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| - *Gaige is the first playable character to be released as a DLC for the Borderlands franchise.
*Gaige is the first playable character to not have an ECHO log in her inventory at the start of the game, nor does she have a personal trophy/achievement for the use of her personal skill.
*The intro of the game wasn't renewed after her release, so she was the first playable character who isn't featured in the intro of the game.
**Gaige and Deathtrap are, however, featured in the Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty intro together with the four original Vault Hunters.
**She is also seen more prominently in the Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt intro movie.
**In the intro of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, a Gaige figurine is seen on the table during the scene where Tina is explaining the available character classes. She is also seen in silhouette during the ending with the rest of the Vault Hunters.
*Gaige likes cupcakes and hot chocolate, and her favorite color is purple.
*Gaige dislikes country music.
*According to Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre, Gaige seems to have a crush on Sir Hammerlock and she has a very close relationship with Axton, calling him "unparalleled stud", according to their chat with Athena.
*One of her random lines while opening treasure chests - "It's like Hanukkah!" - is a parody of Roland's, "It's like Christmas!"
*A few of her general combat quotes are references to the announcer voice in the Unreal Tournament series of games.
*The bounty on Gaige's head is $820,000,000,000 which is the highest among all playable Borderlands characters to date. She is wanted for the "creation of unauthorized technology" and "excessive adorability." No wanted posters of Gaige exist in game however .
*When using the Handsome Jack voice modulator, Gaige's voice remains the same the first time it is picked up.
**The line Gaige says after picking up the voice modulator is exactly the same as Axton's.
**Only the English voice of Gaige using the voice modulator currently exists, being played in all versions of the game.
**She also doesn't use any of her Anarchy stack gain quotes while using Jack's voice.
*When building stacks of Anarchy, Gaige's personality undergoes a gradual shift from normal, to highly excited, to full-blown god-complex and fourth-wall breaking.
*Original concept art of Gaige featured her robot hand as being more crude and with only four digits. The arm in her final design has a full set of digits and has a more completed appearance. Aside from the arm, little else seemed to have been changed from the original design.
*Many of Gaige's skills are based on phrases from the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
*Her line said when she`s summoning Deathtrap "It`s robot fighting time" is a reference to BattleBots "The box is locked the lights are on: It`s robot fighting time"
*Klaatu Barada Nikto is a line from the 1951 movie "The Day the Earth stood still". From Wikipedia: The humanoid alien protagonist of the film, Klaatu , commanded Helen Benson that, were anything to happen to him she must say the phrase to the robot Gort . In response Gort relented from destroying the Earth and resurrected Klaatu from death.
*When Gaige summons Deathtrap and says "To hell with the first law" she refers to The first Law of Robotics which states that no Robot may harm a human or allow a human to come to harm.
*The quote "Number Five Alive!" Gaige utters when summoning Deathtrap is a reference to the 1986 movie Short Circuit in which robot "Number Five", also called "Johnny Five", is considered a sentient being. The line "Number Five is Alive." is the actual phrase used in the movie.
*Gaige's Necromancer class mod, introduced in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is the only class mod from that DLC to not be named after a standard playable class in Dungeons & Dragons.
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| - :/Skill tree|[Skill tree]
Gaige's skill tree features player challenge level variances. This would make her both the easiest and the most difficult character to play.
The default cooldown time to summon Deathtrap is 60 seconds.
| - Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
- Borderlands 2
| - Don't screw with a girl and her robot!
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Type2 Clarifier
| - Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
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| - Gaige was a high school student from the planet Eden-5. She originally conceived Deathtrap, then called DT, as a science fair project to combat bullying. Her rival, Marcie Holloway, was a contestant in the science fair as well, and used her father's money to buy her way through the competition. Marcie apparently stole Gaige's DT designs and sold them to Eden-5's police force.
On the day of the science fair, Marcie's father bribed the judges, helping win her first place with a defective robot based on Deathtrap's blueprints. Gaige placed third. Marcie then shoved Gaige, causing Deathtrap to identify her as a hostile. Deathtrap attacked with its claws, causing her to explode due to a miscalibration by Gaige. Gaige was escorted to the principal's office, and faced expulsion and arrest for accidentally murdering her rival. She called her father to create a distraction to help her evade arrest, and bought a ticket to Pandora, where she stowed away on a train leading to Windshear Waste.
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