| - - Χρονολογία:
- Bono is Henry's european cousin who liberalizes to find out how a fish predicts in the middle of nowhere when Henry disturbs him and then he's frustrated about something in his mind.
- rightLos Bonos (Bunny Token en inglés) son unos papeles de color dorado con la cara de Coti Conejal.
- Paul David Hewson, (born 10 May 1960), most commonly known by his stage name Bono, is an Irish singer and musician, best known for being the main vocalist of the rock band U2. He writes almost all U2 lyrics, often using political, social, and religious themes. During their early years, Bono's lyrics contributed to U2's rebellious and spiritual tone. As the band matured, his lyrics became inspired more by personal experiences shared with members of U2.
- Bono is a Chiavarone Famiglia mafioso.
- Bono is the world's largest crap and an Irish singer, from Ireland. He likes to talk about Africa, fueling widespread speculation as to his sexuality. It has been suggested that Africa is his gay lover. Africa may or may not actually exist, and no one except for Bono really cares anyway. He is the frontman of the band U2, which is named after an American spyplane that was never shot down. Ever.
- Bono (ボウ, Bou ?, Bo en inglés) es un personaje que aparece en The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, es el alcalde de Ordon y el padre de Ilia.
- Bono can't sing, and he skiied into a tree. Then he donated a billion dollars to poor people. Afterwards, comma, he committed petit larceny while at a store for people who wear clothes. I hate clothes. Clothes suck. Down with clothes. Only whores wear clothes. I don't mind whores.
- Bono is the lead singer of the Irish rock band U2 and a famous activist for assorted causes. He appears in the episode "More Crap", where he serves as the main antagonist. After Mr. Hankey and his family, Bono is the second form of fecal matter capable of talking in South Park. However, he is the first to take on a human form.
- Paul David Hewson (nacido o 10 de maio de 1960 e máis coñecido coma Bono) é o vocalista e principal letrista da banda irlandesa U2. Tamén e coñecido polo seu compromiso con causas humanitarias, sobre todo relacionadas con África, polo que chegou a ser nominado para o Premio Nobel da Paz.
- Bono is the son of Darbono, the nephew of Bardono, and the cousin of Dono. Though you can't see it, both of his eyes don't have pupils. So sadly, he is blind. But luckily for him, his psychic powers help him live his life. He goes to Lalleo School with his cousin and made friends with Leeoeac. He can say "Push shuP to ot control lortnoc." which makes him able to switch souls with you for 1 hour. He uses this when he is fighting though challengers that are stronger than him. A science experiemnt made him 3% stronger than his own father.
- Bono właśc. Paul David Hewson (ur. 10 maja 1960 w Dublinie) – irlandzki muzyk, filantrop, lider grupy rockowej U2. Uczestnicy 3. Worldvision Song Contest TOP 3 Finaliści Abba (Szwecja) • Altin Shira (Albania) • Aneela (Irak) • Angela Maria Forero (Kolumbia) • Corina (Rumunia) • Elize (Holandia) • Faakhir (Pakistan) • Hinoi Team (Japonia) • Houmb & Morton Abel (Norwegia) • Írafár (Islandia) • Ishtar (Izrael) • Kate Ryan (Belgia) • Lura (RZP) • Melanie C (Wielka Brytania) • Mustafa Sandal & Anna Vissi (Turcja) • Olsen Brothers (Dania) • Omar Naber (Słowenia) • Rihanna (Barbados) • Rimini Project (Francja) • t.A.T.u. (Rosja) • The Corrs & Bono (Irlandia) • Vesna Pisarović (Chorwacja)
- 300px|right Dum la jaro 1989 la urbo festis sian 2000-jaran fondojubileon: tiu dato memorigis pri la starigo de la unua romia fortikaĵo en la urbo dum la jaro 12 antaŭ Kristo. Tamen en la urba teritorio jam multe pli frue vivis homoj. Pri tio atestas la duobla tombejo en la urboparko Oberkassel, kiu aĝas 14.000 jarojn, kaj restaĵoj de ligna fortikaĵo sur la monto Venusberg, kiuj stariĝis antaŭ iom pli ol 6.000 jaroj.
- In the third Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story segment, "Stu & Stewie's Excellent Adventure", Peter Griffin recalls being stuck on a desert island with him. They had a crate of food, but Bono was saving it for the starving children. When Peter wasn't looking, Bono started to eat it, but was caught by Peter and knocked unconscious with a rock so he could eat the food. Peter uses Bono's wearing sunglasses as an example to support Joe in writing his children's book in "The Book of Joe". In "Scammed Yankees", Carter Pewterschmidt finds a village in Africa that has never herd of Bono.
- Paul David Hewson was borrn on the 10th of May 1960 in Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland. Bono and his brother, Norman Hewson, were raised in Dublin by their mother Iris (née Rankin), a Church of Ireland Anglican, and their father Brendan Robert "Bob" Hewson, a Roman Catholic. His parents initially agreed that the first child would be raised Anglican and the second Catholic. Although Bono was the second child, he also attended Church of Ireland services with his mother and brother. Bono claims that he hasn't very many memories from his early life.