| - Moosemas was created in 1984 by The Coven of Our Lady of the Woods. Celebrate your inner moose! Get more Moose-slack! Play Pin the Penis on Bullwinkle the Moose! Food, games, fun! You can celebrate Moosemas any time. "Credit for discovering Moosemas must go to Our Lady of the Woods of Wisconsin. A member of the original Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild made some contributions to its discovery and, as a member of the Order of the Pineapple, suggested serving the pineapple-containing Pina Coladas. Much as I like taking credit for things, I had nothing to do with it. "Our Lady of the Woods was erroneously listed in the late 1980s in ‘Criminal Intelligence Report' as a dangerous satanic group. So was the Discordian ‘Factsheet Five’, which often featured Discordian co-founder Kerry Thornley aka Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, which we think is pretty cool. Other Discordianesque and related groups on the dangerous list included New Reformed Order Golden Dawn (I may have the name slightly off), Silver Apples, Moondance Magical Supplies, and Kallisti Komiks. "None of these groups had any known Satanic ties, but hate should never let facts get in the way.... "The primary problem with mainstream paganism is that it doesn't encourage you to dance madly while wearing moose antlers." -- Reverend Loveshade at 23ae.com