| - OFFICIELLT NAMN: The Liberal Party FÖRKORTNING: (lp) PARTILEDARE: Mitt Fitzsimmons POLITISK FÄRG: Mörkblå Liberal är ett politiskt parti i GTA IV. Partiet är ett borgerligt, liberalt parti med t.ex. ökad frihandel, bättre utbildning och gratis sjukvård, högt rankade på listan över saker som måste göras. Partiets partiledare är Mitt Fitzsimmons som också är Poliskommissionär (Police Commisioner) och ordförande i Liberty Citys Poliskabinett. Kategori:Politiska partier Kategori:Politik i GTA IV
- Liberals are a voter group. Liberals are supporters of social freedom. They have a distrust for most forms of authority, support the separation of church and state, and oppose any laws that prevent citizens taking actions of their own or making a free choice in a moral issue, such as consumption of products having a negative impact on health (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) or prostitution.
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberal]] liberal < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberal]] liberal < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberal]] liberalis (“‘befitting a freeman’”) < liber (“‘free’”), akin to libet (“‘it pleases’”).
- The Liberal half of America is the one that symbolizes optimism and forward thinking. Liberals believe in gun control (American liberals sometimes disagree about how far to allow responsible weapon ownership). Liberals believe in environmental protection, providing for poor people, gay rights, civil rights. Liberals oppose animal cruelty, and they support basic human nature; meaning the freedom to have sex with the consenting partners they would like without the guilt of the right-wing religious types. Conservative republicans are the evangelical Christian and Greedy Capitalist side of America and love to pass absurd laws like the "mandatory" pledge of abstinence. By the way that doesn't work at all, studies show that teens who pledge for abstinence are 42% more likely to end up having sex
| - OFFICIELLT NAMN: The Liberal Party FÖRKORTNING: (lp) PARTILEDARE: Mitt Fitzsimmons POLITISK FÄRG: Mörkblå Liberal är ett politiskt parti i GTA IV. Partiet är ett borgerligt, liberalt parti med t.ex. ökad frihandel, bättre utbildning och gratis sjukvård, högt rankade på listan över saker som måste göras. Partiets partiledare är Mitt Fitzsimmons som också är Poliskommissionär (Police Commisioner) och ordförande i Liberty Citys Poliskabinett. Kategori:Politiska partier Kategori:Politik i GTA IV
- Liberals are a voter group. Liberals are supporters of social freedom. They have a distrust for most forms of authority, support the separation of church and state, and oppose any laws that prevent citizens taking actions of their own or making a free choice in a moral issue, such as consumption of products having a negative impact on health (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) or prostitution.
- The Liberal half of America is the one that symbolizes optimism and forward thinking. Liberals believe in gun control (American liberals sometimes disagree about how far to allow responsible weapon ownership). Liberals believe in environmental protection, providing for poor people, gay rights, civil rights. Liberals oppose animal cruelty, and they support basic human nature; meaning the freedom to have sex with the consenting partners they would like without the guilt of the right-wing religious types. Conservative republicans are the evangelical Christian and Greedy Capitalist side of America and love to pass absurd laws like the "mandatory" pledge of abstinence. By the way that doesn't work at all, studies show that teens who pledge for abstinence are 42% more likely to end up having sex anyway (out of curiosity) and are more likely to get pregnant while still in their teen years because they don't understand contraception. Liberals, on the other hand, let those horny teenagers do Sex if they want, as long as they have protection believe we have a responsibility to teach young people responsible sexual practices. Conservatives used to make Interracial marriage, pre-marital sex, homosexuality, and even many common marital sexual practices, illegal (This was the law in many US states during the first half of the 20th Century). While Liberals also limit sexuality in some cases, Liberal limitations are likely to be defense of those seen to be defenseless, for example the requirement for voluntary legal consent. Liberals are rational thinkers who are open to all views and skeptical of those who follow specific agendas. Unlike conservatives, liberals have open minds and tend to disagree with each other in open debate about issues in order to find what is best. American Liberals believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Liberals in other countries want similar freedoms in their countries. Liberals are often not fooled by propaganda and believe in separation of powers. Liberals are very patriotic and voice their opinion often in protest. Many of us older American Liberals remember the days when there were many Liberals in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Liberals then as now, disagreed on of the rate of progression of Civil rights, and the amount of intervention necessary to make Capitalism and our government function the best for our citizens and our society, but we always held on to the goal of protecting, and maximizing the value of Life, Liberty, and Property in our society with only the amount of government necessary to achieve those goals. Prior to the Neoliberal revolution, Liberals represented the centrist position in American politics. For years neoliberals have been trying to convince people that Liberals hold the beliefs of our further left allies. We respect our allies and their opinions, and we will continue to do so. We fight for common goals with our allies, and we will continue to do so. Nevertheless, we are not our allies, we may share short-term goals, but in the end we still differ. Given the amount and rancor of the rhetoric our far-right opponents have devoted to demonizing liberals, I've concluded they still believe we're their most dangerous opponents. I believe we liberals are still the most centrist group in American politics, and I wonder if we're not far more numerous than we even know. I've hope that liberals can still turn our Country from its errant path, achieve government of, by, and for the people, and once again be a beacon of hope for peoples of the world yearning for freedom and prosperity.
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberal]] liberal < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberal]] liberal < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberal]] liberalis (“‘befitting a freeman’”) < liber (“‘free’”), akin to libet (“‘it pleases’”).