| - The story of my shadow, a conversation I found and wish to share. [11:28:50 PM] Name hidden 1: Wanna talk about it? [11:30:19 PM] Name hidden 2: I'll just tell you the story. [11:30:37 PM] Name hidden 2: And it's kind of one of the reasons why I've asked you so many questions. [11:31:20 PM] Name hidden 2: When I was little I had a room that looked off into a room that was never completely dark at night because it was facing the busy road. [11:31:34 PM] Name hidden 2: And there was a tall shadow that I would spot whenever a car drove by and I looked over. [11:31:57 PM] Name hidden 2: And no matter how hard I looked in the daylight there was nothing in the room that would cast the shadow of a man the size of the doorframe. [11:32:19 PM] Name hidden 2: I was scared, I was just young and I assumed it was evil. [11:32:46 PM] Name hidden 2: Eventually I forgot about it, and subconsciously made the habit of closing my door. [11:33:38 PM] Name hidden 2: One night, when my dad was out for the night with his girlfriend, I was going to bed at around 2 am after waiting for him for a long time. [11:33:49 PM] Name hidden 2: And when I went to sleep I heard growling and scratching at my closed bedroom door. [11:34:03 PM] Name hidden 2: We had no animals at the time, and it sounded like a vicious cat. [11:34:37 PM] Name hidden 2: Eventually it ended and I ran out the door and turned on all the lights. [11:34:47 PM] Name hidden 2: The next day there were claw marks in the door. [11:34:54 PM | Edited 11:34:59 PM] Name hidden 2: And the shadowy man started coming back. [11:35:07 PM] Name hidden 2: I was never bothered by the cat thing again... [11:35:26 PM] Name hidden 2: I forgot about him again. Eventually, spotting him here and there. [11:35:58 PM | Edited 11:36:04 PM] Name hidden 2: Then he came back around the time when mom's current boyfriend started verbally abusing her. [11:36:29 PM] Name hidden 2: He was always at my door and i even managed to see him straight on. [11:36:37 PM] Name hidden 2: It was like he was, I don't know, protecting me. [11:37:04 PM] Name hidden 2: I had an issue with a bad presence in the hallways, he stopped that really quick. [11:37:31 PM] Name hidden 2: He even respected my space and never went into my room. [11:37:45 PM] Name hidden 2: Eventually, I moved into the house I'm in now. [11:37:51 PM] Name hidden 2: He drifted a couple times and then... He was gone. [11:38:02 PM] Name hidden 2: I didn't see him for a while. [11:38:32 PM] Name hidden 2: But one night, and I just so happened to be upset, I felt like I had to go to my stairs. [11:38:37 PM] Name hidden 2: And he was at the bottom of the stairs. [11:38:51 PM] Name hidden 2: And I stared at him. [11:38:55 PM] Name hidden 2: And I said thank you. [11:38:59 PM] Name hidden 2: And I never saw him again. [11:39:09 PM] Name hidden 1: Oh... [11:39:50 PM] Name hidden 1: So that's why you said you wanted to see your shadow again... [11:40:20 PM] Name hidden 1: I was wondering what that post meant. [11:40:37 PM] Name hidden 1: You just made a random post about wanting to see your shadow. [11:41:03 PM] Name hidden 2: I really want to see him again. [11:41:14 PM] Name hidden 2: I'm really scared...