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- Steampunk (z ang. parośmieć, parozgniłek, parogówniarz, paroszczeniak, parodziwka itp.) – gatunek fantastyki zapoczątkowany przez trzech frajerów pisarzy, którzy nie mięli własnych pomysłów, więc zrzynali od Verne i Wellsa. Zrzynanie stało się nierozerwalnym elementem tego gatunku. Im bardziej bezczelna jest zrzynka steampunkowego dzieła, tym jest ono bardziej wybitne i popularne. Charakterystyczne dla steampunku są motorynki i roboty zasilane wyłącznie parą wodną, i nowoczesne komputery zbudowane wyłącznie z kółek zębatych. Choć odnotowano już ponad tysiąc produkcji steampunkowych, gatunek uważa się za nie wyeksploatowany, a wręcz dziewiczy.
- How Gail's view of Steampunk influences her world building.
- Steampunk is a hardcore brand of music dating from 1880s Britain and the British Empire. At its peak, the Industrial Revolution had allowed the British Empire to cover a fifth of the Atlantic, and working class Britons were dissenting based on their experience of what was a supposed golden age. They expressed their feelings (which were precursory to teenage angst) through the production of music wildly parallel to the Disco music that the ruling classes were listening to at the time.
- Steampunk plays an important role in the insipiration and style of Gisle, and has been subject of many blog posts in the past. Steampunk is a subgenre of sci-fi, born in the 1980s.
- Steampunk is a diorama from Custom Robo Arena.
- Steampunk is a science fiction subgenre that features steam-powered machinery and generally features technology inspired by Western civilization of the 19th century.
- Generic GURPS Steampunk setting. Additional info to be found in Crusades-40. Metro of Madness-32 Cops-10
- Some poetry and fiction involving the Yellow Mythos fall into the genre of steampunk, for example Steam Juggernaut and The Promised Messiah.
- Steampunk is a skin released on April 18, 2011 to coincide with the release of Steamlands. The skin is set in the Steamlands environment, with Steamlands characters and tanks fighting. This skin is the first skin to be based off a game, the game being Steamlands.
- Steampunk – nurt fantastyki sięgający do głębokich korzeni science fiction, do Juliusza Verne i Heberta Georgea Wellsa. W tym wypadku słowo punk oznacza historię alternatywną, steam zaś - parę. Te dwa słowa dobrze odzwierciedlają typowe realia steampunka. Parowe czołgi, maszyny różniczkowe o gabarytach pokoju, statki kosmiczne o wiktoriańskich złoceniach i tak dalej. Steampunk, jako pochodną cyberpunka, cechuje pewne podobieństwo, o ile jednak drugi opisuje mroczną indutrialną przyszłość, o tyle pierwszy - mroczną industrialną przeszłość. Stąd powolny napływ do steampunka elementów horroru i fantasy
- It should be noted that most, if not all, steampunk devices forsake modern synthetic materials for metals, wood, leather, and cotton.
- Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction, alternate history, and speculative fiction that came into prominence during the late 1980's and early 1990's. Specifically, steampunk involves an era or world where steam power is still widely used, typically the Victorian Era and the Edwardian Era, that incorporates prominent elements of science fiction and fantasy. A modicum of fantasy is necessary because steam alone simply will not do enough to fulfil the visions of most authors and artists.
- Retro-style Speculative Fiction set in periods where steam power is king. Very often this will be in an Alternate Universe where the internal combustion engine never displaced the steam engine, and as a result all manner of cool steam-driven technologies have emerged, ranging from the plausible to Magitek with a Hollywood Science Hand Wave or the power of The Spark of Genius. Largely, steampunk runs on Rule of Cool. Sometimes combined with the work of Charles Babbage on mechanical computers to produce a kind of retro Cyberpunk set entirely in the Victorian era or a close analogue, with Dickensian exploitation.
- Steampunk may also, though not necessarily, incorporate additional elements from the genres of fantasy, horror, historical fiction, alternate history, or other branches of speculative fiction, making it often a hybrid genre. The term steampunk's first known appearance was in 1987, though it now retroactively refers to many works of fiction created even as far back as the 1950s or 1960s.
- Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Steampunk works are often set in an alternate history of the 19th century's British Victorian era or the American "Wild West", in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has maintained mainstream usage, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power. Steampunk may, therefore, be described as neo-Victorian. Steampunk perhaps most recognisably features anachronistic technologies or retro-futuristic inventions as people in the 19th century might have envisioned them, and is likewise rooted in the era's perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, and art. Such technology may include fictional