| - The disk was created by Bartimeo Magnus, master alchemist to Holy Roman Emperor King Charles V (who lived from 1500-1558). The original conquistador, Fernando El Aguirre, used the disk to mark the spot where he buried a crystal sarcophagus filled with black pearls that he stole from a temple somewhere in Central America. He later broke the disk apart to make sure no one knew where it was. The Spaniard had two pieces with him, but before he descended into madness the two pieces made it into the hands of some mystery solving Franciscan monks, the Fraternitas Mysterium. The monks, feeling the dark power of the disk, wanted to destroy them or at least hide the pieces. Their mascot donkey Porto was corrupted by the evil of the disk. The donkey blew up the area using powder kegs, hoping to keep the piece to himself. This act caused a great earthquake which caused most of the original mission settlement to slide into the sea. Friar Serra pursued the escaping donkey, and got the stolen piece back; Porto was apparently devoured by the alligators of what would one day be Gatorsburg. Friar Serra hid the piece he recovered in a wheel of cheese. Another piece was lost in the sunken town. The pieces then fell into obscurity, scattered over the globe. A new group appeared in the 1880's, led by Oswald P. Burlington with his orangutan Mr. Peaches as a mascot. One of their members, Abigail Gluck, managed to scour the remains of the lost city in the sea with her robots, but she died in her underwater lair before she found the lost piece. A piece eventually came into the possession of the Darrow family, who formed their own mystery-solving group. This lead to major tensions within the family and the death of most them except little Danny Darrow. He kept the piece hidden away in his mansion which had sunk beneath the ground, becoming obsessed with it. The original Mystery Incorporated (with Professor Pericles) found one of the pieces in the Old Spanish Church and investigated the former Darrow Mansion. (Danny Darrow watched them and wanted to trap them, but he failed to build his traps in time). They broke up because of the treachery of Pericles and threats against their parents by the Freak of Crystal Cove.