| - The helicopter flies across London, above the cheers of a crowd on The Mall, past Nelson's Column, doubling back to the Palace of Westminster with an animated Winston Churchill statue in Parliament Square, and then along the Thames past the London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, the financial district City of London (with 30 St Mary Axe in the background), and then passes through Tower Bridge, accompanied by the Dambusters March.
| - The helicopter flies across London, above the cheers of a crowd on The Mall, past Nelson's Column, doubling back to the Palace of Westminster with an animated Winston Churchill statue in Parliament Square, and then along the Thames past the London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, the financial district City of London (with 30 St Mary Axe in the background), and then passes through Tower Bridge, accompanied by the Dambusters March. The film finishes with Bond and the Queen apparently jumping from a helicopter live above the stadium with Union Jack parachutes (famously used by Bond in The Spy Who Loved Me) accompanied by the James Bond Theme. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, along with Jacques Rogge, are then introduced to the audience, the Queen wearing the same dress as in the film, as if she had just arrived with Bond.