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T'Les was a Vulcan female who lived during the 21st and 22nd centuries. She was the mother of T'Pol and the granddaughter of T'Mir. T'Les had married some time in the 21st century, and in 2088 she gave birth to her daughter T'Pol. Her husband died some time prior to 2153. (ENT episode: "Home") Sometime prior to 2154, T'Les joined the Syrrannite Movement, hoping to restore Vulcan society to that envisioned by Surak. T'Les died in 2154 when the Vulcan High Command attacked the T'Karath Sanctuary. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening")

  • T'Les
  • T'Les
  • T'Les
  • T'Les
  • T'Les
  • T'Les was a Vulcan female who lived during the 21st and 22nd centuries. She was the mother of T'Pol and the granddaughter of T'Mir. T'Les had married some time in the 21st century, and in 2088 she gave birth to her daughter T'Pol. Her husband died some time prior to 2153. (ENT episode: "Home") Sometime prior to 2154, T'Les joined the Syrrannite Movement, hoping to restore Vulcan society to that envisioned by Surak. T'Les died in 2154 when the Vulcan High Command attacked the T'Karath Sanctuary. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening")
  • right|thumb|T'Les im Jahr 2154 T'Les ist eine vulkanische Frau und die Mutter T'Pols, des Ersten Offiziers der Enterprise (NX-01). In mehreren Dekaden des 22. Jahrhunderts ist sie Lektorin an der vulkanischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Im Jahr 2088 gebärt sie ihr einziges Kind, eine Tochter namens T'Pol, deren Vater jedoch bald stirbt. (ENT: )
  • T'Les ed il marito si erano incontrati solo una volta prima del fidanzamento e del matrimonio. Tuttavia, sebbene il giorno delle nozze fossero sconosciuti l'uno all'altra, impararono ad amarsi profondamente. (ENT: "Ritorno a casa") Nel 2088, T'Les ed il marito ebbero il loro unico figlio, una femmina che chiamarono T'Pol. (ENT: "Ora zero") T'Pol, un Subcomandante dell'Alto Comando Vulcaniano, fu assegnata all'Enterprise. Nel 2151, prese parte alla scoperta del complesso spiistico ubicato sotto il monastero di P'Jem. (ENT: "Il caso andoriano")
  • Odhalení špionážního zařízení v klášteře na P'Jem, namířeného proti Andorii, vedla k zničení tohoto kláštera a celého špionážního komplexu. Vina v očích Vysokého velení padla na posádku Enterprise NX-01 a hlavně na jediného vulkánce na palubě subkomandéra T'Pol. Jelikož Vysoké velení nemohlo potrestat T'Pol, podniklo kroky proti její matce T'Les. (ENT: Shadows of P'Jem)
  • T'Les was a Vulcan who worked as an instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy in the early 22nd century. T'Les and her husband had met only once prior to their bonding and marriage. However, even though they were strangers at the time of their marriage, they grew to love and care for each other deeply. (ENT: "Home") In 2088, T'Les and her husband had their only child, a daughter named T'Pol. (ENT: "Zero Hour") T'Les became a widow when her husband, and T'Pol's father, died sometime prior to 2151. (ENT: "The Xindi")
  • T'Les was een vrouwelijke Vulcan, die een instructeur was aan de Vulcan wetenschappelijke academie, in het begin van de 22e eeuw. T'Les en haar man hadden elkaar slechts één keer ontmoet voordat ze zich met elkaar zouden verbinden en zouden trouwen. Ondanks dat ze vreemden waren voor elkaar toen ze trouwden kregen ze een diepe band en hielden van elkaar. (ENT: "Home") In 2088 kregen ze hun enige kind, een dochter die ze T'Pol noemden. (ENT: "Zero Hour")
  • 2154(xsd:integer)
  • T'Les dies in T'Pol's arms
  • T'Les of in 2154
  • Vrouw
  • Deceased
  • Unnamed husband
  • T'Les
  • vul
  • T'Les in 2154
  • T'Les
Character Name
  • T'Les
  • T'Les.jpg
Marital Status
  • Widowed
  • 2154(xsd:integer)
  • T'Les dies in T'Pol's arms.jpg
  • Teacher
  • Female
  • 21(xsd:integer)
Other Relatives
  • T'Les was a Vulcan female who lived during the 21st and 22nd centuries. She was the mother of T'Pol and the granddaughter of T'Mir. T'Les had married some time in the 21st century, and in 2088 she gave birth to her daughter T'Pol. Her husband died some time prior to 2153. (ENT episode: "Home") For many years, T'Les was an instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy. Following the destruction of P'Jem, the Vulcan High Command found themselves unable to retaliate against T'Pol for the destruction of the monastery, so they instead retaliated against T'Les. The High Command fabricated treason charges against T'Les, and forced her to resign from the Science Academy. T'Pol was forced to marry Koss to help her mother regain her position. (ENT episodes: "Shadows of P'Jem", "Home") Sometime prior to 2154, T'Les joined the Syrrannite Movement, hoping to restore Vulcan society to that envisioned by Surak. T'Les died in 2154 when the Vulcan High Command attacked the T'Karath Sanctuary. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening") Following the dissolution of the Vulcan High Command, the T'Karath Sanctuary was rebuilt, and T'Les was buried in one of the chambers in the sanctuary. The following year her granddaughter Elizabeth T'Les Tucker was buried next to T'Les. (ENT novel: The Good That Men Do)
  • T'Les was een vrouwelijke Vulcan, die een instructeur was aan de Vulcan wetenschappelijke academie, in het begin van de 22e eeuw. T'Les en haar man hadden elkaar slechts één keer ontmoet voordat ze zich met elkaar zouden verbinden en zouden trouwen. Ondanks dat ze vreemden waren voor elkaar toen ze trouwden kregen ze een diepe band en hielden van elkaar. (ENT: "Home") In 2088 kregen ze hun enige kind, een dochter die ze T'Pol noemden. (ENT: "Zero Hour") T'Pol, een ondercommandant bij het Vulcan hoge commando, werd toegewezen aan de Enterprise in 2151. In dat jaar was ze onderdeel van een verkenningsteam dat een groot spionnencomplex ontdekte onder het P'Jem klooster. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident) In 2154 bezocht T'Pol haar moeder op Vulcan, vlak nadat ze terugkeerde van de missie in het Delphic expansie. Ze bracht toen Charles Tucker III mee, zonder dat ze dat vooraf aan haar moeder had verteld. T'Les was niet blij dat haar dochter een mens meenam naar Vulcan, vooral omdat T'Pol op het punt stond te trouwen met een Vulcan die Koss heette. Ze had drie jaar eerder de trouwerij afgezegd zodat ze op de Enterprise kon blijven. T'Les drong erop aan dat om haar trouw overeenkomst in stand te houden. Ondanks dat ze Trip in het begin niet mocht, vond ze hem uiteindelijk wel aardig. Ze was zeker dat de twee van elkaar hielden, omdat ze een sterke band tussen de twee voelde. Ze hoopte dat Trip zijn gevoelens aan T'Pol zou vertellen voordat T'Pol zou trouwen. (ENT: "Home") Later dat jaar vertelde T'Les aan haar dochter dat ze met pensioen was gegaan, en dus haar baan als docent aan de Wetenschappelijke academie had opgegeven. Eigenlijk stopte ze als maatregel voor de acties van haar dochter op P'Jem in 2151. Ze werd onderzocht voor het verwijderen van geheim materiaal van de Wetenschappelijke academie, en dat onderzoek zou alleen worden gestaakt als ze zou stoppen met haar baan, en zo werd ze gedwongen om vroeg met pensioen te gaan. Later sloot T'Les zich aan bij de Syrrannites, waar ze een grote kans had om opgepakt te worden, omdat de Syrranites vermoedelijk de ambassade van Aarde op Vulcan vernietigd hadden. Nadat Jonathan Archer en T'Pol gevangen genomen waren hielp T'Les hen, en haalde T'Pau, de leider van de Syrranites, over om hen te vertrouwen. Ze vertelde T'Pol dat het hoge commando corrupt en misdadig was. Ze stierf in de armen van haar dochter, omdat het hoge commando het terrein van de Syrranites bombardeerden. (ENT: "Awakening") Ergens voor 2153 stierf de man van T'Les, en de vader van T'Pol. Volgens schrijver en producent Mike Sussman werd het personage onder andere vermoord omdat Paramount Pictures het zich niet kon veroorloven om de actrice te betalen om ook nog terug te komen in de aflevering "Kir'Shara".
  • Odhalení špionážního zařízení v klášteře na P'Jem, namířeného proti Andorii, vedla k zničení tohoto kláštera a celého špionážního komplexu. Vina v očích Vysokého velení padla na posádku Enterprise NX-01 a hlavně na jediného vulkánce na palubě subkomandéra T'Pol. Jelikož Vysoké velení nemohlo potrestat T'Pol, podniklo kroky proti její matce T'Les. (ENT: Shadows of P'Jem) T'Pol se o jejím nuceném odchodu z Akademie dozvídá až při své návštěvě Vulkánu poté, co se vrátila z Delphské oblast. Pravé důvody jí zdělí až Koss, který situace zneužívá k vydírání T'Pol. Slibuje, že pokud se za něj provdá, postará se jeho vlivný otec, aby se T'Les mohla na Akademii vrátit. (ENT: Home) V roce 2154 se Vysoké velení rozhodlo skoncovat se Syrranity a začalo je zatýkat. Jako záminku si zvolili bombový atentát na velvyslanectví Země na Vulkánu. Vyšetřování bylo některými vulkánci zmanipulováno tak, aby vina neprávem padla právě syrranisty. T'Les se přidává se ke skupině syrranitů vedených T'Pau a znovu se setkává s T'Pol, která spolu s kapitánem Archerem hledá T'Pau neprávem obviněnou z bombového útoku na velvyslanectví Země. Vysoké velení, včele s V'Lasem, však místo jejich pobytu, svatyni T'Karath, bombarduje a ona při útoku umírá. (ENT: Awakening)
  • right|thumb|T'Les im Jahr 2154 T'Les ist eine vulkanische Frau und die Mutter T'Pols, des Ersten Offiziers der Enterprise (NX-01). In mehreren Dekaden des 22. Jahrhunderts ist sie Lektorin an der vulkanischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Im Jahr 2088 gebärt sie ihr einziges Kind, eine Tochter namens T'Pol, deren Vater jedoch bald stirbt. (ENT: ) Vor 2154 ist T'Pol ein Subcommander des Vulkanischen Oberkommandos und wird auf die Enterprise als „Beobachterin“ versetzt. Damit ist sie an der Zerstörung des heiligen, vulkanischen Klosters P'Jem durch die Andorianer beteiligt, denen sie geholfen hat die Spionageeinrichtung unter dem Kloster zu entdecken. Aufgrund der Taten ihrer Tochter wird T'Les aus der Wissenschaftsakademie ausgeschlossen und darf von da an auch keiner anderen höherer Stellungen mehr annehmen. Als T'Pol und Commander Tucker 2154 von der Suche nach der Xindi-Waffe zurückehren, fliegen sie beide nach Vulkan um ihre Mutter zu besuchen. T'Pol hat T'Les nie zuvor etwas über den Commander erzählt. T'Les spürt Trips Zuneigungen zu ihrer Tochter und so hofft sie darauf, dass er es ihr sagen wird, bevor T'Pol Koss heiratet. (ENT: ) T'Les wird später Mitglied der Syrranniten und muss sich nach den Ereignissen der Zerstörung der irdischen Botschaft auf Vulkan verstecken, da sie sonst riskiert verhaftet zu werden. Nachdem das Oberkommado das Versteck der Syrranniten im Glühofen entdeckt und bombardiert hat, ist T'Les schwer verwundet und erliegt schlussendlich ihren Verletzungen. (ENT: )
  • T'Les ed il marito si erano incontrati solo una volta prima del fidanzamento e del matrimonio. Tuttavia, sebbene il giorno delle nozze fossero sconosciuti l'uno all'altra, impararono ad amarsi profondamente. (ENT: "Ritorno a casa") Nel 2088, T'Les ed il marito ebbero il loro unico figlio, una femmina che chiamarono T'Pol. (ENT: "Ora zero") T'Pol, un Subcomandante dell'Alto Comando Vulcaniano, fu assegnata all'Enterprise. Nel 2151, prese parte alla scoperta del complesso spiistico ubicato sotto il monastero di P'Jem. (ENT: "Il caso andoriano") Nel 2154, dopo esser tornata dalla ricerca della super arma Xindi, T'Pol si recò a visitare sua madre sul pianeta Vulcano, e portò con sé il Comandante Tucker senza avvertirla in anticipo. A T'Les non fece piacere vedere T'Pol in compagnia di un compagno umano, soprattutto perché T'Pol era stata legata dalla famiglia ad un Vulcaniano di nome Koss. Aveva rotto il fidanzamento tre anni prima della sua permanenza sull'Enterprise. T'Les esercitò delle pressioni su T'Pol affinché rispettasse la promessa di matrimonio con Koss. Nonostante il suo rifiuto iniziale nei confronti di Trip, T'Les finì per apprezzarlo. T'Les era certa che i due fossero innamorati l'uno dell'altra. Poteva percepire un legame molto forte tra di loro, e sperava che il comandante confessasse a T'Pol i suoi sentimenti prima del matrimonio della figlia con Koss. (ENT: "Ritorno a casa") Informò T'Pol di esser andata in "pensione" dalla sua professione di docente presso l'Accademia delle Scienze. In realtà, a causa delle azioni della figlia su P'Jem nel 2151, T'Les fu indagata per aver sottratto del materiale dall'Accademia delle Scienze, e venne obbligata ad andare in pensione in anticipo a causa di accuse false. T'Les, in seguito, si unì ai Siranniti, i quali rischiarono di venir arrestati dopo la presunta distruzione dell'Ambasciata sulla Terra. Dopo che Archer e T'Pol furono catturati dai Siranniti, T'Les si offrì di aiutarli e persuase T'Pau, il capo del movimento, a fidarsi di loro. Disse a T'Pol che l'Alto Comando Vulcaniano era corrotto e malvagio. Morì tra le braccia della figlia quando l'Alto Comando bombardò il campo dei Siranniti. (ENT: "Risvegli") Informazioni di retroscenaT'Les è stata interpretata da Joanna Cassidy. Secondo lo scrittore e produttore Mike Sussman, il personaggio fu eliminato perché, tra gli altri motivi, la Paramount Pictures non aveva potuto permettersi che l'attrice lo reimpersonasse in "Il kir'shara".
  • T'Les was a Vulcan who worked as an instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy in the early 22nd century. T'Les and her husband had met only once prior to their bonding and marriage. However, even though they were strangers at the time of their marriage, they grew to love and care for each other deeply. (ENT: "Home") In 2088, T'Les and her husband had their only child, a daughter named T'Pol. (ENT: "Zero Hour") T'Les became a widow when her husband, and T'Pol's father, died sometime prior to 2151. (ENT: "The Xindi") T'Pol, a sub-commander in the Vulcan High Command, was assigned to the NX-class starship Enterprise in 2151. Later that year, she took part in the discovery of a spy complex under the P'Jem monastery. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident") In 2154, after returning from the Xindi incident, T'Pol visited her mother on Vulcan, and brought Commander Tucker without telling her mother beforehand. T'Les was not happy to see T'Pol with a Human companion, especially given that T'Pol had been engaged in a family-arranged bonding with a Vulcan named Koss. T'Pol had broken off the arrangement three years earlier, in order to stay aboard Enterprise. T'Les insisted, however, that T'Pol keep her marriage agreement with Koss. Despite her initial disdain towards Tucker, T'Les could not help but eventually like him. She was certain he was in love with her daughter. Able to sense a strong bond between them, T'Les hoped that Tucker would inform T'Pol of his feelings for her before she married Koss. (ENT: "Home") T'Les notified T'Pol that she had "retired" from her teaching position at the Science Academy. In reality, because of her daughter's actions on P'Jem in 2151, T'Les had been under investigation for removing classified material from the Science Academy, and had been forced into an early retirement due to the falsified charges. T'Les later joined a group of Vulcan dissidents known as Syrrannites, who were vulnerable to arrest after they supposedly destroyed the United Earth Embassy. After Archer and T'Pol were captured by the Syrrannites, T'Les came to their aid and persuaded T'Pau, the head of the movement, to trust them. T'Les advised T'Pol that the Vulcan High Command was corrupt and evil. She died in her daughter's arms when the High Command bombarded the Syrranites' compound – the T'Karath Sanctuary in Vulcan's Forge. (ENT: "Awakening")
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