| - Lahmians are mainly female, descended from Queen Neferata of Lahmia. They have powers of enchantment and compulsion, which they use to influence others. Neferata and the Lahmians defeated Queen Khalida Neferher of Lybaras, and as she lay dying dropped some of her blood into that of her defeated adversary. Khalida cried out for help but the help she recieved from the Nehekharan Asp Goddess was unwelcome, filling her veins with poison and raising her as an undead Tomb Queen. The Lahmians now rule from the SIlver Peak.
- In ancient Nehekhara, women were forbidden from entering the priesthood and, therefore, forbidden from learning magic. This changed in the city of Lahmia under the rule of Queen Neferata, who created a sisterhood that enabled women to learn what was previously forbidden to them. Many were attracted to this sisterhood, even coming from the other cities to learn at Neferata’s feet. By forbidding women from learning magic, the priests of Nehekhara ultimately drove many of them to learning the darkest magic, the necromancy of Nagash. From the most promising of these pupils, Neferata chose those who would become her progeny, Vampires of unearthly beauty and arcane learning.[1a]
| - Lahmians are mainly female, descended from Queen Neferata of Lahmia. They have powers of enchantment and compulsion, which they use to influence others. Neferata and the Lahmians defeated Queen Khalida Neferher of Lybaras, and as she lay dying dropped some of her blood into that of her defeated adversary. Khalida cried out for help but the help she recieved from the Nehekharan Asp Goddess was unwelcome, filling her veins with poison and raising her as an undead Tomb Queen. The Lahmians now rule from the SIlver Peak.
- In ancient Nehekhara, women were forbidden from entering the priesthood and, therefore, forbidden from learning magic. This changed in the city of Lahmia under the rule of Queen Neferata, who created a sisterhood that enabled women to learn what was previously forbidden to them. Many were attracted to this sisterhood, even coming from the other cities to learn at Neferata’s feet. By forbidding women from learning magic, the priests of Nehekhara ultimately drove many of them to learning the darkest magic, the necromancy of Nagash. From the most promising of these pupils, Neferata chose those who would become her progeny, Vampires of unearthly beauty and arcane learning.[1a] When Lahmia fell, only a few of the sisterhood survived, fleeing at their mistress’s side. First they fled from the forces of Alcadizaar and then from Nagash when he tried to coerce them into being his soldiers and slaves. Rejecting Nagash and the other bloodlines, Neferata and her daughters-in-darkness travelled to the Old World. As strange hermit-women and the exotic consorts of chieftains, the sisterhood gave prophetic advice as they gathered power and influence amongst the primitive tribes they found there. They first exercised this power in an attack of the kingdom of Strigos, which had fallen under the rule of Neferata’s brother, Ushoran. After the fall of Mourkain, the Lahmians exercised their power a second time, raising an army to take Silver Pinnacle from the Dwarfs and make it their own.[1a] From Silver Pinnacle, Neferata coordinated the Lahmians and their manipulations. As human civilisation changed, so too did they, growing from consorts and hermits to eccentric nobles and seductive spies. Remaining in her stronghold, Neferata too changed, growing cold and idle. As she fell into the malaise that claims many ancient Vampires, her control of her agents waned. Their loyalty was tested, and some, like Lady d'Acques of Bretonnia, defied her rules to make get of who they would. Others, like d'Acques’ granddaughter-in-darkness Kattarin, the Vampire Tzarina of Kislev, defied Neferata by seeking power, preferring to rule the humans now rather than at some ill-defined and distant time when their queen deemed it right. For a time, Lahmians squabbled and fought amongst themselves. Those loyal to Neferata schemed against those who went rogue in a conflict that took place in the shadows and was rarely seen by mortal men.[1a] Eventually, the wisdom of Neferata was proven right. The Vampire Tzarina was cast down by a society of Kislevites, and she became a symbol for the danger of displaying the Vampires’ power before the world was ready to kneel before it. However, a fracture remained, and rogue Lahmians who are not of the sisterhood persist to this day. Knowing little of their heritage, they act independently, refuse to partake in the intrigues of Neferata, and bow to no one.[1a] The sisterhood remain hidden, gathering power and invisibly twisting events to their own ends. They have been present at many of history’s most important junctures, but none can say how much influence they had over events. Lady Lenore, the Mistress of Mousillon, was present at that city’s downfall, but none can be sure whether she masterminded or merely observed the affair. Similarly, Countess Cheveaux is known to have walked the streets of Mordheim shortly after its cursing, and the Vampiress Serutat had the ear of many in Araby’s court at the time of the Crusades. Historians who pry into these matters find in them only their downfall, and many curious scholars have come to curious ends investigating things best left unknown.[1a]