| - Aqualad finds Aquaman engaging in what appears to be an act of piracy against a submarine. He tries to convince him to stop, but Aquaman rebuffs him. He also tries to convince Topo the octopus to disobey Aquaman's commands, but Aquaman's mental telepathy is stronger than Aqualad's. Frustrated, Aqualad leaves.
Meanwhile, Kid Flash seems to be having similar trouble with his own mentor, the Flash. Wally trails him all the way to Easter Island, but he is ignored. Turning about on his heel, he barks at Wally, declaring, "We're not a team. We're nothing. Beat it, kid! We're not even related".
Later, Aqualad manages to swim to the surface, but his underwater lungs have difficulty processing the atmosphere. Robin finds him and brings him down into a cave where he bathes him in a fresh water lake. Kid Flash joins up with them and tells them about his experience with the Flash. Aqualad and Robin echo similar sentiments with regard to their respective mentors. They suspect that Speedy may be having similar problems, but they cannot contact him. They also try to contact Superman, but this too proves fruitless.
Elsewhere, Speedy finds his partner, the Green Arrow, robbing an armored car. Speedy tries to stop him, but Green Arrow is a better archer than his young apprentice. He robs the truck then takes off with the money. Just then, Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash arrive on the scene to make sure that Speedy is okay. A timed explosive arrowhead left behind detonates the vehicle and the explosion propels it into the sky. Fortunately, Wonder Girl arrives just in time to catch the truck.