| - Boreas is the leader of the New Olympians.
- Boreas ist ein Le-Matoraner.
- Boreas jest Le-Matoraninem.
- Boreas was a Le-Matoran.
- Boreas is a location on Earth. Boreas is a fortress city that occupies a key position between Ades and Glacies. It is positioned at an important crossroads through which all northeastern Grand Lake travel routes pass. Because of its tactical importance, Boreas is well-fortified, possessing a large-scale battleship dock, an abundant stockpile of ammunition, and Claudia deposits. Boreas is also near the resting place of the White Legacy.
- Boreas was the weirdest Le-Matoran ever: he liked to bore through trees and just about anything else. He did so much boring through many things that evil fish just came after him and gave him 50 slaps with a wet poodle. And to this day, HE STILL BORE'S THROUGH THINGS!
- The Boreas is the OTAS M2 class ship. The classification given to it of 'Light destroyer' is total nonsense; it is widely regarded as being the most powerful vessel in the game.
- Boreas is the Greek god of the North Wind and Winter. He is also one of the four seasonal wind gods that work for Aeolus, the master of all winds. He settled down in Quebec, Canada, the oldest settlement in the North. He's the only god that we know of who does not normally speak English in North America; he speaks French instead, as it is the sole official language of the province of Quebec. His Roman counterpart is Aquilon.
- thumb|308px El Capellán Interrogador Boreas extrajo el famoso testimonio de Merir Astelan, un traidor perteneciente a los Ángeles Caídos y antiguo Maestre de los Ángeles Oscuros. Además participó en la defensa de Piscina IV cuando lo invadieron los Orkos.
- Boreas and his brother Zephyrus enjoyed travelling to Troy and impregnating the mares on the plains. Two children of Boreas who have wings, help the Argonauts on their journeys.
- Boreas ist in der Stadt Silberstreif beheimatet. Er ist der Zaubertränkehändler von Silberstreif.
- Boreas is the God of North Wind. He leads the path of the Sun Chariot of Helios along with three horses that drive it, called the Fire Steeds.
- Kategorie:CharakterKategorie:Matoraner Boreas war ein Le-Matoraner.
- Cyborg Freezer Lv3 Storm Plus Summons monster Cyborg Freezer LP ;3065 Diamond Dust ein blauer Energiestrahl schiesst in den Himmel. Dort erzeugt er um sich eine spiralförmige wolkenformation. wenn der strahl erlischt erscheint an seiner Position, also in der Mitte der Spiralwolke, eine schwarze gestalt. blickwinkel 45° von unten. dann eine nahaufnahme der gestalt, die jetzt in den Himmel fliegt.
- Boreas oli Mata Nuilla Gukko-ilmavoimien lentäjä, joka vartioi usein Le-Wahin taivasta. Rahien hyökätessä Le-Koroon Boreas, Tamaru ja muut ilmavoimien jäsenet olivat ainoat jotka selvisivät nappaamisesta. Myöhemmin toisessa hyökkäyksessä Boreas lähti taisteluun muiden ilmavoimien jäsenten kanssa. Matau ja muut Le-Matoranit vapautettiin Onuan avulla. Kun Bohrokit hyökkäsivät, Boreas oli niiden Le-Matoranien joukossa, joiden naamiot korvattiin Kranoilla. Kranat poistettiin, kun Kongu, Tamaru ja Boxor-ohjaajat yllättivät Bohrokit ja Matoranit ja vapauttivat Matoranit Kranojen hallinnasta.
- Image:SummonIconBoreas.gif Boreas is a Summon sequence of the Mercury element. When four Djinn of the Mercury Element are on standby, the Boreas Summon sequence can be activated. It resembles a giant mechanical entity which is as big as a mountain. Boreas initially appears embedded into an icy mountain top before breaking free from the ice covering him. A boulder of ice falls on top of its back, which it appears to grind up into tiny fragments of ice like a gigantic ice shaver, and sprays the opposing party with the freezing fragments (which are actually big when compared to the size of Boreas), engulfing them in deep frost such they appear as a giant ice block. Boreas then fires an icy spear at the ice block, which shatters the frozen foes and heavily damages the enemies trapped inside.
- Lying on the outskirts of the explored portion of the galaxy, Boreas was long thought of as an arctic wasteland where various failed scientists and soldiers were sent on frigid missions as a form of punishment. This changed recently when one such “failed” scientist, Tobias Rehnquist, discovered precious galavenium beneath the surface of the massive glaciers on Boreas. Galavenium is an extremely valuable metal that can be purposed as a superconductor that shields perfectly against radiation. These attributes make it a highly sought after material for the construction of starships.
- Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Boreas fucking h4x0r. Borea
- Bóreas (en griego Βορέας, ‘viento del norte’ o ‘devorador’) era, en la mitología griega, el dios del frío viento del Norte que traía el invierno. Bóreas era muy fuerte y tenía un violento carácter a la par. A menudo era representado como un anciano alado con barbas y cabellos desgreñados, llevando una caracola y vistiendo una túnica de nubes. Su equivalente romano es el dios Aquilón. En relatos posteriores, Bóreas era el padre de Butes y Licurgo (de amantes diferentes) y el amante de la ninfa Pitis.