| - Beau Handsome: Hello! I'm Beau Handsome, and this is... Audience: May I Have a Word! Beau Handsome: As usual, the player who correctly defines today's featured word will win a fabulous prize! Let's play... Audience: May I Have a Word! Beau Handsome: Yes, you may! Today's featured word is STROLL. To give you a clue, here are some clips from WordGirl that show the meaning of the word. Beau Handsome: Go ahead, Emily! Emily: Becky has such awesome friends, she and Violet talk about-- Beau Handsome: Um, could you--? Tommy: --Hungry, yeah we know. It's from the episode, "I could go for a sandwich."
| - Beau Handsome: Hello! I'm Beau Handsome, and this is... Audience: May I Have a Word! Beau Handsome: As usual, the player who correctly defines today's featured word will win a fabulous prize! Let's play... Audience: May I Have a Word! Beau Handsome: Yes, you may! Today's featured word is STROLL. To give you a clue, here are some clips from WordGirl that show the meaning of the word. Beau Handsome: Go ahead, Emily! Emily: Becky has such awesome friends, she and Violet talk about-- Beau Handsome: Um, could you--? Emily: Oh, and Scoops. One time, Scoops asked Becky if she wanted a sandwich, and she got all nervous because she had a crush on him, and so she said she wasn't-- Tommy: --Hungry, yeah we know. It's from the episode, "I could go for a sandwich." Beau Handsome: Yes, uh, we really should be getting back-- Emily: Her closest friend is definitely Bob, sure we may not understand him, but Becky knows exactly what he's saying. Beau Handsome: (yawns) Yes, Emily? Emily: To stroll is to walk along, taking your time. Beau Handsome: Yes, congratulations Emily, you are today's winner! Huggy, show her what she's won! Beau: (offscreen) An official WordGirl jet pack! Yes, strap on this baby when strolling's just too darn slow! Emily: Oh, but taking a stroll is best when you want to take your time-- Beau Handsome: (interrupting Emily) That's it for today's show. See you next time on-- Audience: May I have a Word!