| - When we launched RuneScape (what we now refer to as Classic) back in January 2001, the game was very small and there were lots of things clearly missing, so we called it a beta launch. The four corners of the world were Lumbridge swamp, the Wizards’ Tower, the Jolly Boar inn and "Ghost Town". Ghost Town was a small deserted ruined town with a couple of ghosts in it, which later got revamped and became Edgeville. Even that small area was much sparser on features than it is today, and Draynor Village didn’t exist at all. Oh and there were no banks! There were six quests on launch: Cook’s Assistant, Demon Slayer, Restless Ghost, Romeo and Juliet, Shield of Arrav and Sheep Shearer. We passed a peak of 30 simultaneous players on the first day, which we were happy with! At the time, the full-time staff consisted of just me and Andrew. Andrew wrote the main RuneScape game engine and created a special RuneScape scripting language called RuneScript, so that we could create content for the game relatively quickly. I was mostly writing quests and skill additions in RuneScript, and creating the RuneScape map using the map editor Andrew had also created. Our other brother, Ian, was working on graphics for us part-time while studying for his A-levels, and we roped in other people for some small bits and pieces.