| - This is a collection of published Templates.
- For the purpose of this manual, we’re creating an adventure where Geralt’s quest is to defeat the ring-leader of the bandits on Siegfried’s order. Siegfried will be our NPC. Jethro, the avid dice poker player, will be a friendly character and there will be several bad guys. Five character kinds of characters will be created:
* Siegfried – a knight and our employer,
* Jethro – a guard and avid dice poker player,
* The Professor – ring-leader of the bandits and the key character in our quest,
* The Professor’s guards – two personal bodyguards (one template will be enough to create them),
* The wolves – five wolves (as with the bodyguards, one template will suffice). The individual characters will be created using templates. Let’s start with Siegfried. First, launch the D’jinni Editor and then create a new NPC template by selecting New -> Template -> Creature (.utc) from the File menu: The new creature template window will open on the right side of the screen: This Properties window has the same basic appearance as the module and area Properties windows but it contains different attributes. As a reminder, the window is divided into two columns, with attributes located in the left column. The window is divided into the following sections: General, Statistics, Special, AI Scripts, User Scripts and Lua scripts. To facilitate movement between sections, they can be minimized by clicking the ‘-‘ signs located next to each section name: To open a previously minimized group, click on the small ‘+’ sign next to that section’s name: The value of each attribute is found in the right-hand column. Each attribute defines a certain element of a character. The list of attributes is also quite long, so you can scroll up and down using the bar on the right: Image:General3.gif Let’s assign the attributes for Siegfried. The meaning of the relevant attributes will be discussed along the way: