| - The Spin Glitch, also known as the Chaos Control Glitch, is a glitch that can be performed as Sonic on any ramp. This glitch requires a 45 degree ramp, which is preferably a fall-through platform placed somewhere above the ground. Using Sonic's Spin Dash the character shoots off the end of the ramp, but continues to fly through the air in a straight path, unaffected by gravity. They will not stop until the player cancels the move with an attack, is themselves attacked, or the attack is completed. This glitch is also used to do the Stuck Spinning Glitch (SSG). Jigglypuff is also seen to be able to do this glitch with her Neutral Special, however, once started it will not stop until it hits something, stops, or SDs.
| - The Spin Glitch, also known as the Chaos Control Glitch, is a glitch that can be performed as Sonic on any ramp. This glitch requires a 45 degree ramp, which is preferably a fall-through platform placed somewhere above the ground. Using Sonic's Spin Dash the character shoots off the end of the ramp, but continues to fly through the air in a straight path, unaffected by gravity. They will not stop until the player cancels the move with an attack, is themselves attacked, or the attack is completed. This glitch is also used to do the Stuck Spinning Glitch (SSG). Jigglypuff is also seen to be able to do this glitch with her Neutral Special, however, once started it will not stop until it hits something, stops, or SDs. Additionally, when used by Sonic, if he hits or is hit by anything, he will teleport upward a huge distance, while the Spin Dash continues uninterrupted. After Sonic teleports upward, he will not hit any other players standing in his way, he will just pass through them.