumping into hyperspace. (3950) Daveed: "And with you, Chommell." (3950) Daveed: "Gremlin, you're the old hand here. Care to take the lead?" (3946) Cray: "I should warn you, it's been a long time since I've flown. It is rather nostalgic to be sitting in a cockpit again..." (3939) Nathan: Especially one that smells of spice and female Bothan? Or is that an all-new multisensory experience? (3946) Cray: That is a new one, to be sure. (3956) Dawn: "Agreed, Peacock." She looks to make sure the others have formed on her wing all right, if perhaps a little sloppy for a true military operation. "Check co-ordinates... Cray, Peacock, are you go for hyperspace?" (3946) Cray: "All systems are go." (3950) Daveed: "Ready." (3956) Dawn: "Copy. Transition to hyperspace in three, two, one, mark-" (3939) Nathan: Your three starfighters make the transition to hyperspace without incident, thanks to the five astromech droids working in concert. You get some good meditation/sleep time, since it'll take six hours, though Cray might want to spend the time poking around the heavily-customized nature of the controls in Asyr's X-Wing. (3946) Cray: Cray takes some time to familiarize himself, but not overly long. His understanding of piloting was always more intuitive than learned. (3956) Dawn: It might be a minor abuse of Force abilities, but Dawn always enjoyed the use of the Force trance before the action portion of a sortie. Sure, you didn't get ever quite as good as a true night's rest, but at least you weren't concerned overmuch about muscle cramping or shaking off fatigue afterwards, and as an added bonus, you were usually better rested than your buddies were as a matter of course, since they were in the same cockpits trying to bunk it out. ** (3950) Daveed likewise renews his familiarity with the ship. Though it's not as much a part of him as a lightsaber, he tries to form a connection with the metal and the astromechs aiding him. After that, he likewise sinks into a Force Trance to insure that he's ready for whatever is to come, setting himself to awake 15 minutes before they emerge from hyperspace... or at Arthree's warning of trouble. ** (3946) Cray: Fortunately for all present, Cray finds piloting to be one of those things you never forget. Like riding a primitive one-person two-wheeled land vehicle. (3946) Cray: Or wearing high heels. (3939) Nathan: I don't want to know how Cray learned that first one in the first place. (3939) Nathan: eRrr.. Last one. (3956) Dawn: Dawn has never worn high heels, to probably no one's surprise. But yes, piloting is not something Dawn has ever forgotten. (3939) Nathan: Your hyperspace course was simple, yet effective: aim straight into the Polneye system, directly at Polneye 2, and drop out of orbit when the gas giant's gravity well pulls you out. (3950) Daveed: (Out of orbit? That wouldn't be fun.) (3939) Nathan: Drop out of hyperspace... :P (3939) Nathan: You awaken from your trance(s) shortly before you're due to hit the cutoff, and spend the last minutes waiting, and wondering. Since you planned this, the transition is heralded by your droids, unlike a genuine emergency drop out of hyperspace. Your starfighters are pulled out of lightspeed well inside the Polneye system, staring at a huge red gas giant. (3956) Dawn: Dawn's first reaction is to ask tiger if there's a snoop transmitting. She doesn't have as many sensor arrays as she would like, but she can make do with what she's got. (3950) Daveed: "Pretty..." Daveed wastes no time in firing up his ship's sensors to scan the immediate area, then following up with a scan from the Mark I Eyeball. (3950) Daveed: (Making a Sense Surroundings UtF check, and I autopass the difficulty to ignore total concealment.) (3939) Nathan: And the answer is... Yes! There is definitely a new sensor satellite around Polneye II. Your group didn't put it there. (3939) Nathan: Its orbit is bringing it around the planet, facing you now. You could of course pop it, or you could try to electronically fuck with it. (3950) Daveed: "What do you think, Gremlin? Can you hack it from here, or just blast it?" (3939) Nathan: Would probably be easier to hack it from Asyr's X-Wing, but it's certainly not impossible. (3946) Cray: Unfortunately, I am not trained in Use Computer. (3956) Dawn: Well, orders were to pop it. But where's the fun in that? She chuckles, a little darkly. "If I can't hack it, pop it." She starts working with Tiger to take down the sat from where she is. (3939) Nathan: Alright, let's see. It's a sensor sat, so it's going to have a decent INT mod. (3939) Nathan: So it has a Will Def of 18. (3939) Nathan: Starting attitude of Unfriendly, so -5 penalty on your roll... (3939) Nathan: And you have to crack encryption, so a +10 DC. (3950) Daveed: "Right." Daveed leaves his targetting computer off, and draws a bead on the thing. "I'll start with Ion first. Might be able to get something from it that way." (3956) Dawn: I would know this, right? (3939) Nathan: know what? (3946) Cray: That Daveed is targeting it? (3956) Dawn: The penalties and DC here, or rather that looking at my equipment and knowing my skill, there's probably no way. That's a 33, my max roll even WITH Tiger isn't gonna hit that. (3939) Nathan: Really? (3939) Nathan: Damn. (3939) Nathan: That does seem unnessessarily harsh. (3939) Nathan: Of course, if you crack the encryption beforehand... (3939) Nathan: Gimme Use Computer to try and get an idea what kind of encryption it's using. (3956) Dawn: [1d20+11] => [20,11] = (31) (3939) Nathan: And don't forget you can add the Int bonus of your starfighter's computer system. (3946) Cray: Wow. (3939) Nathan: It is, after all, the computer you're using. (3939) Nathan: Also, i need to run and wage a Trial of Possession with my restroom. Sorry, AFK. Take five... Or ten, knowing me. (3946) Cray: Lucky roll. (3950) Daveed: (and you have Force points to spend, too...) (3950) Daveed: (I'll brb while he's doing that, then.) (3956) Dawn: That makes it 33, and sure, I'll go ahead and spend an FP, why not. (3956) Dawn: [1d8] => [2] = (2) (3956) Dawn: 35. (3956) Dawn: I was so bosy trying to decrypt I sliced right past it?> (3956) Dawn: And then an auto +2 from both astromechs... For 39. (3950) Daveed: (looks like. Gotta love natural 20s.) (3956) Dawn: ((Boss?)) (3950) Daveed: (he's still pooping, I think.) (3946) Cray: (I think he's still engaged in the Battle of the Bowels.) (3956) Dawn: ... Didn't see that., (3939) Nathan: ((I'm back)) (3946) Cray: (Welcome back) (3939) Nathan: Thanks (3939) Nathan: Good news: You upgraded the satellite to Indifferent, and you isolated its encryption. Subsequent checks should be much easier. (3939) Nathan: Bad news: the satellite is using a New Republic Starfighter Corps encryption. (3939) Nathan: Mysterious news: the encryption being used is months out of date. (3956) Dawn: "Oh... kay... Someone wants to make this look like NRSC wuz here... No way they'd use something that old..." This stinks, needless to say. (3946) Cray: "Come again?" (3956) Dawn: "This encryption is NRSC but it's too old to be in active use... Hold on, I'mma see if I can shut the thing down." (3956) Dawn: [1d20+17] => [9,17] = (26) (3950) Daveed: "Hmm. I wonder... no, he wouldn't have. Maybe Tal used his Senatorial influence to get it?" (3946) Cray: "That is not implausible..." (3956) Dawn: "Heh. Gotcha. Okay..." She plays around with it. "Hehehehehe... Oh, this'll be funny in that case, I just set our entire fleet's IFF to blue." (3939) Nathan: That won't last for long, and they'll know what you did when they investigate the satellite... (3939) Nathan: But for now, you have access to their sensor data. (3939) Nathan: It's ungood. (3939) Nathan: Unless this thing is a cunning trap designed to feed you blatent lies, they have three capital ships in-system: three Marauder corvettes. Each of them carries a full fucking squadron of starfighters. (3950) Daveed: "Dawn, you are brilliant." (3939) Nathan: You also have your missing Gozanti cruiser; it's listed as green (neutral) on the satellite's sensor boards, because it seems to be adrift in orbit of Polneye. The other two light freighters are nowhere to be seen. (3939) Nathan: Two of the Marauders are in orbit of Polneye, one is heading towards Polneye II, and... It's launching A-Wings. (3956) Dawn: "Won't last long and- holy, shit, they've got Marauders, and they're packed. We're not gonna be able to take that force. All units, let's pop this thing and get the hell out of here before they figure out what I just did." (3946) Cray: "Roger." (3939) Nathan: I assume you snatch a data-dump from the satellite's network? (3956) Dawn: Oh, yeah. (3950) Daveed: "Roger, Gremlin." Daveed fires a quad-linked burst from his ship's and the ring's laser cannons at the satellite as soon as Dawn's finished with it. (3939) Nathan: It's unsheilded and basically unarmored. (3939) Nathan: A cheap disposable, 1,000 credit satellite. B. O. O. M. (3946) Cray: Cray fires at the same time as Daveed, hoping to finish it as quickly as possible. (3946) Cray: "Mission complete. Shall we leave?" (3950) Daveed: "Before we get swarmed by those A-wings, yes." (3946) Cray: "Yes, I doubt Asyr would forgive me if her X-wing suffered any damage." (3956) Dawn: "Punch it, gentlemen..." Dawn brings the Eta around as quick as she can, feeling the G's and grinning as she burns space for the Chommell. (3950) Daveed: "Right behind you, Gremlin." (3946) Cray: "Yes, ma'am." (3939) Nathan: ((I should've put that up earlier...)) (3939) Nathan: Anyway, you turn to leave. (3939) Nathan: The only possible way they could catch up to you in time to do anything is if they were insane enough to do an in-system hyperdrive jump, letting Polneye II's gravity well catch them. (3939) Nathan: It's the kind of thinking that Imperials are more or less incapable of, which is why it's the kind of thinking that the Rebel Alliance - and later the New Republic Starfighter Corps - would teach its pilots. (3939) Nathan: Yes, that's exactly what they do. (3950) Daveed: (fucking shit, I'm getting those goddamn popups again.) (3939) Nathan: ((How?! HOW?!)) (3939) Nathan: ((I haven't placed a goddamn mini on the map!)) (3939) Nathan: ((Oh. You guys did.)) (3950) Daveed: (Cray, were you trying to?) (3946) Cray: (my token isn't as fancy schmancy as you guys') (3946) Cray: (No) (3956) Dawn: ((And mine kept bouncing around. (3946) Cray: (Was about to, but haven't yet) (3950) Daveed: (for some reason, I was able to move yours, Dawn.) (3939) Nathan: ((Crikey. I wish I knew what caused that. >_<)) (3946) Cray: (I'll refrain until this sorts out) (3939) Nathan: ((And yeah, you guys can move any tokens, not just your own. (3946) Cray: (But yeah, my token, not fancy) (3939) Nathan: I'm seeing two tokens for Daveed... (3946) Cray: (you and your PROFESSIONAL ART) (3950) Daveed: (I put one down, hid it, and couldn't figure out how to unhide it.) (3939) Nathan: Ahhh, that's why. (3939) Nathan: Are you guys still getting those popups? (3950) Daveed: (yes.) (3946) Cray: (I have yet to get one at all.) (3950) Daveed: (happens even when I'm not doing anything.) (3939) Nathan: ((Goddamnit. Goddamnit.)) (3956) Dawn: (Nope) (3939) Nathan: Daveed, what does the popup say? Exactly? (3950) Daveed: (uuugh. I hate to say it, but Maptool never has this problem. >_< ) (3946) Cray: (What version of ORPG are you using?) (3946) Cray: (You should at least consider Traipse.) (3939) Nathan: Traipse? (3946) Cray: (I've yet to have a glitch with it.) (3950) Daveed: (well, now I can't even get it to come up again. And I don't know what Traipse is.) (3946) Cray: (Traipse is a more stable version of Open RPG.) (3939) Nathan: Well, if you're not getting popups... (3939) Nathan: Then put your tokens down. (3946) Cray: (Some of the features aren't there, but I consider it a fair trade.) (3946) Cray: (alright) (3950) Daveed: (and apparently I have OpenRPG 1.8.0.) (3939) Nathan: Dawn? (3950) Daveed: (where'd I go?) (3939) Nathan: Down and to the right. (3939) Nathan: On the edge of the gas giant. (3950) Daveed: (Oh, nvm. I keep the chat window too big to see the whole thing.) (3950) Daveed: (so.... initiative?) (3950) Daveed: (are they hailing us at all, or communicating?) (3939) Nathan: Indeed. And remember, your only goal is to get away: reach the left edge of the map and you can hyperspace out. (3939) Nathan: Hang on, lemme smack a token for them on. (3939) Nathan: I'll just clone that one as needed. (3956) Dawn: Hyper-capable slims. Dawn would be impressed if they weren't chasing her. (3939) Nathan: They're A-Wings. A-Wings always have hyperdrives. (3939) Nathan: One of the three flights that the squadron breaks into sticks back to escort the Marauder, though if that beast does the same thing.. (3956) Dawn: Huh. As a player, I thought they didn't. (3939) Nathan: So yes, please roll for initiatives. (3939) Nathan: Nope. Rebel Starfighter? Hyperdrive. (3939) Nathan: That's the final word. (3946) Cray: Makes sense. (3956) Dawn: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19) (3946) Cray: Given the hit and run tactics the Rebellion operated on. (3950) Daveed: [1d20+19] => [13,19] = (32) (3939) Nathan: A-Wings [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15) (3946) Cray: (It's been a while. What do we do for initiative in star ships again?) (3950) Daveed: (same as normal.) (3950) Daveed: (and hell, this is my FIRST time doing ship combat. >_>) (3946) Cray: (Okay) (3946) Cray: [1d20+17] => [9,17] = (26) (3939) Nathan: You can roll normal Initiative, or make a Pilot check. (3939) Nathan: You apply your vehicle's size modifier, however. (3956) Dawn: ... I'll just make a Pilot check then. In this case? (3946) Cray: (They're both identical for me since I substitute UtF for both skills) (3939) Nathan: All of you are in Gargantuan vehicles, though those Etas go down to Huge if you ditch your hyperspace rings. I doubt you wanna do that. (3939) Nathan: So you're at -5s. (3939) Nathan: And yes, Dawn, if your Pilot is better than Initiative, by all means go ahead (3946) Cray: (21 total, then.) (3956) Dawn: [1d20+16] => [17,16] = (33) (3950) Daveed: (Ah. Yeah, I use UtF too. I get 27, ten.) (3950) Daveed: (then.) (3956) Dawn: [33-5] => 28 (3939) Nathan: Order of Battle: Dawn: 28 Daveed: 27 Cray: 21 A-Wings: 15 (3939) Nathan: Let me just number the A-Wings. (3939) Nathan: You might be interested in the rule on page 172 of Saga Edition: Increase Speed. (3939) Nathan: Order of Battle: Dawn: 28 Daveed: 27 Cray: 21 A-Wings: 15 (3939) Nathan: Okay, now it's giving ME the fucking pop-up. >_< (3939) Nathan: But nobody even moved anything, did they? (3946) Cray: (Negatory.) (3950) Daveed: (oddly, mine stopped right when you asked me what it said. >_>) (3950) Daveed: (Uh. I clicked on Cray, then clicked off him?) (3939) Nathan: Did that do anything to anybody? (3950) Daveed: (nothin) (3946) Cray: (I've never gotten popups) (3956) Dawn: (Nope, I'm okay.)) (3939) Nathan: Okay. Anyway, Dawn's up first. The eight A-Wings hyperspace into each polar orbit of the planet, and start to close on you. An electronically-distorted transmission comes from one of them. "Unknown starfighters, you are in violation of sovereign space. Power down your weapons and shields and stand-down." (3956) Dawn: "Break, break, break," Dawn calls out to the others on a different freq, trusting that at one of them at least understands what that means. She pops the maneuver jets, not even concerned about firing back at the A-wings and far more concerned about making it back alive; her speed off the mark is most impressive for someone who hasn't seen a Jedi or Force-sensitive fly around. (3939) Nathan: Stunt-1. Roll it. (3956) Dawn: So that's an Increase Vehicle Speed swift action and Fight Defensively for a +10 dodge bonus: (3956) Dawn: [1d20+16] => [13,16] = (29) (3956) Dawn: [1d8] => [1] = (1) (3956) Dawn: 7 then. (3939) Nathan: DC 20, 25, 30. +3 speed. (3939) Nathan: Since one of their sats was your bitch for a time, you have their freqeuencies and encryptions. Your astromechs automatically let you hear their chatter: "They're not stopping. Break and engage!" (4060) Daveed (enter): 21:38 (3939) Nathan: Since one of their sats was your bitch for a time, you have their freqeuencies and encryptions. Your astromechs automatically let you hear their chatter: "They're not stopping. Break and engage!" Attempting to assign the role of Player to (4060) Daveed... (4060) Daveed: (did everyone drop or just me?) (4060) Daveed: (...and I can't see the map anymore.) (3939) Nathan: ((Seems to be just you and HOLY FUCK popups!)) (3956) Dawn: ((Just you)) (3939) Nathan: ((The map should load...)) (4060) Daveed: (I see minis on a green background) (4060) Daveed: (I"m gonna shut Open down and restart it.) (4060) Daveed: Disconnecting from server... (4060) Daveed (exit): 21:39 (4062) Daveed (enter): 21:40 (3939) Nathan: Back that fast? (3939) Nathan: I am impressed. Attempting to assign the role of Player to (4062) Daveed... (4062) Daveed: (I only closed the program, not my PC. And still not seeing space. Aarrrgh.) (3939) Nathan: It's not like there's a lot of terrain on the map... But hold on. (4062) Daveed: (the grid would help...) (4062) Daveed: (there we go!) (4062) Daveed: (my turn, right?) (3939) Nathan: Yes indeedy. (4062) Daveed: Not bothering to answer the A-wings, Daveed pushes his perception into every part of the vehicle, urging it on to greater speed, almost pushing it through space as much as he pilots it, throttling after Dawn, and dodging and jinking to evade the fire he knows will be incoming. (4062) Daveed: (same as Dawn; fly defensively, increase speed.) (4062) Daveed: (stunt?) (3939) Nathan: 1. (4062) Daveed: [1d20+19] => [6,19] = (25) (4062) Daveed: [1d6] => [5] = (5) (4062) Daveed: (ha. Also 30.) (4062) Daveed: (done) (4062) Daveed: (did I drop again?) (3956) Dawn: ((Nope)) (3939) Nathan: If you want to know if you've dropped, type /ping Ping Results: 712.9 ms (parsed message, round trip) (3946) Cray: Cray hears Dawn shouting "Break," and immediately pushes the X-wing forward at full speed. Cray takes a deep breath, maintaining his calm in the chaos of the moment, his Force-fueled vision showing him each jolt of energy pulsing through the ship, and as he focuses, he hears each thrum of the engine. He concentrates, recalls his days flying a cargo freighter when he was young, a few tricks his pilot friends taught him, and he quickly, but steadily reaches up to jiggle a few switches, trying to make that thrum of the engine thrum a little bit faster. (3946) Cray: [1d20+17] => [18,17] = (35) (3939) Nathan: Um... Stunt 2. (3939) Nathan: Go ahead and roll, let's see if you hit DC 40... (3946) Cray: [1d6] => [2] = (2) (3946) Cray: (aww) (3946) Cray: (That would've been awesome) (3939) Nathan: that would've been fucking awesome. (3939) Nathan: DC 20, 25, 30, 35. Speed +4. (3939) Nathan: If this was a science-fiction setting derived from our world, I think that would have earned a "Jesus Christ!" from one of these guys. (3939) Nathan: Um... I keep seeing the fucking pop-up. Did you move? (3946) Cray: (Yes.) (3939) Nathan: Right. (3946) Cray: (Sorry if that caused it.) (3939) Nathan: "Sithspit! I didn't think it was possible to push an X-Wing like that! Does he have a SLAM?!" "Can the chatter and punch it!" (3939) Nathan: A Wings punching it: [1d20+12] => [13,12] = (25) (3939) Nathan: The A-Wings are no slouches in the "speed" department, however. As they pursue, the same voice that issued the ominious orders from before issues a new warning: "Halt or you will be fired upon!" (3939) Nathan: I take it you guys aren't halting? (3956) Dawn: Heeeeeell no. (3946) Cray: Not at all. (3939) Nathan: Then, as promised, you are fired upon. (4062) Daveed: (Ouch time.) (3956) Dawn: Well, we're all at Medium range... Small favors. (3939) Nathan: Three of them from each flight Aid Another to the fourth, targeting Daveed (#1) and Dawn (#5) respectively. (3946) Cray: (Nobody firing at me?) (3939) Nathan: No. (3939) Nathan: Against Daveed: [1d20+7+2+2+2-5] => [5,7,2,2,2,-5] = (13) At Dawn: [1d20+7+2+2+2-5] => [1,7,2,2,2,-5] = (9) (4062) Daveed: (not even close.) (3939) Nathan: These guys are well-practiced; three of them attempt to bracket your starfighters, pushing you into the middle of their fire, while the fourth goes for the bullseye. (3939) Nathan: Even at these distances, with some luck, that kind of work would nail some Imps to the walls. Unfortunately for these guys, the Force is not with them, and they net nothing. (3939) Nathan: "Cleared to release ordnance, Scout Lead?" "Granted! Lock and fire!" (4062) Daveed: (Clarification; we have to get TO the left edge of the map, or we have to get off it to escape?) (3939) Nathan: It sounds like they're getting desperate enough to attain concussion missile locks. (3939) Nathan: Get off it to escape. (4062) Daveed: (and does it take any kind of action to jump to hyper?) (3946) Cray: (Presumably we have to escape the gravity well first.) (3946) Cray: (Which I guess is why we need to get to the other side of the screen?) (3939) Nathan: Making the jump to hyperspace is a swift action following any Move action. Calculating the jump is a full-round. (3939) Nathan: But fortunately for you, your droids are doing that continiously. (3956) Dawn: My turn? (3939) Nathan: Yes indeed. Server Administrator-> Kicking '(3950) Daveed' from server... Removing dead client (3950) Daveed (exit): 22:07 (3956) Dawn: It's like something from a holo, feeling the hundreds of bolts skim past her as Dawn pulls the maneuvering jets as hard as she can, moving suddenly up and away from the proverbial camera, laughing as none of them come close. "Tiger, Ecti, we ready to jump?" Opening up a third, different freq, she calls the Chommel: "Chommel, Gremlin, we're coming in hot. 8 slims, shortjump pursuit possible." She switches back to the squad line for a moment when her panel screams at her. "Sithspawn, I'm reading weapon lock!" She continues to punch for gold, hoping the old Actis will hold together long enough to get out of gravity. (3939) Nathan: Stunt 2. (3956) Dawn: [1d20+16] => [10,16] = (26) (3956) Dawn: [1d8] => [7] = (7) (3939) Nathan: FYI, you can always write that as [1d20+16+1d8] => [10,16,3] = (29) (3956) Dawn: I'm just clicking the bar. (3939) Nathan: +3 speed. (3939) Nathan: Yeah, don't click the bar. :P (3956) Dawn: That takes me off, pretty much. (3939) Nathan: Yep. (3939) Nathan: Daveed, Cray? (3946) Cray: Daveed's turn next. (3946) Cray: He still here? (4062) Daveed: (yes) (4062) Daveed: "Tempting to try and break their concentration... but, they said DNE." He continues reaching out, pushing the engines on his ship and ring to the limit, baffling the astromechs as they read performance that should be burning it out, without doing any harm. "Arthree, jump the second we're out of the g-well." (3939) Nathan: I just realized something. The hyperspace ring keeps the fly speed of the Actis when docked. You guys definitely have the speed to get out. (4062) Daveed: (yup.) (3939) Nathan: So, yes. You most definitely manage to escape the gas giant's gravity well and hyperspace out before the scout squadron has the chance to launch a missile. (3939) Nathan: This battle... Is over. (4062) Daveed: (too bad. I had a helluva stunt lined up for getting off a parting shot.) (3939) Nathan: Heheh. Save it for another time? :) (3946) Cray: Cray, already having a good deal of velocity built up, quickly exits the gravity well's pull and jumps into hyperspace. (3939) Nathan: The half-hour in hyperspace traveling to the rendevous point is tense, but you have some time to browse over the files you managed to rip, Dawn. (3956) Dawn: Not least because I told Chommell that there might be a shortjump pursuit, and fully believe it. (4062) Daveed: "Those guys were good... not Jedi-good, but good." (3939) Nathan: The news is ungood; you managed to rip their full unit strength. In addition to three Marauder corvettes, they have three starfighter squadrons: Scout Squadron, assigned to the Marauder-class corvette Republic, consists of A-Wings. Sheild Squadron, assigned to the Marauder-class corvette Integrity, are X-Wings. And Axe Squadron, assigned to the Marauder-class corvette Yavin. (3939) Nathan: Also assorted ground troops, though their ground forces are woefully small compared to their space forces, consisting of five squads of infantry and assorted combat engineers, techs, and support personnel. (4062) Daveed: (we missed what's in Axe-squadron?) (3939) Nathan: Y-Wings. (3956) Dawn: "They were using NRSC tactics and equipment, and if these names are anything to go by, they're former NRSC themselves. Aerospace supperiority is gonna be a bitch." (4062) Daveed: "That's... troubling. I wonder if..." (4062) Daveed: "Do you think they might be current NRSC?" (3939) Nathan: Generally speaking, mercs don't give their ships names like Republic, Integrity or Yavin. (3956) Dawn: "Using months-old encryption?" (3939) Nathan: Mercs give their ships names like Dominator. Which is the name of the Star Galleon class ship listed as 'ally' which was currently landed on the surface of Polneye. (4062) Daveed: "A Star Galleon? Really? I didn't know any of those were still flying." (3956) Dawn: "Let's cut it in case they have an eavesdropper... We'll talk more about it on the Chommell." It is still troubling... The NRSC Dawn knew wouldn't let themselves get into that level of arrears on their signals intelligence. At the same time... (3939) Nathan: They might not have any SigINT specialists among them capable of producing new crypto. (3939) Nathan: In any event, you do reach the Chommell, without incident, and dock. The CR90's guns are hot and her shields drop only long enough to let you dock. (4062) Daveed: "Well, that was... interesting." (3946) Cray: Cray gets out looking uncharacteristically excited. "I have to admit, I had forgotten how exhilerating it was to fly." (3956) Dawn: Dawn gets out of the Actis, datapad in hand, and pulls off her helmet with the other, hopping out and laughing. "Okay, so we didn't escape detection... We still made out like bandits and they don't know who we are exactly. Let's keep it that way." (4062) Daveed: "Hmm. Honestly, I never cared for it. Always done my best work with people, not machines." (3946) Cray: "I'm not typically a fan of machines either, but there's something special about a ship's controls." (3946) Cray: "On the other hand, I could be speaking out of nostalgia." (3939) Nathan: The CR90's captain greets you, an older human male, tanned with a wispy white beard. He's wearing the leather jacket and hat of a captain in the Royal Security Forces of Naboo, and extends his hand. "Welcome to the Chommell. If you'd like to come to the wardroom, we've established holonet comms with Home One." (3956) Dawn: Dawn shakes it. "Thank you... Captain? Commodore?" ** (3946) Cray shakes his hand with a slight bow. "Thank you, sir." ** (3939) Nathan: "Captain. Commodore Panaka's already on Home One, as you know." (4062) Daveed: "Thank you, Captain. Would have been awkward discussing what we found over commlink." (3939) Nathan: The ship is clean and tidy, the internals having been given a luxury upgrade. Definitely a Naboo ship, with well-disciplined, professional crew moving about. They all wear hats, and they all tip them to you as you pass. The wardroom is a fairly large room with a table in the middle. The chairs have been pushed back to the sides of the room, however. A comm desk at one end of the room is manned by a technician. "Corporal, have we achieved link?" "Yes sir, ready to go full holo." "Do it." (3939) Nathan: A hologram projector in the middle of room descends from above the table, sparkles dazzlingly for a moment... Then you're in the astral projection of Home One's huge wardroom. (3939) Nathan: ((Give me a moment, dinner's on.)) (3939) Nathan: ((BAck)) (3939) Nathan: You've been projected into seats near the main floor, and there's obviously a great many people linked in to the conversation. It looks like every captain in the convoy is there by telepresence; so is Leia Organa and an elderly human woman wearing incredibly majestic clothes. ** (4062) Daveed feels his eyes go wide as he sees just who else is sitting in. ** (4062) Daveed: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13) Galactic Lore to see if that's who I think it is (3939) Nathan: Well, given that she's got a holographic nametag reading "Queen Kylantha of Naboo"... (3956) Dawn: Dawn hooks up the datapad with the dump she got from the sat. "Sirs. Looks like we're headed into a major C.F. and no mistake." She lets the dump speak for itself for a moment. (3939) Nathan: The false-image holoprojector in the middle of Home One's projected holoprojector flashes again, and another Mon Calamari flashes into existance in the seating, reading "Representative Ickmael, Mon Calamari." (3939) Nathan: The captain of the Chommell looks behind him, and nods. "We're transmitting the data rip that our scout sortie got off the spy satellite they intercepted. It's bad; we're facing three fighters and Marauder frigates. They all appear to be using New Republic equipment and tactics, and there's an unknown quantity in the Star Galleon Dominator, also reported in-system. Our advance vessel is adrift." (3939) Nathan: Allanza G's projected face goes ashen for a moment. "Adrift?... Escape pod beacons?" There were none detected, but the ship looked as if it had been ionized. (3956) Dawn: "Disabled, looks like." (3939) Nathan: "Prisoners, then?" (3939) Nathan: She looks hopeful for a moment, and nods. (4062) Daveed: "I'm afraid we simply don't know for sure, Allanza, but it does seem possible, at least." (3939) Nathan: "Did they fire upon you? Did you fire upon them?" The question comes from the aged Queen. (3956) Dawn: "They fired upon us. We did not fire back." (4062) Daveed: "Yes, and no, respectively, your Majesty. We avoided their fire, but they were trying to get missile locks on us as we entered hyperspace." (3939) Nathan: There's a momentary burst of conversation, but Panaka holds his hands up. "Let's have some order, people! We're not going to turn tail just because there may be some opposition, we've got too much riding on this; the whole New Republic does!" (3939) Nathan: Though he may be well above eighty, it's not hard to see the fire, discipline, leadership and dignity that once made him Colonel Panaka of the RSF of Naboo, and later an Imperial Moff. (3939) Nathan: Kylantha stands, and Ackbar nods at her, holding his hand out, palm-up. "Queen." "Ackbar... Panaka, in your estimation, if we were to commit our forces in a full assault, could we, if nessessary, prevail?" Ackbar and Panaka look at one another, and at the five corvette captains. ** (4062) Daveed does his best to project confidence. ** (3939) Nathan: "They have a starfighter advantage of nearly three-to-one," Panaka says. "That we know of; that Star Galleon could have more. We have a major capital-class vessel advantage, however, and Home One's shield extension system is coming online. She can't fire, and we don't have time to raise a gunnery crew and train them, but she can project her shields around our vessels. That could be decisive." (3939) Nathan: Ackbar dourly nods. "We would take heavy losses. Three, maybe four of our corvettes. Most or all of our fighter squadron. It could be done, but the victory would be very, very hard-won." (3956) Dawn: Dawn nods, that was about her assessment. (3939) Nathan: A hand raises for attention, and Ackbar acknowledges. "Jedi Knight Leia Organa-Solo." Leia stands. "There may be another way, gentlebeings," she says. "One moment... Come on, Threepio, into the shot." She turns to her side, and the golden droid materializes standing in front of the seat next to her. ** (4062) Daveed was about to say something, but waits for the senior Jedi, and Princess to speak first. ** (3956) Dawn: Oh, goodie, how are we going to end-run this...? (3939) Nathan: "C-3P0 has been crossreferencing the data gathered with the coruscanti data-net. Threepio, show them what you showed me." "Oh, yes mistress!" The droid turns to the group, and a holographic icon begins to spin slowly in the middle of the room, showing what looks like a New Republic unit patch - except it's three Marauder corvettes and three starfighters - X, A and Y wings. The rim of the symbol reads the words 'Republican Rangers.' "This is the symbol patch of a mercenary unit that was mustered into being quite recently; about a fortnight ago," Goldenrod says. "Their press release indicates that they are a unit consisting of three former New Republic starfighter squadrons, available for hire to reputable governmental bodies of the New Republic for patrol, defense, interdiction, and pirate-countering duties." (3956) Dawn: "Knew it," Dawn mutters, with a slight smile. (3939) Nathan: Leia nods. "Key words there being 'reputable governmental bodies of the New Republic.'" The Queen of Naboo snorts. "I wish we'd heard of them before now. We could have hired them." (4062) Daveed: "In other words, odds are good then that they don't know who they're working for?" (3939) Nathan: Leia nods. "That is my evaluation." Ackbar nods, tugging on his barbels. "I believe I see where you're going with this, Master Jedi. If we were to contact this unit, we might be able to convince them that their current employer is a felon and in no way a reputable governmental body." (3946) Cray: "If that is the case, perhaps they could be reasoned with." (3956) Dawn: "Or it might be they're working for a Senator, and that's enough..." Dawn says. "Won't know until we try." (3939) Nathan: "So," Kylantha asks. "Is your plan to hyperspace in with one of our vessels, such as the Chommell, to make contact?" Leia shakes her head. "No." (4062) Daveed: "It needs to come from someone they would believe." (3939) Nathan: "I propose you Jump the entire convoy in. I'd bet my bottom credit that there's no way these former New Republic officers are going to fire on settler transports... And when they see Home One in-system, transmitting her own IFF..." (3956) Dawn: "They're NRSC. They wouldn't NOT be able to recognize Home One..." (3939) Nathan: She nods at Dawn. (4062) Daveed: "Exactly. I won't venture a guess as to how they feel about Jedi in these times, but if nothing else, our flying earned their respect." (3939) Nathan: Leia nods. "I've got Threepio digging through the files to figure out who they might be, but from what I've seen, it looks like you're dealing with a group of unemployed soldiers who realized they had only one marketable skill-set, and tried to market it to the right people." (3956) Dawn: Dawn can't help but notice that's gonna start sounding real familiar. (3939) Nathan: Kylantha coughs. "We're heading into troubling times, Princess Organa. Not since the days when the Trade Federation was let free to rain battle droids on Naboo have the space-lanes of the Republic been so... Wild. These Republican Rangers may be only the first of many such units, and not all of them may hold to such idealism. It would behoove us not to wipe them out, but to talk them down, and perhaps employ them." (4062) Daveed: "That would be my preferred course of action as well, Your Highness. The Jedi are peacekeepers, after all, something that many people, even ourselves, often forget." (3956) Dawn: Dawn looks sheepish at that remark. (3939) Nathan: Kylanthasmiles. "In the days of old, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and they are again. You are the guardians of the Republic, even if the current leadership has turned its back on you, we haven't forgotten." At that, the Senator from Mon Calamari stands up, and Ackbar acknowledges him. "No, we have not," the Mon Calamari Senator says. (3939) Nathan: "If you need to resort to money to get these forces out of our way, the Mon Calamari council will back you, in addition to whatever finances the people of Naboo can contribute. However, idealism would be the preferred course of action... If those fail, however, the MC80 star cruiser Liberty will be arriving in under a day, fully-armed and with a full compliment of starfighters. If you cannot budge the so-called government of Polneye by then, we are prepared to recognize your group of settlers as the legitimate government-in-exile of Polneye and oust the illegitimate tyrannical government of a slaver." ** (4062) Daveed blinks at that, his eyes widening. "That is... extraordinarily generous, Senator." ** (3946) Cray: "Your backing is very much appreciated," Cray says. He has been silent for most of the exchange, having little to add himself. (3946) Cray: "Though I know we all hope it will not come to military force." (3939) Nathan: "It will also be extraordinarily divisive and set a dangerous precedent in the Senate, master Jedi," the Senator from Mon Calamari answers. "However, we have come to recognize that to allow the current state of affairs - with a criminal government on Polneye, a government that could be bought, a government privvy to New Republic state secrets that could be damaging to everyone - to continue, is even more unacceptable." (4062) Daveed: "I understand, sir. Please, believe me when I say that I appreciate the length you are going to, and we will do everything in our power to avoid making the Liberty's assistance necessary." (3939) Nathan: "All right." Allanza G stands up from her seat on the main floor, and Ackbar nods to her. "We're going to do this." She laughs, looking around. "Look what we've got - thousands of settlers, looking for a new home, willing to right a festering wrong, bring vibrancy and life to a dead world." She gestures to the transport captains. "We have the backing of the Royal House of Naboo and through them, the quasi-regional alliance currently forming in the Chommell sector." She nods at Queen Kylantha, who nods back. "We have the Mon Calamari people with us," she nods at Ickmael, "and the Jedi Order." Leia smiles. "We've got twelve crack starfighter pilots, five brave corvette crews, three of the finest Jedi in the galaxy," she winks at Daveed, "Ackbar and Panaka with us. The people we're going to face are our people - the New Republic's finest, laid off by a sound-byte spitting, baby-kissing eunich of a politician, looking for the right people to hire them. Currently they're being employed by the wrong people, and we constitute the sort of people they want to be on the good side of." (3946) Cray: Cray mentally adds the Force to that list, but refrains from adding it aloud. (3956) Dawn: At this point, any doubts Dawn has had about Allanza being exactly the person they wanted for this job evaporate. ** (4062) Daveed smiles broadly at her speech, and nods. "I couldn't have said it better." ** (3946) Cray: "Now let us do our best to use only a fraction of that." (3939) Nathan: "The Force itself is with us, and we are together in this! Chief-of-State Fey'lya isn't going to stand in our way, these Republican Rangers won't stand in our way once they see who we are. The only unknown quantity at this point is that unknown capital ship. What's the worst it could be, Mandalorian mercenaries? Battel droids? Imperial Stormtroopers?" (3956) Dawn: "Laid-off NRIS." (3946) Cray: "Please, don't ask 'what's the worst it could be.' I have observed that phrase to have curious consequences." (3939) Nathan: The Zeltron woman pauses in her speech, giving a sheepish grin. "Alright, you've got a point. But still, tempting fate or not, we've got a job to do, we've got a planet to settle, and a child-peddler to bring to justice. We can, and we shall do this." (4062) Daveed: "Whatever it is, we can get them to back down." (3939) Nathan: "We can get them to back down if possible. But if - and only if - nessessary, we go through them. If we back down now, we're sending a message to the galaxy that the sorry state of affairs, of everybeing for himself that is currently on in the galaxy, is the right of things, and I do not hold to that. None of us hold to that, or we wouldn't be in this." (3946) Cray: (I'm tempted to joke that we'll find ourselves facing down some ridiculous Force-immune flesh monsters from a neighboring galaxy of horrors who turn their victims into other monsters) (4062) Daveed: (thanks for holding back. >_>) (3939) Nathan: She gesticulates dramatically as she speaks, walking around Home One's main holoprojector, taking in everyone and holding her arms out. "We've all made a decision to take a stand here. That criminals and thugs will not be allowed to roam the halls of power, and if the New Republic has lost the spine to police itself, then the people of the New Republic will not sit down to be used and discarded by predatory elements! Malor Tal will be removed from the New Republic Senate, and a new day dawn on Polneye! It is here and now that we show the Republic what it was made of, remind it what it was forged in; ideals and the courage not to back down in the face of oppression!" (3939) Nathan: ((Leaving a pause for you guys.)) (3956) Dawn: Dawn just gives a slightly satisfied nod to that, there's not much she can add to this that hasn't already been said. She chases the moment of jealousy out of her mind, it has no place there. (4062) Daveed: (jealousy? Hmmmm.) (3939) Nathan: She spins around, walking towards the three of you. "Stand, please," she says, to the Jedi. (3956) Dawn: Dawn hasn't sat down since she came in; she's been too nervous. (3939) Nathan: ((Step forward, then)) (3956) Dawn: She does, however, step forward. ** (4062) Daveed smiles proudly as she speaks, listening to her with... approval is too mild a word. Force, the woman's inspiring. He stands and steps forward. ** (3946) Cray: Cray steps forward, smiling. He was never good at showing emotion, but this is certainly inspiring. (3946) Cray: "This goes beyond patriotism for the Republic. This lies at the core of what it is to be sentient. The Force gave us all an ability to be aware, to choose, because it wanted us to shoulder the responsibilities of caring for the galaxy... and for each other. I have traveled many places. I have lived on the fringes of our society, and I have traversed our galaxy from the grandeur of the Core Worlds to the slums of Hutt Space. Everywhere I go, I see people in need. People who have looked upon me with pleading eyes. Men, women, children. People like the ones being enslaved by this guild. This is about more than righteous indignation, and this extends beyond the boundaries of any organization or government, no matter how great. This is why we are here. This is about caring for the galaxy entrusted to us." (3939) Nathan: Allanza smiles, putting her holographic hands on Cray's shoulders, then turning around to address the audience again. "Borsk Fey'lya tells us that the Jedi are outmoded relics of a bygone era, a feel-good groups of hacks, has-beens and wannabes, waving around archaic weapons and speaking in riddles; that they have no place in the New Republic. He will admit, yes, that the courageous efforts of some Jedi have been valuable for the Republic, but in his arrogance says that they have acomplished nothing that others could not have. Maybe he's right. Maybe the Rebellion could have succeeded in destroying the Emperor without the heroic efforts of Luke Skywalker, and the sacrifice of his father Anakin Skywalker. Perhaps in the times since then, during all the crisis in which a few Jedi have stepped forward to carry the Republic through, it could have been the toil of Intelligence agents, the actions of commando squads, and the brute force of entire carrier groups. I don't think so, though. The Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice. Look around you, at everyone gathered here today. None of us would be here today without the Jedi!" (3939) Nathan: "These are no relics and wannabes appearing before you all. A month ago, I didn't know any of you, and today here we stand, in a convoy of thousands of people, ready to take a world - not in conquest, but in settlement, to capture a criminal. All of it in spite of the refusal of the Republic itself to act. This is what we are - this is what the New Republic is made of." ** (4062) Daveed nods solemnly. "This could not have happened by chance. The Force itself wills our victory here. A spark, to re-light a guttering flame." ** (3956) Dawn: "... Without the Jedi, I doubt I could be here today to accept those thanks, indeed," Dawn says, forthrightly and honestly. "I'm not much for words otherwise... Thank you, but I think you do me too much credit." She bows. (3939) Nathan: "I think you're modest," Allanza says, and smiles, turning back, her back to the three Jedi. She reaches behind herself, leaning casually on the wall 'under' you, facing everyone. "We are here on behalf of those people in need. Will we fix the galaxy by revoloution on Polneye? No. We wouldn't even fix the galaxy by revoloution on Coruscant. But here we take a stand. We tell the galaxy that we will reach out to those women with pleading eyes, those men ground down, those children crying, those members of species whose genders do not fit neatly into a binary categorical system who are likewise despondant. We did not allow the Emperor to clench the life out of him with his fist of iron; we're certainly not going to stand back while pirate groups and slavers grab them in the night. We will fight; we will fight in the stars of the Chommell sector, we will fight above the blue seas of Mon Calamari. We will not surrender the people of the galaxy to predition and apathy on Polneye, and we will fight in the Senate until every dissenting voice, every corrupt shadow that wants us to go away so they can go back to lining their own pockets with credits is hoarse or has fled. We will fight with lightsabers, we will fight with words, we will fight with starfighters and legislation. We will fight with deeds and with examples. We have work to do. We all have work to do - transport captains, you need to appraise your passengers of the situation we're going into. Master Organa, Senator Ickmael, you need to rally what support you can in the Senate. Queen Kylantha, your steady voice in the Chommell sector is a beacon of light and safe-haven for all of us." (3946) Cray: "I thank you deeply for your words," Cray says, bowing low. He stands back up, and continues, "I feel that at times, the Jedi have done as much wrong as any other institution. Like any other sentients, we are not perfect. But in giving us the gift to sense its touch, the Force has given us a privileged place in the galaxy and a heavy burden. We have seen the effects of those who shirk that burden. The Empire was not toppled so long ago that any of us would soon forget Palpatine's deeds. But right now... I know that this endeavour we are about to embark on is right. It is the duty of the Jedi to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves... And also our duty to keep peace. At times, these two may seem to conflict, but I believe that if one listens closely to the Force, one will find that there is always a way." (3939) Nathan: ((Damnit, we did it again!))) (3946) Cray: (sorry, meant to put that in sooner) (3946) Cray: (I will be quiet from here onward) (4062) Daveed: (yeah, reverse those.) (3939) Nathan: ((I'm trying to play her off what you say, but we keep doing that. Posting something new within like, a moment of one another. Yeah, reverse those. :) )) (4062) Daveed: (guys, I actually have to get up around 8 o'clock. Are we winding down?) (3946) Cray: (I just feel like I've been so quiet up until now that I sort of want to make him heard. Trying to find the new character's voice.) (3939) Nathan: ((No, by all means, make him heard.)) (3939) Nathan: ((And yeah. It looks like the blood will have to wait for next session.)) (4062) Daveed: (I'm trying not to steal Allanza's thunder, and she's pretty much saying everything I would anyway.) (3939) Nathan: ((But she loves working off Daveed. ;) )) (3939) Nathan: ((But if you're getting tired, we can call it. 900 XP.)) (4062) Daveed: (In all sorts of ways....) (4062) Daveed: (not tired at all. I usually stay up for 4-5 more hours. I just have to WAKE up in 8. >_<: ) (3939) Nathan: ((Yeah, argharghargh. I hear ye. That is the suck.)) (3946) Cray: (Why's that?) (3939) Nathan: ((Because he needs to split)) (4062) Daveed: "And soon, Polneye, shall be another such beacon. With the people we have assembled here, the will we have assembled, we cannot fail." (4062) Daveed: (Job interview at 10:30.) (3946) Cray: (Ahhhh, okay. Just wondering if it was going to be a regular thing.) (3946) Cray: (Good luck, man!) (3939) Nathan: ((Good luck, indeed.)) (4062) Daveed: (thanks. Don't have to sign out right this minute, so we can continue for little while.) (3939) Nathan: "Cruiser Captains, you need to relay our words, our mission, to your crew, and to our starfighter pilots. We don't know what we're flying into inasmuch as that Star Galleon, but we have to deal with it - if that means we have to face it down, so be it. Ackbar, this ship is more than a cruiser, it's a symbol. This is the ship that won the Rebellion, as much as the X-Wing starfighter is. I believe - firmly believe - that if the people in front of us, flying with the ships and tactics of the New Republic are, in their hearts, the people they say they are, that they'd rather swallow their own tongues than lock their guns on Home One, rather swallow their blasters than fire on you. You're going to get them talking, and then we're going to talk them into backing us; not for money, but for the right reasons." She turns. "Daveed... Dawn, Cray. You three are going to be the first on Polneye. Let Fey'lya try to spin this all he wants, he won't silence us. Malor Tal is a fiend, and doesn't deserve to be called a one-man government. Instead of simply assassinating him, as any of you could have done, we're here to bring him to justice. That's what the Republic will see. I don't know what sort of trouble he's put in your way, but you know that we're going to be right behind you. The three of you are our pathfinders, you lead the way." (4062) Daveed: "Gladly. Proudly." (3946) Cray: "I will serve, as is the duty of the Jedi." Cray bows. (3956) Dawn: Dawn nods, already ticking over plans in her mind. "Understood. Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.." Again, deadpan, but with a slight upturn. (3939) Nathan: "There is never a last time," Ackbar rumbles. "Our business of maintaining the Republic is never over. It is the burden that we have been given, and it is the duty we carry." Allanza nods at him. "The galaxy is like an ocean that we're all sailing on. A storm is brewing and the waves crest high. Only by remaining vigilant, maintaining the fragile vessels we sail on, and immediately coming to one another's aid will we weather the turbulence to come." The sea references definitely please the Mon Calamari Senator and Ackbar, both of whom nod sagely. "We have work to do. Let's get to it." It's a simple way to end a speech, but a clapping starts - from one of the transport captains in the upper rows, then it quickly spreads. ** (4062) Daveed joins in whole-heartedly, his expression breaking into a smile. ** ** (3946) Cray claps politely. ** (3956) Dawn: Dawn does slow, booming, loud claps. (3946) Cray: He is not one for shows of great emotion, but the speech certainly deserved applause. (3939) Nathan: One-by-one the holographic attendees begin to wink out - the transport captains and the corvette captains. Senator Ickmael says "The Senate session will be shortly, in the morning. I've got an aide standing by to bring me news. As soon as Polneye is in your hands, as soon as your flag is flying, let me know and I will inform the Senate that the Senator from Polneye has been disrobed and is to be held for transport back to his homeworld as a traitor to the state." (3956) Dawn: "Understood." (4062) Daveed: "Perfect, Senator." (3939) Nathan: "Good luck, and may the Force be with you." He disconnects, and Kylantha nods. "The Senator from Naboo, and from all the worlds in the Chommell Sector who are with us, stand ready to back the Senator from Mon Calamari the moment he makes his announcement. I've got a fast transport and a flight of starfighters ready to escort your criminal to his trial. If at all possible, try to convince these Republican Rangers that they should talk to us. The Chommell sector is woefully unprotected, and despite the efforts of all the security forces we've been able to muster, despite the assistance provided by the space stations captured by the Jedi in previous operations, piracy is on the rise. We need sophonts like that, and they need the legitimacy that being employed by us will bring." (4062) Daveed: "We will, Your Highness. Force willing, next time you talk to us, they'll be working for Senator Allanza and Commodore Panaka." (3939) Nathan: She smiles. "The Force is with us. I've felt like this before, I know when we're on the right track. Be safe." The Queen of Naboo disconnects as well. (3939) Nathan: Leia smiles, and then looks at Ackbar. "Ackbar, Panaka, Allanza, would you mind terribly if we used your holocomm routing for a bit? My brother would like to speak to Cray, Dawn and Daveed." (3939) Nathan: "Of course." Ackbar nods, as does Allanza G and Panaka, They slip out, to give you some privacy, followed by the Chommell's captain and communications technician. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker appears in the holo, standing on the floor of Home One's now-empty room beneath you. (3956) Dawn: "Sir." (3939) Nathan: "You've all been busy," he says with a smile. "Cray, it's good to hear from you again. I'm glad to see you're well." (4062) Daveed: "Master Skywalker." Daveed bows. (3939) Nathan: ((I am so not typing. You go ahead and post, cray.)) (3956) Dawn: "For a given value of busy." (3946) Cray: "And you as well, Master," Cray replies with a deep, respectful bow. "I was very pleased that the Force had allowed our paths to cross again. Your two students here are great Jedi." (4062) Daveed: "Have you heard from Ferrago, Jankee, and Niari since they left us, Master?" (3939) Nathan: He inclines his head. "Yes, indeed they are. You should ask them about the stunt they pulled above Colla IV sometime." He chuckles. "I have. You should know that Ferrago, Niari, Jankee and the Phoenix Hawk and less than a day from Ryloth. Tommow's going to be an impressive morning. It looks like plausable deniability is out the window on this. We shouldn't want to deny this anyway; this is good work you've put together. All of you." (4062) Daveed: "Thank you, Master. And for what it's worth, I agree. If anyone wants to denounce what we do here, then I say let them try." (3939) Nathan: "They will, I'm certain," Leia says with a sigh. "Fey'lya might even try to slap some sanctions around, but when he gets an eyeful of exactly how many he'll have to be handing out and to whom, he'll back down and mumble something about a free-market solution and the triumph of people without government holding their hands." ** (4062) Daveed frowns slightly at the mention of Fey'lya. "I see we were thinking of the same name, Lady Organa-Solo." ** (3946) Cray: "It seems to be a name I have heard many times since I came aboard, usually forcefully, or murmured, or through gritted teeth, or immediately before spitting." (4062) Daveed: "We should probably tell you, Master Skywalker... we've reason to believe that he was behind a group of spies who were tapping our communications on Coruscant." (3939) Nathan: Master Skywalker doesn't look at all surprised. "That's... Regretable. I wish I knew why he seemed to have it our for us - if he fears us, thinks we're unnessessary, thinks we're a detriment... I just don't know, and that's worrisome." He smiles. "Still, I had something to tell you two. Dawn, Daveed. The two of you have worked tirelessly in the service of the Force, to protect the Republic, even when things have been going very, very wrong. I'm proud to tell you - a little late, even - that it is my decision to elevate the both of you to the ranks of Jedi Knight." (4062) Daveed: "I think it was more about someone else on the ship than us, directly, Mas..." He cuts off as he realizes just what Luke has told him. For perhaps the first time in his adult life, Daveed Ne'mar is struck speechless. (3946) Cray: (Aww. Now I sort of miss Ferrago. He would've enjoyed being knighted.) (3939) Nathan: ((Ferrago was already elevated to the ranks of Jedi Pimp-Daddy-O earlier. :) )) (3956) Dawn: Dawn is taken aback by this. Quite frankly, she's never had a promotion in her entire career, but even if she had, this one would matter more. She finds words. "I- I will do the title the honor and respect it deserves, Master Skywalker." (3946) Cray: Cray smiles. "Congratulations. From what I have seen, you both deserve your titles. You bring honor to the legacy of the Jedi." (3939) Nathan: "I know you will." He smiles, and turns. "Cray. You chose to walk another path, and I understand that, but it seems the Force brings us together again. I haven't been witness to your deeds, but I sense that you, too, follow the will of the Force. If you get the chance, you should go to the world you were raised on, and seek out your old Master again." (4062) Daveed: It doesn't last long. "Th... thank you, Master Skywalker. I don't feel worthy of the honor, but I will strive to become so." He bows again, more deeply. (4062) Daveed: (bleh, put that before Nathan's.) (3946) Cray: Cray nods, a little unsure. He hasn't seen his master in ten years, and he isn't certain what he could have to say to him. However, he respects Master Skywalker's connection to the Force, and trusts that he is correct. "Thank you, Master Skywalker. I will do as you suggest." (3946) Cray: "It has been quite some time, but it will be good to see Master Temron again." (3946) Cray: (Or rather, I suppose I had established that Cray calls him Master Woru. So, that.) (3939) Nathan: Skywalker nods. "I trust it will be." He sighs. "I sense something in your future, something like an old wound in the Force, like a scar. Something without remorse... I don't think you're going to get Polneye without a fight. I've got Threepio digging to find out who owns that Star Galleon." (3939) Nathan: "And then there's the much older wound that is Polneye itself. The Yevethe slaughtered the inhabitants; again, without remorse. Without guilt or shame. That world carries the impact of that atrocity. Stepping foot on that planet is going to be hard on you all." (4062) Daveed: "Of course... wouldn't do for anything to be easy, would it?" (3946) Cray: "A wound untended to will only fester. Whether it is difficult or simple, it is our place to right this wrong. A Jedi's life, after all, is sacrifice." (3956) Dawn: "Old wounds without remorse..." Dawn says, pensive. "Hm. Well. I knew the job was dangerous when I took it." (3939) Nathan: Skywalker nods. "If it was easy, we wouldn't need a Jedi to do it, would we?" (3939) Nathan: "Good luck, all of you. And may the Force be with you." (3939) Nathan: ((Seems like a good moment to cut, eh?)) (3946) Cray: "And with you, Master." (4062) Daveed: (yep.) (3956) Dawn: Still, Dawn wonders... She takes a moment to close her eyes and Sense the force around her in the system. Polneye's going to be a charnel house, but... "And with you..." (3946) Cray: (Sure.) (4062) Daveed: "With us all, Master. Thank you." (4062) Daveed: (and I gotta get to bed. Hate getting up early...) (4062) Daveed: (Later, guys.) (4062) Daveed: Disconnecting from server... (4062) Daveed (exit): 01:05 (3946) Cray: So, how are we going to handle Cray's little detour to the backwater jungle world that I will probably need to name now? (3939) Nathan: Well, hopefully we'll handle it sometime down the road. (3946) Cray: He doesn't have a ship of his own, and it would be a waste to divert something like the Home One. (3946) Cray: Alrighty. (3956) Dawn: UtF just to see if Dawn's paranoia is paid back in spades, Sense Force for knowns: [1d20+16+d8] => 1d20+16+d8 (3946) Cray: But yeah, on that subject, Cray should probably find some way to acquire a ship. We used to have them coming out of our ears. (3939) Nathan: 1d8, not just d8. (3956) Dawn: [1d20+16+1d8] => [19,16,2] = (37) (3939) Nathan: Knowns? (3956) Dawn: I was trying to sense if the Dominator was crewed by Force-Users Dawn had met before and since most of the others are accounted for... But the problem is, Polneye is a charnel house, and I read the range wrong, so she's mostly just using it as a salve for her worry. (3939) Nathan: Not to worry. Dominator is not crewed by any force-users Dawn has met before (3946) Cray: The last four words of that sentence worry me. (3939) Nathan: Alright, alright. No Force-Users. (3946) Cray: Anyway, I'll have my sheet up on the wiki tomorrow. Also, I have way too many Force powers. (3946) Cray: If such a thing exists. (3939) Nathan: I promise. (3946) Cray: Ah, thank you. (3939) Nathan: Nope... (3939) Nathan: You guys are getting Mandalorians. (3946) Cray: Oh, come on. (3939) Nathan: Hey, things don't go smooth. (3946) Cray: Why don't things ever go smooth? (3939) Nathan: Because you don't get XP when things go smooth. (3946) Cray: But yeah. That reminds me of another game I was in. (3946) Cray: Someone played a Mandalorian Jedi. (3946) Cray: That, I don't get. (3939) Nathan: "Is it ?" "No, it's (3939) Nathan: ..... ** (3939) Nathan twitches. ** (3939) Nathan: Mandalorians aren't a species, they're a culture! (3939) Nathan: One that is distinctly at odds with being a Jedi! (3946) Cray: Yeah, exactly. And the Mandalorian culture seems to sort of conflict with- (3946) Cray: Exactly. (3939) Nathan: That's like... (3939) Nathan: Like playing a Sith Jedi! (3939) Nathan: My brain hurts. To bed, I go. (3946) Cray: I know, right? (3946) Cray: Jedi: Keepers of peace and justice (3946) Cray: Mandalorians: Wagers of WAR and MORE WAR (3939) Nathan: Mandalorians are like Orkz, except not as fun because they never rokk out or muck about. (3939) Nathan: Nite. (3946) Cray: Night. (3956) Dawn: 'Night. (3956) Dawn: Disconnecting from server... (3956) fabricati (exit): 01:17 (3946) Cray: Now when we fight the Mandos, I will imagine them going OY LOOK BOSS, IT'S DEM JEDDY BOYZ (3946) Cray: Disconnecting from server... (3946) Cray (exit): 01:17