| - The cold open reveals two men chained to the plumbing fixtures in a restroom with a pile of dead bodies nearby. One of the men has just arrived. Meanwhile, the OSI and Guild of Calamitous Intent's Council of 13 have agreed to team up to set a trap using the Ventures and Red Death (who holds sub-arching rights on Venture) as bait to catch and assassinate the new Blue Morpho after their attempt to assassinate him in A Party for Tarzan had failed. The Monarch attempts to do reconnaissance on Red Death but to his surprise he is recognized by the latter. The Monarch is both charmed and terrified by Red Death and determines that killing him is out of the question. As part of the trap, Hunter Gathers disguises himself as Dr. Venture and Watch and Ward disguise themselves as Hank and Dean (originally in vintage 1970s attire). Shore Leave disguises himself as Brock, but Brock wins a game of rock-scissors-paper claiming that "nothing beats rock" and plays himself in the trap while the still disguised Shore Leave goes out on the town, intending to bring Hank and Dean to his favorite gay nightclub, only to be dismayed to find that it has been converted into a shopping mall. During the trap, Dr. Venture, Pete White, and Billy Quizboy go to a dinner party at Quizboy's mother's house. Also attending are Colonel Gentleman and The Action Man. Rusty learns from Colonel Gentleman that The Blue Morpho and Jonas Venture Sr. were friends and, embarrassingly, realizes that The Blue Morpho's Kano and Team Venture's Kano were the same person. Colonel Gentleman also engages The Action Man in an obviously decades-old argument on whether or not The Action Man killed a baby, whom The Action Man claims was a werewolf. Meanwhile, one of the men in the in the restroom reveals that he has in fact been there "a couple of weeks" and is the supervillain Maestro Wave. The newer arrival is also a supervillian named The Termite. Maestro Wave reveals that he has been subsisting by eating the corpses of the dead men, mostly their buttocks, even though their captor has been providing them with food, which he claims is likely poisoned. Red Death leaves his house to arch Dr. Venture and arrives at VenTech Tower and begins antagonizing the (mostly fake) Ventures. Brock seizes the opportunity to brawl with Red Death and ultimately, the Blue Morpho never appears. Eventually the ruse is exposed to Red Death and the OSI, Guild, and the Ventures have a pool party. Meanwhile, The Monarch and #21 dress in Guild uniforms and arrive at Red Death's house and tell his wife to gather their child and go to her mother-in-law's house. They then call Red Death using a distorted voice and tell him that they have kidnapped his wife and daughter. Red Death responds by threatening to find and kill them (reciting nearly line for line, Liam Neeson's dialogue from the film "Taken"). Red Death arrives at Morpho Cave and quickly finds The Monarch and #21 (dressed respectively as The Blue Morpho and Kano) hiding in their costume compartments and recognizes them immediately for who they are. The Monarch pleads for their life and insists that he did not actually kidnap Red Death's wife and daughter informing him they are at his mother-in-law's home telling him to make sure. Once Red Death calls his mother-in-law and confirms this he has a heart to heart with The Monarch about keeping his rage in check, revealing that he had once gone over the edge and killed someone he was arching when he should not have. When #21 asks him about reconciling his pleasant demeanor and his bloodlust, Red Death asks him the same question, as his understanding is that #21 has killed many men himself. At this point #21 reveals the restroom where he had been keeping Maestro Wave, The Termite, and the other supervillians, shocked to find that Maestro Wave had killed and cannibalized all of them (including The Termite). Red Death promises not to tell the Guild about The Monarch and 21's adventures as The Blue Morpho and Kano if he is allowed to satisfy his bloodlust by killing Maestro Wave who screams in agony. As this happens, The Monarch punches 21 in the arm for not telling him that the cave had a restroom after he had been looking for one earlier in the episode.
- "Durkon" retreats into an antilife shell to wait out the Godsmoot.