| - Lacy Rand was Zoe Graystone's schoolmate from the Athena Academy and her best friend. She is a member of Soldiers of the One and was with Zoe and Ben Stark as they entered the MAGLEV train, but backed out of their plan to go to Gemenon. She has a continuing relationship with Zoe and assists her in interacting with humans. In "Retribution", Lacy is kidnapped by Clarice when discovered with Barnabas. Olaf places her in a headlock while Clarice deals with Barnabas. Once finished setting up a bomb, Olaf drags Lacy into the elevator and releases her as the doors set. As they walk out to the car she asks Clarice if she is going to kill her. It seems that Clarice has a use for Lacy as she is the only one who lives from Barnabas's "cell". In "Things We Lock Away", Olaf dumps Lacy in Clarice's attic and unties her. The humidity and heat in the attic takes its toll on Lacy, making her survive on the water provided. As she experiences dizziness and disorentation, she realizes that they have been drugging her through the provided water and she angerily throws the remaining water away. By refusing to take in food, she forces Clarice into a confrontation. When Clarice presses Lacy for the possible location of Zoe's AI search program, Lacy recalls that Zoe's infinity pendent may act as a backup drive. In "Apotheosis", Lacy is shown to have beccome the new Reverend Mother of the Soldiers of the One. She tells Clarice Willow to kneel to her.