| - Hydrokinesis is an ability that allows the user to control, manipulate, create, and morph mainly water, but also any liquid. What makes this ability so different from Water Release is that it uses no chakra, instead it is a physical ability that can be trained for better performance. But since it is a physical ability, the user fatigues when using this ability, but can use chakra to enhance their physical abilities to counteract this weakness. Hydrokinesis can be used with regular Water Release and physical damage in greatly increased because of Hydrokinesis being a physical ability.
- User can create, shape and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapour), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to other.
- Hydrokinesis, (from Greek - Hudōr (Ουδόρ) "water", and Kinein (Κηνείν) "to move"), is the psychic ability to manipulate the properties of water.
- Hydrokinesis is the ability to manipulate and control water. This is a trait shared with water nymphs (Naiads, Oceanids, and Nereids), aquatic deities like Poseidon, Oceanus, and their offspring. Zeus also has hydrokinetic abilities, though he only controls the rain and clouds.
- Also known as Water Manipulation, Hydrokinesis is a branch of magic, related to Cryokinesis, which is commonly represented by the colour blue. Users can manipulate substances and mixtures in the liquid state.
- Hydrokinesis is the ability to control, manipulate or generate water.
- Hydrokinesis Is the ability to control water with one's mind. This is a rare vampire power.
- Water manipulation, also known as Hydrokinesis, is the ability to control, generate, and/or absorb water
- Most users can also teleport through use of water. This power can also be achieved through Conjuring the Elements. It is also connected to Atmokinesis, allowing users to create rainstorms.
- Alec can create, mimic and manipulate water. His future self has often been shown using his ability offensively to drown others by filling their lungs with water, and it means he cannot be drowned himself since he would just reflexively absorb the water and be unharmed. However, he doesn't mimic water reflexively, and therefore can still be harmed physically if he doesn't see a threat and react in time.
- Hydrokinesis is the ability to control, manipulate, or conjure water. It is considered an uncommon power.
- Hydrokinesis is the ability to mentally manipulate water. One with this ability could even shift water through its solid, liquid and gas phases. The ability could even be used to pull ambient moisture out of the air to form water, withstanding great water pressure, or even raise water to send it at foes in the form of tidal waves or any other form the user wishes. One with this ability can even 'rip' the water out of people, similar to Dehydration. Another faculty of this ability is Hydrogenesis/Aquagenesis in which one can generate water.
- Hydrokinesis is the elemental ability to create, control and manipulate water in liquid state, levitate ice and a jelly-like substance, as well break ice, mold the water in an unlimited variety of shapes, and multiply water molecules, causing liquid to expand, creating even more water. With this ability, merpeople can mold the water in the air at will and take any form that he/she desires, whether it's simple water orbs, a miniature mermaid figurine, giant three-headed snake or a huge wave. They can control the water pressure, hardening water enough to be used as a knife strong enough to slice through solid rock.