| - This is the favorite pastime of the Zen Survivor, Waif Prophet, Eccentric Mentor, and any character with even a smidgen of knowledge on the setting's Backstory, or plots that are happening that the hero knows nothing about. Often, these Poor Communication Kills will only frustrate the player/hero's attempts at solving the most recent dilemma, eventually riling them (and us) enough to tell the offending Mentors to shove your vagueness someplace painful. Compare and contrast:
| - This is the favorite pastime of the Zen Survivor, Waif Prophet, Eccentric Mentor, and any character with even a smidgen of knowledge on the setting's Backstory, or plots that are happening that the hero knows nothing about. Just like a villain can't resist Evil Gloating, these characters will often hold entire conversations (one sided or not) using only vague, cryptic, ominous, and frequently Double Entendre laden terms and phrases to confuse the player and character. Why don't they spill the beans quickly to help bring down the Evil Overlord? Well, usually the character in question either wants to protect or manipulate the hero, other times they want to hide the truth. Of course, sometimes they do want to spill their guts but can't, due to a geas or binding oath, and even the little they do dish out can get them in trouble. The Author of the character in question might not have mapped out that far ahead into the series, or they want to have a character that's "in the know" who won't spoil the big twist in the end. And of course, there's always doing it just to look cool and mysterious regardless of reasons. Often, these Poor Communication Kills will only frustrate the player/hero's attempts at solving the most recent dilemma, eventually riling them (and us) enough to tell the offending Mentors to shove your vagueness someplace painful. This is related to how prophecies are never clear or straightforward, full of loopholes and interpretations. Creators might use these dialogues as place holders for Schrodinger's Gun, keeping them purposely vague enough to fit any Retcon in they need to.
* The Waif Prophet, Mad Oracle, or another oracular type uttering a prophecy to the main character. Questioning the oracle on its meaning will never help; they were either in a trance and don't remember what they said, were already as clear as they could be, or "they are just the messenger, not the interpreter".
* Two or more plot relevant characters (villains or not) will speak in vague terms about the hero, his role, the progress of their schemes, etc, all while staying stylish with light-repelling rouge.
* A mentor or erstwhile ally (or just a taunting villain) will show up on a roof or unreachable area, and talk literally and figuratively down to the hero about coming events.
* Allusions
* Double Meaning
* Double-Speak
* Figure It Out Yourself
* From a Certain Point of View
* Koan
* Ice Cream Koan
* Mathematician's Answer
* Prophecy Twist
* Riddle Me This
* Spy Speak
* Vagueness Is Coming - Doom is upon us! Beware the beast with two backs. He will knock three times! No, not the same he:
* You Know the One - Pronouns like "it", "them", "he", etc. Usually italicized or quoted. The cryptic conversation will rarely if ever speak using actual nouns, much less proper names.
* You Will Know What to Do
* Aloof Big Brother
* Enigmatic Minion
* Mad Oracle
* Trickster Mentor
* The Omniscient Council of Vagueness
* Waif Prophet
* Zen Survivor Compare and contrast:
* Trouble Entendre, wherein the sinister meaning is transparent, but not to passersby.
* Talking Through Technique, where a concise conversation is held without ever saying a word. Examples of Cryptic Conversation include: