| - The user has an encyclopedic knowledge in sexual and carnal techniques, allowing them to invoke a specific type of sexual fulfillment in a specific sexual partner. This results in great, or absolute, satisfaction for their partner. The nature of the ability revolves around the fulfillment of the target in a sexual capacity, which may or may not involve pleasure, pain, or other sensations. In some cases, it may even involve the negation of these sensations, so long as this still results in the satisfaction of the partner. Completion of this task may involve any number of other abilities or talents, and can range from natural to supernatural. The sensations induced are partially voluntary and partially involuntary. For example, they can induce pleasure in someone who is not expecting or desiring it, as well as meet individual requests with skill and competency. In more extreme cases, they may create, induce, or reveal new desires that the partner never even realized they had. Some forms of this power may be mental rather than physical. A flawless master will employ both.