| - Gomora(ゴモラGomora) is a fictional kaiju from the tokusatsu television series Ultraman, and first appeared in the show's only two-part storyline, The Monster Prince (episodes 26-to-27). Gomora has since become one of the franchises' toughest and most popular monsters, returning in subsequent Ultra Series. Most notably as the leading beast of the 2008 program Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle and its 2009 follow-up. Gomora's character subtitle is Ancient Monster(古代怪獣Kodai Kaijū), and has also been known by the name Gahora.
- Gomora (ゴモラ Gomora?) is an ancient kaiju species from Earth. They are immensely powerful, being the first kaiju able to fight an ultra to a draw. While Gomora is supposedly portrayed as a hostile Kaiju, starting with the emergence of Rei's Gomora, most later incarnations of him are portrayed as comrades to respective protagonists of the series.
* Subtitle: Ancient Monster (古代怪獣 Kodai Kaijū?)
* Cyber Subtitle: Cyber Monster (電脳怪獣 Dennō Kaijū?)
- Subtitle: Ancient Monster (古代怪獣, Kodai Kaijū)
- Gomora is apart of a race by the name of Pyralis . He and his clan are at war with the ice clan.
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- thumbGomora ist ein Kaiju aus der TV-Serie Ultraman. Er ist eines der am häufigsten auftretenden Monster innerhalb der Serie, in dem er eine Wandlung von einem bösartigen zu einem guten Monster durchmacht. Dies und die Tatsache, dass er eines der stärksten Monster der Serie ist und einen Hitzestrahl abfeuern kann, hat ihn den Titel Prinz der Monster in Anspielung zu Godzilla, dem König der Monster, eingebracht. Daneben wurden beide Monster maßgeblich von Eiji Tsuburaya erfunden und realisiert.