| - Chekhov is a 2014 British American Russian Biopic Drama Musical film written and directed by Martin McDonagh starring Andrew Rannells, Leonardo DiCaprio, James Franco, Robert De Niro, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mandy Moore, Chris Cooper, Ginnifer Goodwin and Jim Sturgess. The film chronicles the early life of famous naturalistic playwright Anton Chekov a russian physician and dramturge, his troubles with his passive aggressive brother, failed love interests and his infamous grueling production Ivanov.
| - Chekhov is a 2014 British American Russian Biopic Drama Musical film written and directed by Martin McDonagh starring Andrew Rannells, Leonardo DiCaprio, James Franco, Robert De Niro, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mandy Moore, Chris Cooper, Ginnifer Goodwin and Jim Sturgess. The film chronicles the early life of famous naturalistic playwright Anton Chekov a russian physician and dramturge, his troubles with his passive aggressive brother, failed love interests and his infamous grueling production Ivanov. The film is slated for a worldwide theatrical release after aq Los Angeles pre-screening at the Los Angeles film festival on March 22nd, 2014 (its' theatrical release to be followed up on April 12th, 2014.