| - I am Flamescar and this is my storyI was born in breeze clan and i stayed there until i was 2 moons.My parents were two of the best cats there,my father Ashclaw and mother Flowerpelt,were the nicest and then had 3 kits me and two sisters Tulip and Rose.when i was 2 moons my father let in some wolves and foxes, 3 of each to be exact, they were begging to be in for they had no food or shelter.My father with his strength he had a flaw, he had forgiveness for those he had fought.He let them in because he was the deputy of the clan.they were fine for a few days then one night while the whole clan was asleep they destroyed our clan and ended all the cats.I woke in the middle of it and my sisters and I seemed to be the only ones alive my sisters faked being dead and weren't caught but when i did i was caught and throw around like a rag doll.so we waited for them to leave and once they did i went to find my father thinking he did the same as I but when i got to the warriors den i say he was the worst case of all the cats he was ripped apart and organs spilling out of his stomach. I ran to my sisters and told them what the wolves and foxes had done my sisters had the same plan but i didn't. They retreated into twolegs nest but i stayed in the wild and trained myself how to fight hunt and even heal. In my apprentice days i got lonely and searched for food and friends but i had no luck. That was until I went into a owl's nest which still remains there today, there was a owl in the nest in his middle ages he had a broken wing. I patched the owl and when i went hunting i found food for both of us. When his wing was healed i let him free but he came back to me. At the time i was learning what he was saying instead of him squawking i heard words. He was a bird i could have as a friend together me and him made a perfect team which is good because he learned how to catch mice to help out with food. From that day forward he became my partner and my best friend. Now we move out of those days and into the close present. My clan and now who i count as family is Bearclan filled with fun and heartfelt cats there i made friends. I heard of bearclan and their previous leader skeleton star who now chases mice in starclan by two cats saying they will be crushed by endless clan if they attack. I asked the two cats who were rouges but never wanted to join a clan who the leader of bearclan was, they said brokenstar so they said there was a cat in the clan previously but had been exile due to breaking the warriors code and their code. he told me about the clan and I quickly went to speak with brokenstar. Brokenstar had sent me to another cat named Rosethorn to ask to join she quickly said yes under one condition she asked me a few questions and gave me a test and after everything she let me in i remember having the biggest smile on my face that day. A few moons in the clan and I'm already recognized by many cats and one not being this beautiful cat named Opalfur. She was a strong queen you could already tell by looking at her though she was smaller then me she was taller then almost every cat in the clan. She wanted to go hunting which was strange because a group had just came back from hunting at the time. She then padded up to me and asked to go hunting with me, I accepted to go hunting as strange as it was we came back with tons of prey fish mice voles and even a owl. Let me tell you how we caught the owl this will come to play later. I saw the owl swoop down and take a mouse so I told opalfur to back away and give me a small salmon, she did as so and gave it to me. i threw the salmon onto the iced river and the owl swooped down at it but before it did i aimed the salmon near a bending branch so the owl would fly into it. Once the owl swooped down at it it hit the branch and was knocked out. I took my chance to kill the owl and I did with Opalfur's help. We returned with enough food for a whole moon that day. Later after the hunt i was still awake unlike all the the other cats. Surprisingly Opal came up to the branch I was on and asked me what I was doing I told her I was watching starclan and wondering what they were doing. She decided to tell me about her self and i did to her as well. She then asked me the question i will always remember "Flamescar will you be my mate" she was the only queen that had ever seen something in me and I will always remember that question. Now to the present. My clan and friends know that i go off to be alone sometimes but they dont know why. This is the reason why, Silverpelt is home to starclan and I must admit its nice and calm up there so i stay with them and sleep. When i do this or when most cats do this I'm sleeping with my friends and family as if i could feel them around me most cats don't but I do. I call this Sleeping with Silverpelt because I only sleep with starclan and no body else, most cats decide to interrupt me while i do like Shadowkit (Shadowheart) a friend who i like to think of as a little sister or Lonepaw another cat in my clan because they both think i am lonely when i technically am not. That is why I leave to be alone and why I only sleep with silverpelt. "Flamescar I hope your feeling alright after all of this drama between us" "I'm fine Opalfur but i just think its best for you to leave me alone" "Are you sure Flame? I'm starting to think you are feeling a little angry" " I said go away and i mean it, and maybe i am feeling angry but you talking about us doesn't make it better" Flamescar growled "A..alright I'll go if thats what you want." Opal stammered "Thats exactly what i want" he growled then padded off to a peak with a perfect view of silverpelt. He closed his eyes to relax "Four emotions Flame make sure one of the four isn't anger right now" "Hey Flame. Is it ok if i call you that?" said a familiar voice to Flamescar"It's ok Moonfrost you can call me that" he opened his eyes his scarred eye first to look at the smaller she-cat a fox-length away from him "What did you need?" "I....um just wanted to see if you were okay and ask if its ok to ask a few questions..." she said nervously. Moonfrost was a new warrior but that doesn't mean that the two weren't friends, Flame had known her sense she was a apprentice the two were only a few moons apart 6 to be exact "Well what are your questions Moon?" "Huh..oh right i have a lot so i hope you don't mind me staying for a while" she stammered "As long as you don't stay talking till sun-high I'm fine "Ok thank you. My first few questions are about your birth, if its not to personal." "Alright speak away" "Ok so you told me about your clan which was breezeclan but you said it only lasted for your first two moons but you never told me why were you exiled or did you just leave?" "Not the first time some one asks me that. Wolves attacked my clan killing my parents and everyone else except me and my sisters" "Oh i'm sorry for that. Oh right next question you told me you said you trained yourself from kit to warrior and you staid in the forest but what about your sisters?" "They retreated to twoleg nest" "Oh ok, next question is out of birth when you were a apprentice you found a owl who had a broken wing and you patched it up using cobwebs and fed the owl. And you named it firetalon if i can rememberyou used to have him here in the clan where is he now?" "He's... gone he died not to long ago 2 moons i can remember" "Really but how?" "Wolves, he sacrificed himself for me dropped me in a tree and flew away to get rid of the wolves" "I'm so sorry about that. Is it ok if i asked a few more?"Moonfrost looked up at him with a look of sadness and curiosity "Fine" "Ok thank you Flame. That argument down there was that you and her actually saying bye for good it just seems so....odd to see you and her argue like that more or less say your final goodbyes." "Yes it was real she had to affection for me, but i did for her sadly." "Wait i thought you said you had no emotions how would you know how you felt around her?" "I knew because around her i feel two emotions, one i dont know and the other happiness but now all i feel is anger" "Oh ok...I'm sorry if i got to personal with these questions." "What other questions did you have because those aren't the only questions you had, I can tell its a bad habit" "How did you..never mind lets just leave the last questions away because of the whole drama about you and your mate ok" "How come its not like it will change how i feel towards my best friend right?" He said with a small smirk "It might in both answers." she whispered quietly. Flamescar flicked his torn ear "So i only have two answers? How so if its a question about me I should tell you about it fully right?" "Well first how long have we known each other?" she said with a stammering voice "Almost 6 moons now" "Hey you two" said another familiar "Did i interrupt you two" "hello shadowheart did you want to ask me some questions too?" "Huh no i was just going to stay next to you your o friend of mine sense i was a small kit so why not" she stopped and stared at moonfrost "Whats she doing here she was just going to ask me a few more questions right?" Flamescar turned back to Moonfrost "You know Flame you and Moon would look like good mates to be honest i can see myself being a half aunt for your kits" he turned back to his half sister in shock "Don't tease her no she cat has a affection for me not even opal while we were mates" "She's not wrong Flame" "YOU DO" screeched another voice but a unfamiliar voice that time "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LIKED HIM BUT FOR HOW LONG" ok how many shecats are coming to interrupt me Flame thought to himself looking down at a apprentice with a tan sandlike pelt "Sandpaw what are you doing here?" "Oh uh shadow sneaked me in here because personal stuff like that" She flicked her tail high "Anyways how long have you liked him" "Don't tease her!" Flamescar said with a low growl "Almost 4 moons now"Moonfrost said"Don't play along with their joke Moon"He spat "No really i mean it after i seen you save your clan at the cost of your life mostly me and dogpaw but he's gone now but then there were other cats you protected too not even allies or in our clan just rouges that wanted to help. That was my last question. Thats why it only has two answ.." before she could stop Flame interrupted her "Then why wait for so long and not just say it moonfrost? There's my question" "Because...i thought you would just say no right away and reject me all the time and you had Opalfur when i turned a warrior" "Well Moon I think you know the answer i will give you" Flamescar glared at the other two cats around him looking around then returns his gaze back to Moonfrost who's eyes were filled with tears looking down "Yes i will be your mate. I trust you more then a regular cat or any cat at all". And only a few days later with the two Flame has learned a new emotion, love for another other then his clan "FIRETALON" the tall tom called out in the forest hoping no other cats will attack him. "Flame its no use he's not around here, come on lets head back we can look later" the medium sized she-cat said to him with a fierce gaze at him "Moon i know you dont have much to know about Firetalon but i do so you can head back but i'm not i will search to the ends of the world for you and him no matter what the cost." the tall brute looked down at his mate with a scared look in his eye's "Fine i will inform rosestar, spiderears,and foxblaze for you ok?" Moonfrost said "Yeah yeah sure you go do that" the tall tom said looking away from his mate and in the air and sky. "Fine go ahead put yourself in danger for your pet!" she said darting off "He's not a pe... she left fine i can find him all by myself" he spat. Flamescar had searched for two days until he had grown tired and hungry "Come on flame do it for your friend your family" he heard a growl from behind him "look at that food for our pack" a wolf spat the wolf's name was Fang one of the wolves that had attacked Flamescar as a kit "what shall we do with him wing?" "I say we kill him and eat him here and now instead of for the pack" the colossal wolf spat "You were the ones that attacked my clan but i know you didn't end my owl where is he!" "your owl huh so you knew we caught him but he escaped i bet if he were here now he would leave you be DEAD!" the wolf jumped at the tom and tried to claw him but he missed and hit the tree Flamescar ran up the tree and jumped to a tall branch he clawed around the branch making it weaker almost about to fall on the wolf "GET DOWN HERE YOU DUMB CAT" wing had spat on the ground "You wish i would but for my owl and my family I WILL NOT DIE TO THE HANDS OF YOU WOLVES!" Flamescar gave the branch one more final swing to the branch and it fell on top of the wolves paralyzing them but not killing them yet. "I told you to go away and i mean it now where is my owl!" one of the wolves spat out blood "You...are nothing like your father you fought back your owl is at our den but he's probably gone by now" he raised his head "I thought you were going to be a problem but you lived anyways" he said with his final breath. Flamescar looked at the dead wolves and left his marking a claw mark on each of their bodies and and cut of their ear, as he padded off to find his owl he heard a deeper growl from behind him he turned slightly and noticed a wolf having his eye's locked on the cat stuck in the bush he glared at the wolf thinking it would attack "what are you looking at you half-brained dog!" he took a second glance at it and noticed something, an arrow sticking out of its back hunters he thought and soon after he saw a arrow go after the cat he ran as fats as he could but it was pointless because soon he fell right in front of the hunter " goodbye my love, my clan, and of course my o..." he was interrupted by a rustle in the trees then seeing a blackish and reddish bird fall out of the sky onto the hunter leaving his talons in his into his eyes killing him but at the cost of his life, the hunter stuck a arrow into its chest. With a emotion Flamescar felt a pain in his chest deep down he knew there was sadness in him once more. "Firetalon is that you?" no response, tears filling his eyes he ran back to his clan past everything and finally leaving no tears in his eyes he entered. Goodbye my loyal friend i hope you are having a good time hunting without me Flamescar padded into his old den remembering the past times he had as a loner I really missed this place it brings back memories finding firetalon visiting my old clan is a snap sense i cleaned this place up he looked around the old den smelling a familiar scent behind him then a heavy weight on his back barely enough to push him down. He looked at his back seeing his mate Moonfur "Hello my dear...how did you find me here" he said "Well i obviously followed the scent of fire and trees more or less your scent" she said with a quick lap on his cheek "I'm sorry i haven't been around camp i found out my uncle has not much more time to live but I'm hoping he will be fine." "No worries Moonfrost I understand i'm just happy your here now" he said as he got up "You have gotten heavier how come have you been eating all the mice again" "Well i have been eating a lot Flame especially now" she said with a shy look on her face"Come onI need a rest i have been chasing you for a while now" "Yes but why? More questions you have about me I'm guessing" he said "It's not questions about you only now its about us" Oh no i don't want this to end up like me and Opal i find a cat i love then she leaves me "Well what do you want to ask" "Well Flame we have been mates for a few moons now and i want to ask you something. How do you feel about kits do you like them or no?" she hung her head a little low barely noticeable "I love kits Moon i told you that remember I was never taught how to be a apprentice or warrior i trained myself" he said with a sign of regret I hope she doesn't mind me saying that I had to raise myself "Great Flame. Now next question, so you like kits have you thought of..." she muttered the rest. He twitched his ear "Wow so you worked on being quiet around me i couldn't hear you can you say that louder." He said with a flick of the tail "How...how...do you feel about being parents?" Flame stopped and stared at her "Odd question but i would love to be a father" "Flame I'm having kits four of them" Moon looked up at her mate with a smile on her face, Flame looked down and wondered "We're having kits?" "Yes Flame we are having kits" he walked back a little the got into a pouncing position, he jumped on her in happiness then he muzzled her "I'm going to be a dad and your going to be a mom" he knew he was happy but deep down he was worried they might turn out like their father scary, anti social, and full of danger but he looked back at his mate and told her he was afraid of that and the reply she had gave him made him burst into tears of joy "I'm sure they will be just like their father strong brave handsome and soft hearted" I might be scary anti social and dangerous but with my mate i know I am all the things she said as long as i am with my family i will make sure nothing will happen to them for i will put my life in danger for their's Current Clan: Bearclan Current Mate: Moonfrost Parents: father Ashclaw and mother Flowerpelt Current health : Healthy birds rabbits starclan mate and future family hunting adventuring fire dark forest killing friendly cats twolegs wolves foxes badgers