| - Federation Law referred to the legal principles, procedures, and processes that governed and were applied to civil and military citizens of the Federation. The law of the United Federation of Planets was based on several historic documents, such as:
* Magna Carta; Magna Carta was widely considered to be the first step in a long historical process leading to the rule of Federation constitutional law. (TOS: "Court Martial" )
* Statutes of Alpha III; a Bill of Rights originating from planet Alpha III, a base document for the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets (TOS: "Court Martial" )
* Vulcan Bill of Rights; a Bill of Rights originating from Vulcan, a founding member-world of the United Federation of Planets (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")
* United States Constitution; The United States Constitution was a base document for the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets. (TOS: "Court Martial" )
* Charter of the United Federation of Planets; The Charter of the United Federation of Planets was the document that was ratified by the original members of the United Federation of Planets at that organization's founding in 2161. Jonathan Archer was one of the signers of the charter. (TNG: "The Outcast" ; ENT: "Zero Hour", "These Are the Voyages...")
* Fundamental Declarations of the Martian colonies; The Fundamental Declarations of the Martian colonies was an important legal document drafted on the planet Mars during or after the founding of the Martian colonies in 2103. (TOS: "Court Martial" ; VOY: "The 37's")
* Acts of Cumberland; The Acts of Cumberland were statutes pertaining to the rights of devices possessing artificial intelligence. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" ) The rights afforded to civil citizens of the Federation included the following documents:
* Constitution of the United Federation of Planets; The Constitution of the United Federation of Planets outlining the framework by which the Federation was governed for the mutual benefit and protection of member planets and individual citizens. This document contains at least twelve "Guarantees" related to fundamental individual rights of citizens. The Seventh Guarantee was a fundamental right against self-incrimination protected by the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG: "The Drumhead" ) Section seven gamma of the Twelfth Guarantee defines an artist as a "person who creates an original artistic work." The definition was expanded to include holograms in 2378. (VOY: "Author, Author")
* Federation Uniform Code of Justice; Laws governing citizens of the United Federation of Planets. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "The Maquis, Part II")
* Federation Judicial Code; The Federation Judicial Code was a set of guidelines and regulations related to legal issues in the United Federation of Planets. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy") The rights afforded to members of Starfleet include the following documents:
* Starfleet Charter
* Starfleet General Orders and Regulations; Starfleet General Orders and Regulations were a series of guidelines used to instruct members of Starfleet on the proper etiquette and policy in a situation that requires consultation for a resolution. These guidelines were especially useful in situations where flag officers could not be consulted to resolve a situation. (VOY: "Equinox") The two most important General Orders were the Prime Directive and the Omega Directive. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
* Federation Uniform Code of Justice; The Federation Uniform Code of Justice was the legal basis of Starfleet court martial proceedings. (TNG: "The Drumhead" )