| - Claw was pacing, his plan had went well, Miststar was too ambitious to realise what was actually gonna happen. Which was great Frost was still watching Claw, he mewed "That went better then expected, now, we just need her to go into an emotional collapse." Claw glared at him "Do you have any ideas on how to do that?" Claw shook his head "Because I've got nothing." Claw ripped up the ground at his paws Frost shrugged "Get a cat on the inside upset at her, perferably someone she's close too," he added "I see her walking around with two toms alot, so one of them would be better."
| - Claw was pacing, his plan had went well, Miststar was too ambitious to realise what was actually gonna happen. Which was great Frost was still watching Claw, he mewed "That went better then expected, now, we just need her to go into an emotional collapse." Claw glared at him "Do you have any ideas on how to do that?" Claw shook his head "Because I've got nothing." Claw ripped up the ground at his paws Frost shrugged "Get a cat on the inside upset at her, perferably someone she's close too," he added "I see her walking around with two toms alot, so one of them would be better." Claw looked at him "Excellent idea," Claw paced more "The toms.... I think I'll try and twist up Bramblepaw first," Claws eyes flashed to Frost "That's gonna have to be your job, I cannot go into the camp." Frost bowed "Yes, Claw, I'll get one of my queens to do it." Claw purred "Ah, the old damsel in distress," he growled "Perfect, Bramblepaw won't be able to resist." Frost asked "What about the other tom?" he added warily "Won't he get in the way?" Claw looked at him and only mewed "Have Marshwhisper kill him," he added "But kill the deputy first." Frost bowed "Yes, Claw." he padded away from Claw, and Claw was alone. Claw looked up at the stars "Everythings going exactly as planned, with Lilypaws friends out of the way, she will be destroyed." He laughed cruelly, that seemed to echo in the night.